General Introduction and Study Aims
Seagrasses are marine flowering plants found in shallow coastal habitats around the
world. They most commonly occupy sandy intertidal and subtidal areas to a maximum depth of
about 10 m. Seagrasses typically grow in monospecific stands called beds or
meadows. These beds create a habitat of considerable importance from an
ecological, economic and biodiversity perspective. The beds support a high density and
diversity of associated flora and fauna, and provide valuable nursery and feeding grounds
for fishes and birds. The binding of sediment by seagrass root networks also acts to
stabilize the shoreline and reduce coastal erosion.
Before the early 1900s three species of Zostera, or eelgrass, were
common in sandy coastal areas of the British Isles, but their abundance was severely
reduced during the 1920s-1930s period by a wasting disease that is still not
fully understood today. Since this time there has only been limited and localized recovery
of the Zostera beds. These plants flourish in accessible nearshore margins, and can
therefore be adversely affected by many forms of coastal development, in particular
dredging and excessive nutrient loading. Because of the value of seagrasses as a
representative habitat for the UK, their high biodiversity and ecological importance, and
their vulnerability to anthropogenic impacts, several parallel initiatives are now
underway to better understand the role of these plants in coastal ecosystems and to
facilitate effective conservation measures.
As described in the Preface to this report, this work is conducted through the auspices
of the UK Marine SACs Project, as part of the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive.
In this context, the three Zostera species occur in eleven of the twelve UK Marine
SAC Project demonstration sites, and are key elements of five of the seven Annex I
habitats for which marine SACs can be selected in the UK, namely:
- Lagoons
- Estuaries
- Large shallow inlets and bays
- Intertidal mud and sand flats
- Shallow subtidal sandbanks
The objective of this report is to summarize and review the available
information on these species in their capacity as a functional biotope or
community, addressing both shared and distinct features of these three species. The review
focuses on the fundamental environmental and biological attributes of the Zostera biotope,
its sensitivity to natural and human-induced change, and options for monitoring such
changes that are relevant to the management of marine SACs. This report serves as a
complement to, and a synthesis and elaboration of, two recent reports, prepared as part of
the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, Davison (1997a) and Holt et al. (1997). The current state
of knowledge of Zostera in Wales is summarized by Kay (1998). These three sources
should be consulted for more detailed infomation on the issues covered in this report.
Nature and Importance of the Zostera Biotope Complex
Distribution and Status of the Zostera Biotope
Zostera Biotope Classification