
General references

Numbered references on effects of fishing activity

General references

ABP research 1999. Good practice guidelines for ports and harbours operating within or near UK European marine sites. English Nature (UK Marine SACs Project).

Birkett, D.A., Maggs, C.A., Dring, M.J. 1998. Maerl (volume V). An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Birkett, D.A., Maggs, C.A., Dring, M.J., Boaden, P.J.S. & Seed, R. 1998. Infralittoral reef biotopes with kelp species (volume VII) An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Cole, S., Codling, I.D., Parr, W. & Zabel, T. WRc. 1999. Guidelines for managing water quality impacts within UK European marine sites. English Nature (UK Marine SACs Project).

Davison, D.M. & Hughes, D.J. 1998. Zostera biotopes (volume I). An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Davidson, N.C., Laffoley, D.A. Doody, J.P. ,Way, Gordon, L.S., Key, R., Pienkowski, M.W., Mitchell, R. & Duff, K.L. 1991. Nature conservation and estuaries in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council.

DETR. 1998. European Marine Sites in England and Wales - A Guide to the Conservation (Natural Habitats & c.0 Regulations 1994 and to the Preparation and Application of Management Schemes.

Elliot, M., Nedwell, S., Jones, V., Read, S.J., Cutts, N.D. & Hemingwat, K.L. 1998. Intertidal sand and mudflats & subtidal mobile sandbanks (volume II) An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

European Commission 1995. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats. Version EUR12. Habitats 95/2-EN. Commission of the European Community.

Fowler, S.L. 1999. Guidelines for managing the collection of bait and other shoreline animals within UK European marine sites. English Nature (UK Marine SACs Project). (in prep)

Gray, M.J. 1995. The coastal fisheries of England and Wales, Part III: A review of their status 1992-1994. MAFF Fisheries Research Technical Report, No.100. Lowestoft: Directorate of Fisheries Research.


Hartnoll, R.G. 1998. Circalittoral faunal turfs (volumeVIII) An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Hill, S., Burrows, M.T., Hawkins, S.J. 1998. Intertidal reef biotopes (volume VI) An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Holt, T.J., Rees, E.I., Hawkins, S.J. & Seed, R. 1998. Biogenic reefs (volume IX) An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Hughes, D.J. 1998. Sea pens and burrowing megafauna (volume III) An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Hughes, D.J. 1998. Subtidal brittlestar beds (volume IV) An overview of dynamics and sensitivity characteristics for conservation management of marine SACs. Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK Marine SACs Project).

Jennings, S. & Kaiser, M.J. 1998. The effects of fishing on marine ecosystems. Advances in Marine Biology, 34:201-352.

Johnson, C.M. 1999. Guidelines for investigating and managing water quality (nutrients) in saline lagoons within UK European marine sites. English Nature (UK Marine SACs Project). (in prep)

Posford Duvivier. 1999. Guidelines for managing and monitoring aggregate extraction within UK European marine sites. Countryside Council for Wales (UK Marine SACs Project). (in prep)

Saunders, C.R. 1999. Guidelines for managing recreational interactions within UK European marine sites. Countryside Council for Wales (UK Marine SACS Project). (in prep)

Stroud, D.A., Mudge, G.P., & Pienkowski, M.W. 1990. Protecting internationally important bird sites (A review of the EEC Special Protection Area network in Great Britain). Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council.

