The objective of this report is to summarise and review the available information
on Intertidal mudflats and sandbanks
and Subtidal mobile sandbanks. The report
is one of nine which aim to review the dynamics
and sensitivity of biotope complexes
and link these to the habitats
defined in the EU Habitats and Species Directive.
The present report has brought these two biotope
complexes together because of their common features
and because an understanding of sedimentary systems
is common to both. Distinctions between these sedimentary
biotope complexes are discussed where necessary
but the report focuses on the fundamental environmental
and biological attributes of the overall sedimentary
system. It indicates the sensitivity of these biotope
complexes to natural and human-induced changes,
and gives options for monitoring the important features
that are relevant to the management of key aspects
of these complexes.
The report is oriented around the following principles and logic:
- that physical environmental features create the fundamental structuring characteristics;
- once these are created, niches are available in which the biological community will be
allowed to develop;
- the most important common feature in maintaining the integrity of the biotope complexes
is their dependence on erosion and accretion processes and the hydrophysical regime
required to maintain conditions such as sediment type;
- once the biological community has developed, it is necessary to consider the biological
mediating phenomena, such as predator-prey relationships, and the ways in which the biota
can modify the sedimentary environment, e.g. by bioturbation;
- then it is necessary to give the features defining the sensitivity of the biotope
complexes to natural and anthropogenic changes;
- then it is necessary to consider the environmental and biological attributes of the
systems for monitoring and surveillance; and
- finally, within this structure, it is necessary to indicate the strategies and
procedures for management.
Nature and distribution of the biotope complexes
Linkages to other habitats
The importance of the biotope complexes
Status of biotopes in biotope classifications