Competent authorities
For each of the activities identified in the linked
tables, the appropriate legislation identifies a
competent authority that exercises the statutory
control of that activity. Some legislation also
specifies other regulatory bodies that must be consulted
by the competent authority in exercising those legislative
powers and these are generally termed statutory
consultees. Often, consultation with other legislative
bodies is undertaken on an informal or non-statutory
basis. Where activities involve the construction
of a land-based (above Mean High Water) structure,
for which planning permission will be required,
many of the regulatory bodies will be consulted
as part of the planning process.
Tables A, B and C (listed below) identify the competent
authorities in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland respectively and other regulatory bodies
involved in the consultation processes. The tables
indicate the legislative basis for the role of each
regulatory body in relation to the identified activities.
Common activities and role/function
of regulatory authorities in England & Wales
Common activities and role/function
of regulatory authorities in Scotland
Common activities and role/function
of regulatory authorities in Northern Ireland
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