Details are limited to information relevant to
the UK marine habitats and species listed in the
Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive.
[pr] indicates that the paper is from a peer reviewed
journal or report
Natura 2000 Habitats &
Fishing Technique
REF: 61
Sea Lamprey
Allis Shad
Twaite Shad
General effects
A review of site based information on these
species, life history, distribution, habitat,
reproductive biology and sources of threat.
Together with recommendations to better assess
and implement actions to help with the conservation
of each species.
Potts G.W. & Swaby S.E. (1993). Marine
Fishes on the EC Habitats and Species Directive.
REF: 62
Shallow inlets and bays
Mudflats and sandflats
Mechanised cockle fisheries
Review. Environmental effects fall into several
broad categories the most obvious being (a)
direct impacts, mainly on the benthic biotopes
and on the discarded undersize by-catch (b)
indirect interactions with predators and scavengers,
including shorebirds, (c) ancillary disturbance
from the vessels and vehicles, including effects
at the shore access points.
Habitat effects - Hydraulic dredge
tracks can be seen at low tide days or weeks
later, persistence depending on the stability
of the sediment surface and the prevailing
tide or wave conditions. On areas of cohesive
sediment the tracks appeared to act as lines
from which erosion of the surface layer spread
out therefore appearing to accelerate the
erosion phase of a natural cycle of cohesion
of the surface sediment by worm tube mats.
Where dredging has been carried out in a sheltered
area with eel grass (Auchencairn Bay) breaking
the sward allowed erosion that produced clearly
visible grooves down the shore. Long-term
effects on benthic diatoms on and in the surface
of intertidal flats were considered unlikely.
Species and community effects - Shell
breakage occurs with overall damage rates
to cockles and Macoma baltica in screen
rejects from hydraulic dredgers 12.6% and
5.3% respectively. In experimental plots where
damage rates from tractor dredging were determined
these were 9.3% in an area of muddy sand and
8.2% in a sandy area but only impinged directly
on about 80-85% of the area of the plots.
Dredged areas often had a lot more dead shell
scattered on the surface, an effect which
can persist for several months whereas in
undisturbed beds most dead shell is normally
under the surface which can create a shell
layer limiting the depth to which small drainage
channels can normally erode into a cockle
Observation on other species include the
tendency for some motile species, like the
amphipod Bathyporeia sarsi to temporarily
leave disturbed areas, lugworms producing
normal casts in dredge tracks as soon as the
tide falls, tubes of the sand mason worm L.
conchilega still standing, apparently
to nearly their full extent in the hydraulic
dredge tracks. Results from a study of tractor
dredging in the Burry Inlet recorded declines
in other invertebrates (particularly H.
ulvae, P. elegans and N. hombergi),
the greatest fall being 14 days after dredging
for the less mobile species in the muddy areas,
and increases in some species Urothoe
sp., M. balthica, A. tenuis. Localised
additional bird activity has also been reported
in some areas following dredging. In a study
on the Solway Firth it was concluded that
because natural changes are very large the
fishery may not have a significant effect
on bird numbers unless a high proportion of
the cockles are harvested. On sandy areas
the effect on most invertebrate populations
was considered to be causing some thinning
of stocks rather than persistent patchy defaunation.
In muddier, more cohesive sediments tracts
may persist for months. Persistent hydraulic
dredging has in some cases been reported to
have changed the sediment structure which
may have medium term consequences for deposit
feeding benthic species. The most undesirable
effects are where the surface is bound by
swards of eel-grasses.
Various UK sites
Rees E.S. (in press). Environmental
effects of mechanised cockle fisheries: a
review of research data. A report commissioned
by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and
REF: 63
Intertidal Shellfisheries
Report develops a predictive model to explore
the effect of different shellfishery management
options on the mortality rates of the migratory
shorebirds that feed on shellfish on intertidal
wintering grounds in Europe. Effects incorporated
include disturbance and reduction of abundance
of the shellfish stocks. Application to the
Exe estuary was successful in predicting levels
of oystercatcher winter mortality in previous
years. Main conclusions were:
Given a number of conditions it is possible
to exploit shellfish stocks without increasing
the winter mortality of shorebirds.
