Coastal Development
The long-term survival of Zostera beds requires an equilibrium
between the processes of sediment accretion and erosion. Water clarity is also very
important, as this affects the amount of light available for photosynthesis and so
determines the depth to which the plants can grow. Many forms of coastal development can
strongly influence the local hydrographic regime, causing profound changes in rates of
sedimentation and erosion, and increasing the quantities of suspended sediment in the
water column. The most common activities of this kind include:
- Construction of docks, piers, coastal defences and marinas
- Pipeline laying
- Channel dredging
- Land reclamation
- Seabed or water extraction
Increased sediment erosion has been strongly implicated in the loss of
seagrass (Posidonia sp.) beds in the Mediterranean (Boudouresque & Meinesz,
1982) and Posidonia and Heterozostera beds in Australia (Shepherd et al.,
1989). In both the Mediterranean and Australia, it has been shown that such seagrass
losses can be self-perpetuating. Sediments that are no longer stabilized by seagrasses
erode more quickly and the turbidity resulting from the increased sediment load in the
water can lead to further degradation of beds (Shepherd, et al., 1989).
Increased sediment accretion has caused losses of seagrass beds in
several parts of Australia (Shepherd et al., 1989). Reduction in light penetration is a
major contributory factor in these declines but it has been suggested that other factors
such as changes in the redox potential of surface sediments may have additional impacts
(Thayer et al., 1975). Sediment accretion around the cofferdam for the Second Severn
Crossing appears to have caused a decrease in the extent of the Zostera bed in the
Severn Estuary pSAC (M. Hill, pers. comm.).
Butcher (1941a) suggested that the decline of Zostera beds in
the Solent prior to the 1950s, may have been related to dock construction and channel
dredging. Tubbs (1995) suggested that in the estuaries of southern and eastern England,
where Zostera was formerly widespread and abundant, an adverse silt budget arising
from a steepening shore profile, associated with a rise in sea level, may have limited
Giesen et al. (1990a, b) suggested that in the Wadden Sea, increased
turbidity caused by deposit extraction and dredging activities (and exacerbated by
eutrophication) was a major factor in the decline of Zostera in the 1970s and 1980s
and that fluctuations in salinity and temperature were of minor importance.
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