Numbered references on effects of fishing activity

  1. Bergman, M.J.N. & Hup, M. 1992. Direct effects of beam trawling on macro-fauna in a sandy sediment in the southern North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 49:5-11.
  2. Kaiser M.J. & Spencer B.E. 1996. The effects of beam trawl disturbance on infaunal communities in different habitats. Journal of Animal Ecology. 65:348-358.
  3. Currie D.R. & Parry G.D. 1996. Effects of scallop dredging on a soft sediment community: a large scale experimental study. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 134:131-150.
  4. Witbaard, R. & Klein, R. 1994. Long-term trends on the effects of the southern North Sea beam trawl fishery on the bivalve mollusc Arctica islandica L. (Mollusca, bivalvia). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 51:99-105.
  5. Ferns, P.N. 1995. The effects of mechanised cockle harvesting on bird feeding in the Burry Inlet. pp 11-18. In: Burry Inlet & Loughor Estuary Symposium, March 1995. Part 1. Burry Inlet and Loughor Estuary Liaison Group.
  6. Rostron, D.M. 1995. The effects of mechanised cockle harvesting on the invertebrate fauna of Llanrhidian sands. pp 111-117. In: Burry Inlet & Loughor Estuary Symposium, March 1995. Part 2. Burry Inlet and Loughor Estuary Liaison Group.
  7. Harrison, N. & Robins, M. 1992. The threat from nets to seabirds. RSPB Conservation Review, 6:51-56.
  8. Dayton, P.K., Thrush, S.F., Agardi, M.T. & Hofman, R.J. 1995. Environmental effects of marine fishing. Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems, 5:205-232.
  9. Gislason, H. 1994. Ecosystem effects of fishing activities in the North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 29:520-527.
  10. Thomas, D. 1993. Marine wildlife and net fisheries in Cardigan Bay. RSPB/CCW report.
  11. Kaiser, M.J. & Spencer, B.E. 1994. Fish scavenging behaviour in recently trawled areas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 112: 41-49.
  12. Devon Wildlife Trust. 1993. Lyme Bay:A report on the nature conservation importance of the inshore reefs and the effects of mobile fishing gear. Survey report carried out by the Devon Wildlife Trust.
  13. Rees H.L.& Eletheriou A. (1989) North Sea benthos: A review of field investigations into the biological effects of man’s activities. J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer. 54(3): 284-305.
  14. Walker, P, Cotter A.J.R & Bannister R.C.A. 1995. A preliminary account of the effects of tractor dredging on cockles in Burry inlet, South Wales.
  15. Eno, N.C., MacDonald, D.S. & Amos, S.C. 1996. A study on the effects of fish (crustacea/mollusc) traps on benthic habitats and species. Report to the European Commission.
  16. Hall-Spencer, J. 1995. The effects of scallop dredging on maerl beds in the Firth of Clyde. Porcupine Newsletter, 6(1).
  17. Robins, M. 1991. Synthetic gill nets and seabirds. Report to WWF and RSPB.
  18. Moore, J. 1991. Studies on the Impact of Hydraulic Cockle Dredging on Intertidal Sediment Flat Communities: Final Report.
  19. Northridge, S. 1988. Marine Mammals and Fisheries: a study of conflicts with fishing gear in British waters. Report to Wildlife Link Seals Group.
  20. Kaiser, M.J., Edwards, D.B. & Spencer, B.E. 1994. Infaunal community changes as a result of commercial clam cultivation and harvesting. Aquatic Living Resources, 9:57-63.
  21. Southern Science. 1992. An experimental study on the impact of clam dredging on soft sediment macroinvertebrates. Report to English Nature.
  22. Kirkwood J.K., Bennett, P.M., Jepson, P.D., Kuiken, T., Simpson, V.R. & Baker, J.R. 1996. Entanglement and other causes of death in cetaceans stranded on the coasts of England and Wales.
  23. Leth, J.O. & Kuijpers, A. 1996. Effects on the seabed sediment from beam trawling in the North Sea. ICES 1996 Annual Science Conference. Mini-symposium: "Ecosystem effects of Fisheries". ICES C.M.1996/Mini 3.
  24. Evans, P.L. Kaiser, M.J. & Hughes, R.N. 1996. Behaviour and energetics of whelks, Buccinum undatum (L.), feeding on animals killed by beam trawling. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 197:51-62.
  25. Kaiser, M.J., Ramsay, K. & Spencer, B.E. 1996. Short-term ecological effects of beam trawl disturbance in the Irish Sea: A review. ICES C.M. 1996/Mini:5.
  26. Emerson, C.W., Grant, J. & Rowell, T.W. 1990. Indirect effects of clam digging on the viability of soft-shelled clams Mya arenaria. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 27(1): 109-118.
