Non-toxic substances
Selection of non-toxic substances
Hazard assessment of non-toxic substances
Selection of non-toxic substances
Non-toxic substances do not appear on lists of
priority substances (see linked table below). However,
this should not imply that they are not of concern
to the regulatory authorities. The non-toxic substances,
or groups of substances of concern, have been identified
by the nature conservation agencies and include:
- Nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon
- Organic carbon
- Oxygen depleting substances: BOD, COD
- pH
- Salinity
- Temperature: thermal discharges
- Turbidity (including suspended solids)
Hazard assessment of non-toxic
A profile of each non-toxic substance, or group
of substances, has been prepared providing information
on the major sources, fate and behaviour in the
marine environment and main biological effects.
These profiles are located in Appendix
The information used for each profile has been
drawn partly from reviews undertaken on behalf of
English Nature and from other readily available
information. Exhaustive literature reviews have
not been carried out. The profiles outline the main
primary and secondary effects but do not purport
to detail every possible effect.
The linked
table summarises the key features of
each non-toxic substance, or group of substances,
and so provides an initial indication of the hazard
to interest features of European marine sites.
There are no standard criteria that can be applied
to non-toxic substances for fate, behaviour and
effects and consequently the table linked above
contains the main points drawn from the profiles
in the Appendix.
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