Effects of a given intensity of shellfishing
depends crucially on local conditions of the
climate and the general abundance of food.
Methods of shellfishing which disturb birds
can be significantly more damaging to the
bird’s chances of survival.
Numbers of birds using alternative food sources
is an early warning that a change in shellfishery
practice is beginning to have an effect on
the birds.
Key factor in determining the impact is the
proportion of the shellfish stock that is
Cumulative effects of small increases in
shorebird morality in winter can over a period
of years greatly affect stable population
As fishing effort increases, shorebird mortality
may be hardly affected initially but then
may suddenly increase dramatically once a
threshold level of fishing effort has been
Model tested on Exe estuary
Stillman et al., (1996) Models of
Shellfish Populations and Shorebirds: Final
Report. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Report
to the Commission of the European Communities,
Directorate-General for Fisheries.
REF: 64
Shallow inlets and Bays
Mudflats and Sandflats
Bivalve mariculture
Reviews current knowledge of environmental
modification or conflicts with other species
at seed collection, seed nursery and on-growing,
and harvesting stages of the cultivation process.
Seed collection - subtidal dredging for seed
mussels likely to be confined to relatively
small areas of seabed because they occur in
dense aggregations in discrete areas. UK licensed
areas from unstable beds which are likely
to be lost anyway. Non-target species probably
adapted to large-scale natural disturbance
so likely to recolonise rapidly but in extensive
heavily exploited fisheries, such as the Wadden
Sea, the entire mussel stock was removed in
1990/1 resulting in increased mortalities
for eider duck and reduced breeding success
for oyster catchers. May be some effects associated
with intertidal collection (trampling, disturbance
of foraging birds and removal of winter food
source). Few impacts likely from spat collectors,
continuous relaying of cultch leads to habitat
modification which may increase diversity.
There are also risks of introduction of alien
Ongrowing - effect depends on habitat, type
and scale of cultivation. Introduced structures
effect local hydrography and provide a settlement
surface, high densities increases local oxygen
demand and elevates input of organic matter
however beds used to be extensive and they
fulfil an important role in the retention
of phosphorus and nitrogen. May be eutrophication
beneath mussel lines if not enough tidal flow
to disperse particulate matter. Decreases
in abundance of macrofauna and increases in
meiofauna beneath oyster trestles been measured.
In the USA insecticide is sprayed on intertidal
areas and ground may be harrowed prior to
cultivation. Addition of gravel or shell,
formation of mussel mud anduse of protective
netting induces localised changes in benthic
community composition. Small-scale culture
seems to have only very limited effects on
local benthic communities. Cultivation sites
may conflict with bird feeding or roosting
sites but probably only problematic if cultivation
areas cover significant part of the feeding
Harvesting - restriction harvesting to early
winter could ameliorate site restoration if
main mechanism for recolonisation is by larval
settlement. Suction dredging or mechanical
rakinking affects the habitats. Recolonisation
rates likely to differ between habitat types.
Management considerations in light of the
reported effects are discussed and potential
beneficial effects mentioned such as the proposal
that integrated fish/bivalve mariculture systems
can ameliorate undesiratal impacc ts of nutrient
rich effluents from fish farmining, or for
restoration of enclosed, polluted water masses.
Kaiser et al., (1998) Environmental
impacts of bivalve mariculture. J.Shellfish
Res. 17(1):59-66.
REF: 65
Shallow inlets and bays
Starfish and decapod Crustacea are among
the most important megaepibenthic scavengers
that aggregate in areas of fishing activity
but recent work indicates that scavengers
are far more selective than presumed previously.
They avoid carrion that is phylogenetically
similar and may avoid carrion that attracts
potential predators.
The authors suggest that additional food
resources arising from fishing activities
are distributed unequally between sympatric
populations of hermit crabs as a consequence
of differences in their competitive abilities.
This may provide a mechanism whereby fishing
activities could lead to changes in the structure
of crustacean scavenger populations. This
type of effect has been well document for
seabirds where fisheries-generated offal and
discards have been linked to the increase
in populations of larger scavenging seabird
Kaiser, M.J., Ramsay, K & Hughes, R.N.
(1998) Can fisheries influence interspecific
competition in sympatric populations of hermit
crabs? J.Natural History 32:521-531.