  27. Hall, S.J., Basford, D.J. & Roberts, M.R. 1990. The impact of hydraulic dredging for razor clams Ensis sp. on an infaunal community. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 27:119-125.
  28. Philippart, C.J.M. 1996. Long-term impact of bottom fisheries on several by-catch species of demersal fish and benthic invertebrates in the southeastern North Sea. ICES C.M. 1996/Mini 6.
  29. Bourne, W.R.P. 1989. New evidence for Bird losses in fishing nets. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 10: 482.
  30. Caddy, J.F. 1973. Underwater observations on tracks of dredges and trawls and some effects of dredging on a scallop ground. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 30:173-180.
  31. Read, A.J. & Gaskin, D.E. 1988. Incidental catch of Harbour Porpoises by gill nets. Journal of Wildlife Management, 52:517-523.
  32. Riemann, B. & Hoffmann, E. 1991. Ecological consequences of dredging and bottom trawling in the Limfjord, Denmark. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 69:171-178.
  33. Chapman, C.J., Mason, J. & Drinkwater, J.A.M. 1977. Diving observations on the efficiency of dredges used in the Scottish fishery for the scallop, Pecten maximus (L). Scottish Fisheries Research, Report No.10. 16pp.
  34. Jefferson, F.A. & Currey, B.E. 1994 Global review of porpoise Cetacea:Phocoenidae mortality in gill nets. Biological Conservation, 76:167-183.
  35. Polacheck, T. 1989. Harbour porpoises and the gill net fishery. Oceanus, 32:63-70.
  36. Rostron, D. 1993. The effects of Tractor towed cockle dredging on the invertebrate fauna of Llandhidrian Sands, Burry Inlet. Subsea Survey. Report to Countryside Council for Wales.
  37. Dawson, S.M. 1991. Modifying Gill nets to reduce entanglements of cetaceans. Marine Mammal Science, 7(3): 274-282.
  38. Charreire, F. 1993. A report for Greenpeace on recent dolphin strandings along the French Atlantic coast. London: Greenpeace.
  39. Hall-Spencer, J. 1995. The effects of scallop dredging on maerl beds in the Firth of Clyde.
  40. Sea Fish Industry Authority. 1993. Benthic and ecosystem impacts of dredging for pectinids (reference 92/3506). Consultancy Report No.71.
  41. Thompson, P.M. 1992. The conservation of marine mammals in Scottish waters. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 100B:123-140.
  42. Bullimore, B. 1985. An investigation into the effects of scallop dredging within the Skomer Marine Reserve. Skomer Marine reserve Subtidal Monitoring Project. Report to the Nature Conservancy Council.
  43. Northridge, S. Di Natale, A., Kinze, C., Lankester, K., Ortiz De Zarate, V. & Sequeira, M. 1991. Gillnet fisheries in the European Community and their impacts on the marine environment. MRAG Ltd. A report to the European Commission’s Directorate General Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection.
  44. Collie, J.S., Escanero, G.A. & Hunke, L. 1996. Scallop dredging on Georges Bank: photographic evaluation of effects on benthic epifauna. ICES C.M. 1996/Mini:9.
  45. Ices. 1992. Report of the study group on ecosystem effects of fishing activities. Ices C.M.1992/G:11.
  46. Twelves, J. 1983. Otter Lutra lutra mortality in lobster creels. Journal of Zoology London, 201:585-588.
  47. Groot, S.J. de & Lindeboom, H.J. eds. 1994. Environmental impact of bottom gears on benthic fauna in relation to natural resources management and protection of the North Sea. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. NIOZ-Rapport 1994-11, RIVO-DLO report CO26/94.
  48. Jefferies, D.J., Green, J., & Green, R. 1984. Commercial fish and crustacean traps: a serious cause of otter Lutra lutra (L.) mortality in Britain and Europe. London: Vincent Wildlife Trust. 31pp.
  49. Vincent Wildlife Trust. 1988. The effects of otter guards on the fishing efficiency of eel fyke nets. London: Vincent Wildlife Trust. 47pp.
  50. Jefferies, D.J., Johnson, A., Green, R. & Hanson, H.M. 1988. Entanglement with monofilament nylon fishing net: a hazard to otters. Journal of the Otter Trust, 1988 p11-15.
  51. Jefferies, D.J. 1989. Further records of fyke net and creel deaths in British otters Lutra lutra with a discussion on the use of guards. Journal of the Otter Trust, 1989 p13-19.
  52. Groot, S.J. de. 1995. On the penetration of the beam trawl into the sea bed. ICES C.M. 1995/B:36.
  53. Kaiser, M.J., Bullimore, B., Newman, P., Lock, K. & Gilbert, S. 1996. Catches in ‘ghost fishing’ set nets. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 145:11-16.
  54. Dyekjaer, S.M., Jensen, J.K. & Hoffmann, E. Mussel dredging and effects on the marine environment. ICES C.M. 1995/E:13 Ref.K.
