Biotope Monitoring Techniques

Aerial remote sensing techniques

Sublittoral remote sensing techniques

Underwater video

Remote sampling

Field observers

To undertake surveys, surveillance and monitoring of Zostera biotope attributes, site managers will need to identify the most appropriate and cost-effective field and analytical methods, as well as determining the quality assurance requirements. Analytical methods include Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing Information Systems. A major advantage in using a mixed monitoring strategy, employing a combination of the methods outlined below, is the production of more accurate maps allied with the increased flexibility of interpretation and query within GIS.

Techniques that can be used to monitor Zostera biotope attributes are listed below. In the following sections, each technique is briefly described, and its advantages and disadvantages summarized. Examples of the use of particular methods are given.

Aerial remote sensing techniques

  • Aerial photography (colour or infra-red)
  • Satellite sensor images
  • Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI)

Sublittoral remote sensing techniques

  • Acoustic Ground Discrimination Systems e.g. RoxAnnTM , side-scan sonar
  1. Underwater video
  • Remotely-operated vehicles (ROV)
  • Towed video
  • Drop-down video
  1. Remote sampling
  • Grabs
  • Cores
  1. Field observers
  • Divers
  • Intertidal field biologists

Aerial remote sensing techniques

Aerial remote sensing techniques include aerial and infrared photography, satellite sensor images and multi-spectral scanning imagery (CASI).

Aerial photography

A vertically mounted camera on a light aircraft takes high resolution, large format, digital natural colour transparencies, in transects across the site. Using infra-red, the methodology is the same, but this format allows better differentiation between intertidal algae and Zostera. The advantages and disadvantages are summarized below:


  • Cost-effective (despite high cost)
  • Allows large areas to be mapped relatively accurately
  • Requires ground-truthing, as there may be problems distinguishing between Zostera and algal cover, and in detecting seasonal variations in leaf cover
  • Sparse Zostera cover is not detected
  • Interpretation is difficult (cannot rely upon classification of spectral images)
  • Poor penetration below sea level. Applicability is limited to very shallow, clear water
  • Can be limited by weather conditions

BKS Surveys Ltd. tested the usefulness of aerial photography for mapping Zostera beds in the Isles of Scilly SAC and at Lindisfarne and Budle Bay (within the Berwickshire/ North Northumberland SAC) in 1996. Infra-red photography was found to be more effective than natural colour, but difficulties were experienced in distinguishing between living and dead material, and in distinguishing Zostera from the alga Enteromorpha (P. Gilliland, pers. comm.). The Isles of Scilly aerial survey was ground-truthed by the Coral Cay Conservation Sub-Aqua Club in 1997. The technique was found to be valid but the density classes were found to be optimistically high (Irving et al., 1998).

Satellite sensor images

Images from satellite sensors (Landsat Thematic Mapper & SPOT XS) can be used for a number of mapping applications. However, the habitat classification accuracy is highly dependent upon the methods used and different habitats may not be accurately distinguished (Mumby et al., 1997).

Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI)

The Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager is a digital airborne sensor providing high spectral and spatial resolution. It has been used for a number of mapping applications, principally on tropical reefs and seagrass beds. This sensor is mounted on a light aircraft and can be flown for example, at 3000 m giving 4 million pixels in 15 bands, and at 750 m for 1 million pixels in 8 bands. This provides considerable mapping accuracy and its application for mapping Zostera biotopes is under review. Initial trials suggest that predictions of standing crop using CASI give results to a similar order of magnitude to quadrat sampling in situ (Mumby et al., 1997). CASI is now being tested and used by the Environment Agency, SEPA and water companies.


Advantages Disadvantages
  • Can be very accurate

High cost

Allows large areas to be mapped in great detail

Provides an indication of standing crop biomass

Likely to require some ground-truthing to confirm the Zostera biotope

Data is easily geo-referenced

Can be limited by weather conditions


Sublittoral remote sensing techniques

Acoustic Ground Discrimination Systems (AGDS) are a comparatively recent development in through-water remote sensing and are becoming increasingly important in the large-scale mapping of benthic habitats and communities. The two principal techniques relevant to the mapping of subtidal Zostera biotopes are RoxAnnTM and side-scan sonar.

RoxAnnTM is an electronic system using a sonar signal. The first and second echoes returned from the seabed are re-analyzed. This analysis derives values for the roughness and hardness of the seabed. By integrating these data with other information on water depth and position, a map of the physical characteristics and distribution of substratum types can be produced. The biotic characteristics of many marine communities will predictably affect the values recorded and consequently, it is possible to map the distribution and the extent of these characteristic benthic communities. An essential part of any AGDS survey is to adequately ground-truth the data to confirm the habitats and communities mapped. Differential GPS can be used for position fixing.

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Low cost
  • Allows large areas to be mapped relatively quickly
  • The broad scale maps will display habitats, lifeforms and some biotopes
  • Data are easily geo-referenced

There can be misidentification of communities that have similar physical characteristics but very different biological characteristics.

Many biotopes are differentiated or defined by features to which RoxAnnTM is completely insensitive

  • Requires considerable ground truthing to confirm Zostera biotopes
  • The equipment requires an 8-10 m boat and consequently, access to shallow areas may be limited.
  • Rough seas may affect the accuracy of the data

When using RoxAnnTM around the Isles of Scilly, it was possible to clearly differentiate between dense Zostera beds and sand, but the beds could not be distinguished from alga-covered rock or gravel areas. Side-scan sonar clearly demarcated dense Zostera beds with eroding margins but was insensitive to sparse Zostera beds (Munro & Nunny, 1998).

