Status within other biotope classifications
The Marine Conservation Review (MNCR) biotope classification provides a hierarchical
framework for differentiating and classifying the shallow-water benthic habitats and
biological communities of the British Isles (Connor et al, 1997). The basic unit of
classification is the Biotope, a recognisable Community of conspicuous species occurring
in a Habitat, defined according to parameters of the physical environment such as
substratum type or degree of wave exposure. Groups of biotopes with similar overall
character, suitable for local mapping where biotopes consistently occur together and are
relatively restricted in their extent, are termed Biotope complexes.
Intertidal Sand and mudflats and Subtidal sandbanks
are characterised by a restricted number of biotopes
due to the biological and physical homogeneity of
these areas and the limited availability of niches
(Connor et al, 1997). The relevant biotopes
typical of intertidal mud and sandflats
and subtidal mobile sandbanks from the
MNCR classification are summarised in Tables
1 and 2
respectively. A working classification and
full descriptions are given in Connor et al
For the purposes of this report, the Intertidal mud and sandflats biotope
complex is taken to include all biotopes that can be found in sheltered (low energy)
areas, in the case of mudflats, and all biotopes that can be found in areas along the
exposure gradient (low and high energy) in the case of intertidal sandflats. The
intertidal biotopes covered in the present report do not include those that consist of
either eelgrass (Zostera spp.) or pioneering saltmarsh plants (Salicornia spp.).
The Subtidal mobile sandbanks biotope complex includes all biotopes likely to
be found in subtidal non-vegetated mobile sands. The biotopes are also discussed in terms
of change along a gradient of particle sizes or salinity, with biological communities
changing as a result of the differing environmental requirements of the characterising
species (Conner et al, 1997). The latter is particularly apparent in estuarine
These biotope complexes, especially mudflats, are of particular importance as feeding
grounds for wildfowl and waders (Davidson et al, 1991). The intertidal communities
of invertebrates and algae that occupy this biotope complex can be used to define
subdivisions of other habitats such as estuaries and large shallow inlets and bays,
eelgrass communities that may be exposed for a few hours in the course of every tide
(CORINE European classification of communities), and brackish water and vegetation of
permanent pools. This review excludes macroalgal dominated areas although their features
are mentioned if appropriate. The biotope complex seagrass communities are
included in another Marine SAC review and thus are not considered here.
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