Existing Management Initiatives
EU Habitats Directive
UK Biodiversity Action Plan
National / strategic / policy level
SAC site level
Recent initiatives arising from the EU Habitats Directive and the
Convention on Biological Diversity have led to eelgrass habitats being specifically
targeted for conservation and restoration (Wynne et al., 1995). The key provisions and
requirements of these two initiatives, as they relate to marine SAC management, are
summarized below
EU Habitats Directive:
The Habitats Directive has five major requirements :
- European marine sites should be managed in order to maintain or restore the favourable
conservation status of their natural habitats and species.
- In European marine sites, steps should be taken to avoid deterioration of the habitats,
or disturbance to the species for which the site has been designated.
- Activities, whether inside or outside the site, that are likely to have significant
effects upon the conservation status of the sites features shall be subject to
assessment. Generally, such plans and projects may proceed only if it is considered that
they will not affect the integrity of the site.
- At each site, the condition of the conservation features of the site and the
effectiveness of any management measures undertaken will be monitored.
- Any management of the site should take into account the economic, cultural, social and
recreational needs of the local population (SNH et al., 1997).
Under the Regulations, the conservation agencies have a statutory
responsibility for developing conservation objectives, defined as a
statement of the nature conservation aspirations for a site. They will be expressed in
terms of the favourable condition of the conservation features for which the SAC has been
selected. The set of conservation objectives that are developed for each site should be
specific, attainable, measurable and regularly reviewed. They should help to identify the
management needs of the site, and to determine whether the existing management measures
are appropriate or whether new measures should be introduced to maintain or restore the
conservation features of the site (SNH et al., 1997).
The Regulations make provision for the development and implementation
of management schemes for European marine sites, to achieve the set of
conservation objectives for each site. The Regulations suggest that Relevant
Authorities (such as Local Authorities and Harbour Authorities that have statutory
powers over the area) should work together within a Management Group / Forum. They
will have a responsibility to undertake their duties to ensure the maintenance of the
conservation features of the site, that the conservation objectives of the site are
achieved and that the management scheme is reasonable, workable and appropriate to the
site (SNH et al., 1997).
UK Biodiversity Action Plan
A costed Habitat Action Plan for seagrass beds has been prepared by the
UK Biodiversity Steering Group. A South West Regional Biodiversity Habitat Action Plan for
seagrass beds has also been developed. These provide a summary of conservation issues and
management approaches being considered. Copies of both documents are included in the
Appendices. The UK Biodiversity Steering Group has also prepared Habitat Statements for
Inlets and enclosed bays and Estuaries which both refer to Zostera species as
key elements of these habitat types Estuary Management Plans are being prepared by the
statutory conservation agencies and a number of these also refer to Zostera.
County Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) are also being developed and
some are likely to refer to Zostera species. For example, the Kent BAP refers to Z.
marina as a key element of the marine communities even though this species has not
occurred there for some time (I. Tittley, pers. comm.).
As biotopes of high conservation importance, Zostera beds are
recognized within a number of recent national and international nature conservation
designations and international conservation agreements. Under these complimentary
designations, a combination of commitments and management responsibilities can be used by
site managers to reinforce the protection given to Zostera beds. For example, some
of the UK Marine SACs Project demonstration sites are also designated SPAs and in the
Birds Directive, Zostera beds are an important conservation feature. Some SACs are
also RAMSAR sites, which gives international recognition of the sites importance as
a habitat for birds and requires the UK government to protect the site.
Each of the UK countries have their own national conservation
designations, both statutory and non-statutory (National Nature Reserves, SSSIs) which can
assist in the conservation management of Zostera beds. National management
initiatives, such as Focus on Firths in Scotland and Estuary Initiatives in
England, will also assist in the conservation management of these biotopes.
Some practical management actions, developed from the costed and
regional seagrass Action Plans are listed below (UK Biodiversity Steering Group, 1995 and
RSPB, 1996).
National / strategic / policy level
- Compile and publish an inventory of the distribution, extent and quality (e.g. species
diversity) of Zostera beds in the UK.
- Identify Zostera beds in the UK that are of particular significance (e.g. in
extent and species diversity) and ensure that they are covered by the protected area
Ensure that the full range of variation within Zostera biotopes
is adequately represented
within the network of European Marine Sites.
Consider listing Zostera sp. under Annex I of the Habitats
Directive, if the opportunity for amendment arises.
- Identify suitable sites, such as within the marine SAC network, where attempts could
most successfully be made to restore Zostera beds, and draw up a targeted national
- Identify/confirm the important natural and anthropogenic activities that affect the Zostera
biotope in the UK.
- Consider the conservation requirements of Zostera in the development of national
or regional coastal zone management initiatives, to ensure that Zostera biotopes
are not managed in isolation from other habitats and communities.
- Provide appropriately targeted information and advice to the Relevant Authorities, local
people and the general public on the importance of Zostera biotopes, the need for
conservation management, the range of damaging activities and the action they can take to
prevent or minimize such damage.
- Consider the establishment of a national programme of Zostera biotope monitoring,
to provide information on issues such as the incidence of wasting disease.
SAC site level
- Confirm the distribution, extent and quality (e.g. species diversity) of Zostera
beds in the SAC.
- Identify/confirm the important natural and anthropogenic activities that affect the Zostera
biotope in the SAC.
- Identify particular local factors that may affect Zostera biotopes in the SAC.
- Record natural stochastic events and, if required, monitor impacts and recovery.
- Monitor changes in the types and intensity of human activities occurring within and
adjacent to the site, particularly relating to fishing and recreation.
- Be aware of other activities and coastal developments remote from the SAC that may have
impacts on the Zostera biotopes.
- Ensure that under Regulation 48 of the Habitats Directive, all new plans and projects,
particularly coastal developments are reviewed and assessed so that the impacts on Zostera
biotopes of the SAC are prevented or minimized.
- Utilize other existing legislation, relating to pollution, water quality and fishing to
prevent or minimize damage to the Zostera biotopes of the SAC.
- Record major anthropogenic incidents and if required monitor impacts and recovery.
- Link SAC management with any other management initiatives that may already apply to or
include the SAC.
- Increase awareness amongst the Relevant Authorities and local people of the importance
of Zostera biotopes, the need for conservation management, the range of damaging
activities and the action they can take to prevent or minimize such damage.
- Seek to halt any declines in the Zostera biotope in the SAC.
- Maintain and /or restore the Zostera biotope in the SAC.
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