Nature and Importance of the Zostera Biotope Complex
Status of Zostera species in the UK
Basic ecology of Zostera spp.
Importance of Zostera biotopes
Status of Zostera species in the UK
Seagrass is a common name for a large group of higher
flowering land plants that have spread into the marine environment in relatively recent
geologic times. They are the only group of flowering plants that are truly marine and can
function and reproduce under conditions of permanent or cyclic submergence in saline
water. Den Hartog (1970) recognized a world total of 49 seagrass species. In temperate
waters there are ten species of the genus Zostera and two species of Ruppia.
Five seagrass species are found around the British Isles - two species of tassel
weed (Ruppia maritima and R. cirrhosa) and three species of
eelgrass (Zostera spp.). This report focuses on the three British Zostera
species, which are as follows:
Common eelgrass, Zostera marina
This is the largest of the three species, with leaves up to 1 m long
(more usually 20 - 50 cm). It occurs from the shallow sublittoral to the lower littoral
Narrow-leafed eelgrass, Zostera angustifolia
This is a smaller plant than Z. marina (leaf length 15 - 30 cm)
and is typically found on the mid to lower shore.
Dwarf eelgrass, Zostera noltii
This is the smallest and hardiest species and occurs highest on the
shore, often adjacent to saltmarsh communities. Maximum leaf length is about 22 cm.
Further details of the physical attributes of these three species are
given in
Appendix 1.
There is some disagreement concerning the taxonomic status of Z.
angustifolia. This form was given specific status in 1942 based on differences (from
the more common Z. marina) in morphology, reproductive strategy and habitat
zonation. Populations conforming to the definition of Z. angustifolia used in
Britain have been recorded in continental Europe and on the Atlantic coast of North
America (den Hartog, 1970; Rae, 1979; Nienhuis, 1983; de Heij & Nienhuis, 1992;
Cleator, 1993). However, outside the UK, most authors have regarded these narrow-leafed
intertidal eelgrasses as a phenotypic variant of Z. marina rather than a distinct
species (den Hartog, 1970). Many of the morphologic characters used to define Z.
angustifolia are known to vary according to habitat and season. Initial results of DNA
sequencing work undertaken at the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, supports the hypothesis that Z.
marina and Z. angustifolia are variants of a single species (J. Brenchley,
pers. comm.).
For the purposes of this report, Z. angustifolia will be treated
as a distinct entity, since it is so regarded in most of the UK-based literature. If this
form is confirmed as a species separate from Z. marina, with a distribution largely
confined to the British Isles, the need for appropriate monitoring and management in the
UK increases due to its relative rarity within Europe. If, as appears more likely, Z.
angustifolia is found to be a variety of Z. marina, then this apparent rarity
could be considered to be less important (Cleator, 1993). Assessment of the distribution
and status of eelgrass species in the UK is hindered by misidentification, which renders
some historical records suspect (Kay, 1998). A clarification of the taxonomic status of Zostera
species and a re-examination of specimens would contribute to an increased
understanding of the distribution and habitat requirements of the three forms, with
important implications for their future management.
Basic ecology of Zostera spp.
All three Zostera species can occur as dense swards on
intertidal and shallow subtidal muds and sands in sheltered shallow inlets and bays,
estuaries and saline lagoons. Zostera can also be found on more exposed areas of
intertidal mud and sand flats, as well as shallow subtidal sandbanks. As a result of this
habitat flexibility, Zostera species are widely but patchily distributed throughout
the British Isles and extensive beds occur in some areas. Within Britain, mixed beds of Z.
angustifolia and Z. noltii commonly occur together on the shore but exhibiting
distinctive distribution patterns - Z. noltii typically occurs on hummocks that are
free-draining at low tide, while Z. angustifolia occupies hollows that retain
standing water at low tide (Wyer et al, 1977). In some lagoons, all three Zostera
species may be found together, along with Ruppia species. The detailed habitat
requirements of Zostera are summarized in Chapter II.
Zostera plants have an extensive network of branched, creeping
underground roots that help bind the sand or mud substratum. These horizontal rhizomes
bear leafy shoots with abundant green, grass-like leaves. The leaves are flat and linear,
with maximum length and width varying according to species (see Appendix 1). Distinct
veins run the length of the leaves. The leaves have large air spaces (lacunae) between the
cells which act as buoyancy chambers and keep the leaves upright in the water (the name Zostera
comes from the Greek zoster, meaning belt, referring to
the ribbon-shaped leaves). Zostera plants have inconspicuous flowers which lack
petals and are aggregated in inflorescences. Male and female flowers are separate but
occur on the same plants. Despite these common features, all three Zostera species
exhibit considerable morphological plasticity in response to environmental conditions.
Growth and reproduction of Zostera are considered in greater detail in Chapter III.
Importance of Zostera biotopes
Economic importance
Zostera beds are an important source of food and shelter for the
young stages of many fish and crustacean species, some of which are themselves food for
commercially-valuable fishery species. They are also important feeding grounds for ducks
and geese sought after by wildfowlers.
In addition to the value of the associated fauna, the eelgrass plants
themselves play an important role in maintaining the stability of the shoreline. The dense
network of rhizomes binds the sediment and reduces erosion in shallow waters. If beds are
locally destroyed, their protective capacity can only be replaced by financially costly
artificial shoreline reinforcements.
Biodiversity and conservation importance
The network of roots and leaves in an extensive Zostera bed
provides ecological niches for a wide range of associated fauna and flora, so that these
biotopes are important in maintaining coastal biodiversity. Eelgrass beds exhibit high
rates of primary productivity and are an important source of organic matter, fuelling
detritus-based food chains within the biotope. Organic matter transported out of Zostera
beds can also be utilized in other biotopes, in some cases far removed from the point
of origin. The role of Zostera beds in coastal and marine ecosystems will be
discussed further in Chapter III.
Rarity and vulnerability to human impacts
Zostera biotopes were selected for the UK Marine SACs Project not
only because of the values noted above, but also because they were in the past a
widespread feature of Britains nearshore margin, hence they are a significant
element of Britains natural marine heritage. Although all three Zostera
species are still widespread today, they are now considered to be nationally scarce with a
patchy distribution (see below). Although there has not been a comprehensive inventory,
the existing data and previous records indicate that Zostera beds have made a poor
or slow recovery from the impact of wasting disease in the 1920s -1930s. This same
situation is generally true for other areas where Zostera was once common, such as
along the Atlantic seacoast of North America.
Furthermore as human settlement along Britains coast has
increased (both in terms of population and scale of physical alteration to shorelines),
especially in estuarine areas, the Zostera meadows in these areas have been
subjected to increased direct (e.g. dredging, filling) and indirect (e.g. upstream
channelization resulting in increased sedimentation) impacts. They are therefore a high
priority for monitoring and conservation management.
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