Recreation : Marine Enviroment : Summary

Summary of recreation

The Benefits of Recreation

Trends in Recreation and Leisure Participation

Questionnaire Findings

The Benefits of Recreation

The benefits of recreation for nature conservation should be considered when assessing management requirements.

Trends in Recreation and Leisure Participation

The seasonal variations of different activities can have implications for nature conservation, with the majority of recreational activities occurring in July to September.

There is no evidence to suggest that participation in any of the recreational activities which take place in coastal areas is growing significantly or has grown significantly over the last five years.

Questionnaire Findings

Water-based activities are more likely to have a national representative body than land based activities, which tend to be more informal.

Concern was raised about the use of management measures such as zoning for nature conservation which traditionally have been used for safety and navigation purposes

The most popular water-based activities cited in the responses to the questionnaire were sailing and motorboating.

The most popular land based activities were thought to be walking and bird watching.


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