  55. Garthe, S., Camphuysen, K.C.J. & Furness, R.W. 1996. Amounts of discards by commercial fisheries and their significance as food for seabirds in the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 136:1-11.
  56. Rijnsdorp, A.D., Buijs, A.M., Storbeck, F. & Visser, 1996. Micro-scale distribution of beam trawl effort in the southern North Sea between 1993 and 1996 in relation to the trawling frequency of the sea bed and the impact on benthic organisms. ICES C.M. 1996/Mini 11.
  57. ICES. 1996. Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem effects of fishing activities. ICES C.M. 1996/Assess/Env:1. Ref:G.
  58. Groot, S.J. de. 1984. The Impact of bottom trawling on benthic fauna of the North Sea. Ocean Management, 9:177-190.
  59. Ross, A. 1988. Controlling nature’s predators on fish farms. Ross-on-Wye: Marine Conservation Society. 96pp.
  60. Rochard, E., Castelnaud, & Lepage, M. 1990. Sturgeons (Pisces:Acipenseridae); threats and prospects. Journal of Fish Biology, 37 (Supplement A): 123-132.
  61. Potts, G.W. & Swaby, S.E. 1993. Marine Fishes on the EC Habitats and Species Directive. Confidential report to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
  62. Rees, E.I.S. (in press). Environmental Effects of Mechanised Cockle Fisheries: a review of research data. Report to MAFF.
  63. Stillman, et al., 1996. Models of Shellfish Populations and Shorebirds: Final Report. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Report to the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Fisheries.
  64. Kaiser, M.J., Laing, I., Utting, S.D. & Burnell, G.M. 1998. Environmental impacts of bivalve mariculture. J.Shellfish Res., 17(1):59-66.
  65. Kaiser, M.J., Ramsay, K & Hughes, R.N. 1998. Can fisheries influence interspecific competition in sympatric populations of hermit crabs? J.Natural History 32:521-531.
  66. Kaiser, M.J., Edwards, D.B., Armstrong, P.J., Radford, K., Lough, N.E.L., Flatt, R.P. & Jones, H.D. 1998. Changes in megafaunal benthic communities in different habitats after trawling disturbance. ICES J.Mar.Sci., 55:353-361.
  67. Auster, P.J. 1998. A conceptual model of the impacts of fishing gear on the integrity of fish habitats. Cons.Biol., 12(6): 1198-1203
  68. Engel, J. & Kvitek, R. 1998. Effects of otter trawling on benthic community in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Cons.Biol., 12(6):1204-1214.
  69. Schwinghamer, P., Gordon, D.C. Rowell, T.W., Prena, J., McKeown, D., Sonnichson, G., & Guignes, J.Y. 1998. Effects of experimental otter trawling on surficial sediment properties of a sandy-bottom ecosystem on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Cons.Biol., 12(6): 1215-1222.
  70. Pilskaln, C., Churchill, J.H. & Mayer, L.M. 1998. Resuspension of sediment by bottom trawling in the Gulf of Main and potential geochemical consequences. Cons.Biol., 12(6):1223-1229.
  71. Auster , P.J., Malatesta, R.J., Langton, R.W., Watling, L., Valentine, P.C., Donaldson, C.L.S., Longton, E.W., Shephard, A.N. & Babb, I.G. 1996. The impacts of mobile fish gear on seafloor habitats in the Gulf of Maine (Northwest Atlantic): Implications for conservation and fish populations. Reviews in Fish.Sci., 4(2): 185-202.
  72. Philippart, C. 1996. Long-term impact of bottom fisheries on several bycatch species of demersal fish and benthic invertebrates in the southeastern North Sea. ICES Annual Science Conference.
  73. Nickell, T.D, Black, K.D., Pearson, T.H., Davies, J.M. & Provost, P.G. 1998. The recovery of the seabed after the cessation of fish farming: benthos and biogeochemistry. ICES CM 1998/V:1
  74. Tuckid I.D., Hall, S.J., Robertson, M.R., Armstrong, E. & Basford, D.J. 1998. Effects of physical trawling disturbance in a previously unfished sheltered Scottish sea loch . Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser., 162:227-242.
  75. Fisheries Research Services. 1998. A Study of the effects of water jet dredging for razor clams and a stock survey of the target species in some Western Isles populations. Marine Laboratory Aberdeen, Report No. 8/98.
  76. Watling, L. & Norse, E.A. 1998. Disturbance of the seabed by mobile fishing gear: a comparison to forest clearcutting. Cons.Biol. 12(6):1180-1197.
  77. Jennings, S. & Kaiser, M.J. 1998. The effects of fishing on marine ecosystems. Adv.Mar.Biol., 34:201-352.
  78. Lindeboom, H.J & DE Groot, S.J. (Eds) 1998. The effects of different types of fisheries on the North Sea and Irish Sea benthic ecosystems. RIVO-DLO Report C003/98
  79. Robinson, R.F. & Robinson, C.A. 1998. The direct and indirect effects of suction dredging on a razor clam (Ensis arcuatus) population. ICES J.Mar.Sci., 55:970-977.
