Proliferation/reduction of predators and grazers
The density of predators and grazers can be subject to wide natural
variations. The fluctuations of the northern sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus
droebachiensis, have been well documented (Hagen, 1995). The endoparasitic nematode Echinomermella
matsi appears important in mediating these fluctuations (Skadsheim et al., 1995;
Hagen, 1996). The major role which grazers can play in controlling infralittoral algal
populations has been discussed. A grazer reduction can allow the lower depth limit of
canopy algae to extend downwards, though only to the levels which they are naturally
capable of reaching, which will not impact on the main body of the circalittoral zone.
Predators such as Asterias are also suspected to have importance in structuring
communities, but less is known of their fluctuations in number. More needs to be known
concerning the dynamics of predator and grazer numbers in CFT communities - very little is
known of the factors which regulate their numbers. Until this understanding is available
there will be substantial difficulties in separating natural variability from
anthropogenic impacts.
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