Monitoring and Surveillance Options
There is a requirement within the Habitats Directive (Article
17) for Member State governments to report to the EC on the favourable conservation
status of the habitats and species which SACs (and SPAs) will assist in conserving. In
addition to this reporting role, it is likely that a monitoring programme will be
developed for each SAC to assess the effectiveness of the management scheme in achieving
the conservation objectives. It should allow the management scheme to be reviewed, and
where necessary, revised.
This chapter will review the methods that are available for monitoring
the distribution and status of eelgrass beds within an SAC, and briefly describe how some
of these techniques have been applied to particular sites. A number of techniques also
exist for determining the physiological state of Zostera plants, with particular
respect to the degree of sublethal stess to which the plants are exposed. These are
briefly outlined in Section C.
Monitoring Requirements
Biotope Monitoring Techniques
Measurable Indicators of Environmental Stress in Zostera
Zostera Biotope Monitoring in the UK: Some