  80. Cooper, R.A., Carr, H.A. & Hulbert, A.H. 1998. Manned submersible and ROV assessment of ghost gillnets on Jeffries and Stellwagen Banks, Gulf of Maine. NOAA Undersea Research Program. Research Report 88-4.
  81. Tregenza, N.J.C., Berrow, S.D., Hammond, P.S. & Leaper, R. 1997. Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena L.) by-catch in set gillnets in the Celtic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54:896-904.
  82. Black, K.D. (Ed) 1996. Aquaculture and sea lochs. Scottish Association for Marine Science.
  83. Midlen, A. & Redding, T. 1998. Environmental Management for Aquaculture. 223pp. London: Chapman & Hall.
  84. Breen, P.A. 1987. Mortality of Dungeness crabs caught by lost traps in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia. N.Am.J.Fish.Mnt., 7:429-435
  85. Fonseca, M.S., Thayer, G.W., Chester, A.J. & Foltz, C. 1984. Impact of scallop harvesting on eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows: implications for management. N.Am.J.Fish.Mnt., 4:286-293.
  86. Bradshaw, C., Veale, L.O., Hill, A.S., & Brand, A.R. (in press) Effects of scallop dredging on gravelly seabed communities. In: Kaiser, M.J. & de Groot, S.J., eds. Effects of fishing on non-target species and habitats: biological, conservation and socio-economic issues. Fishing News Books
  87. Hill, A.S., Veale, L.O., Pennington, D., Whyte, S.G., Brand, A.R. & Hartnoll, R.G. (in press). Changes in Irish Sea benthos: possible effects of forty years of dredging. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science.
  88. Thrush, S.F., Hewitt, J.E., Cummings, V.J. & Dayton, P.K. 1995. The impact of habitat disturbance by scallop dredging on marine benthic communities; what can be predicted from the results of experiments? Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser., 129:141-150.
  89. Mattson, J. & Linden, O. 1983. Benthic macrofauna succession under mussels, Mytilus edulis, cultured on hanging long-lines. Sarsia, 68:97-102.
  90. Andrew, N.L. & Pepperell, J.G. 1992. The by-catch of shrimp trawl fisheries. Oceanogr.Mar.Biol.Annu.Rev. 30:527-565.
  91. Berghahn, R. 1990. On the potential impact of shrimping on trophic relationships in the Wadden Sea. In: Barnes, M. & Gibson, R.N. (Eds) Trophic Relationships in the Marine Environment. Proc.24th Europ.Mar.Biol.Symp.
  92. Spencer, B.E., Kaiser, M.J. & Edwards, D.B. 1997. Ecological effects of intertidal Manila clam cultivation: observations at the end of the cultivation phase. J.Appl.Ecol. 34:444-452.
  93. Hall, S.J. & Harding, M.J.C. 1997. Physical disturbance and marine benthic communities: the effects of mechanical harvesting of cockles on non-target benthic infauna. J.Appl.Ecol., 34:497-517.
  94. Gilkinson, K., Paulin, M., Hurley, S. & Schwinghamer, P. 1998. Impacts of trawl door scouring on infaunal bivalves: results of a physical trawl door model/dense sand interaction. J.Exp.Mar.Biol. & Ecol. 224:291-312.
  95. Auster, P. J. & Langton, R.W. (in press). The effects of fishing on fish habitat. Am.Fish.Soc Symp.
  96. ICES. 1998. Report of the working group on environmental interactions of mariculture. ICES CM 1998/F:2. Ref:ACFM+ACME+E
  97. Spencer,B.E., Kaiser, M.J., Edwards, D.B. 1996. The effect of Manila clam cultivation on an intertidal benthic community: The early cultivation phase. Aquaculture Research, 29: 429-437

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 1 – 5.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 6 – 10.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 11 – 15.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 16 – 20.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 21 – 25.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 26 – 30.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 31 – 35.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 36 – 40.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 41 – 45.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 46 – 50.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 51 – 55.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 56 – 60.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 61 – 65.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 66 – 69.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 71 – 75.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 76 – 80.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 81 – 85.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 86 – 90.

Summaries of reviewed publications – references 91 – 97.