Underwater video

The use of video for underwater survey is becoming increasingly important as it allows a permanent record of many aspects of benthic biotopes to be kept. Three remote video surveying techniques can be employed in the study of Zostera beds, Remotely-operated vehicles (ROVs), towed video and drop-down video.

The ROV is the most versatile system, as it is a mobile vehicle that has complete three-dimensional movement in the water and is highly manoeuvrable. A high quality camera and lighting system allows good quality video to be obtained. An ROV can be operated at a height above a Zostera bed, and flown along a transect to obtain data on the distribution, extent and boundary dynamics of the bed. It can also be flown into the bed to obtain data on plant condition, bed density and associated species diversity.

A towed video camera is mounted on a light-weight, metal sledge that is towed at a known speed over the seabed by a boat. This method can provide information on the extent of a Zostera bed, and may be able to gather additional information on the bed’s boundary dynamics. However, one disadvantage of the technique is that repeated passes of a towed sledge through a Zostera bed may cause some physical damage.

The drop-down video is the simplest and cheapest of all three remote video surveying techniques. It consists of a video camera in a waterproof casing, mounted in a simple metal frame. The camera is held off the seabed and points down and forwards. When deployed, the camera will obtain spot information over a small field of view, allowing identification of the Zostera biotope in that location, and providing an indication of the plant density and associated community. The system is quick to deploy and recover.

Technique Advantages Disadvantages


  • No time or depth limits
  • Can survey large areas of seabed
  • Highly manoeuvrable
  • Versatile, providing both overview and close-up (detailed) data
  • Can provide continuous data transects
  • Easy deployment
  • Can ground-truth remote sensing surveys

High cost

Requires hard boat to operate, restricted access to shallow areas

Difficult to fly in straight transects

Relatively slow flight speed

Towed video

  • No time depth limits
  • Can survey large areas of seabed, faster than an ROV
  • Provides continuous data transects and is easy to use in a grid pattern
  • Can ground-truth remote sensing surveys

Requires hard boat to operate, restricted access to shallow areas

May cause physical damage to Zostera biotopes

Provides generally poor data on biotope quality, associated communities and plant condition

Deployment may be constrained by obstacles on the seabed

Drop-down video

  • Low cost
  • Easily deployed
  • Many drops can be completed in a day
  • Can ground-truth remote sensing surveys

Requires hard boat to operate, restricted access to shallow areas

Generally poor image quality

Provides generally poor data on biotope quality, associated communities and plant condition

Deployment may be constrained by obstacles on the seabed

Remote sampling

Grabs and cores can be used to sample Zostera beds. However, as a destructive sampling technique, with the potential to cause damage to the beds, their widespread application as a monitoring tool is likely to be restricted to targeted studies, relating to plant status and aspects of infaunal community structure.

A variety of grabs and cores can be employed on the shore and from boats. Those commonly employed by biologists in the intertidal and shallow sublittoral zones are tube-corers, Van Veen grabs and Day grabs. The data obtained from these samples can provide useful information on the substratum type, plant condition, plant and rhizome density, sexual status and infaunal community composition. It is possible to determine the location of a sublittoral Z. marina bed and to establish its approximate extent using a series of grab transects. However, this is likely to be both time-consuming and destructive.

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Simple to deploy
  • Provides physical samples for subsequent analysis

Destructive sampling, a form of physical damage to which Zostera beds are particularly vulnerable

The sampling and analysis techniques are well-established

  • Can measure a number of Zostera attributes in each sample

Field observers

An experienced and skilled field biologist, with sufficient time and resources, will often provide the best quality data when monitoring complex communities such as Zostera biotopes. The remote sensing and sampling techniques outlined above will provide quick and cost-effective data over a large area, for many Zostera attributes, particularly distribution and extent. However, many aspects of detailed ecological monitoring of Zostera biotopes require hands-on fieldwork, both intertidally and subtidally.


An indication of the quality of a subtidal Z. marina biotope and its associated community can be provided by the remote video techniques outlined above, most successfully using an ROV. However, to obtain more comprehensive information on the species diversity, including the presence of characteristic and representative species, surveying by experienced diving biologists will be required.

There are many techniques that divers can employ, including MNCR Phase II and III surveys, which involve taking core and grab samples for later analysis. In addition, targeted studies and monitoring of key attributes can be undertaken.

Intertidal field biologists

Intertidal field biologists can collect monitoring data for the majority of intertidal Zostera attributes, often in the same site visit. MNCR Phase II and III survey methodologies can be employed. Samples can be collected, and remote sensing can be accurately ground-truthed.

Field observers

Advantages Disadvantages


  • The most flexible survey / sampling technique for monitoring Z. marina
  • Allows first hand observation of Z. marina attributes
  • Several Z. marina attributes can be monitored in one dive
  • Allows repeatable fixed point monitoring

High cost

Time limited

Can only cover small areas during each dive

Intertidal field biologists

  • The most flexible survey / sampling technique for monitoring intertidal Zostera species
  • Allows first hand observation of intertidal Zostera species attributes
  • Several intertidal Zostera species attributes can be monitored on one visit
  • Allows repeatable fixed point monitoring

High cost

Time limited (Tides)

Can only cover small areas during each site visit

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