Interaction with the Local Marine Environment
Dense beds of suspension-feeding brittlestars, in some cases extending
over hundreds of square metres of sea floor and containing millions of individuals,
represent significant concentrations of biomass on the sea floor. The removal of large
amounts of suspended particulate matter from the water column, combined with the output of
nitrogenous excretory products, can make an important contribution to the cycling of
nutrients in the areas where beds occur. In the Bay of Brest, Brittany, benthic
suspension-feeders, numerically dominated by Ophiothrix fragilis (local
aggregations over 400 individuals m-2) can filter the equivalent of 30% of the
total water volume of the bay daily (Hily, 1991). The inflow of nutrient-rich stream water
into the bay leads to very high primary productivity, but eutrophication does not occur,
apparently because of the removal of particulate matter by the benthic community. Davoult
et al. (1991) estimated the quantities of ammonium excreted by Ophiothrix beds in
the Dover Strait and concluded that the beds made an important contribution to the total
flux of ammonium into the water column in the area. This nutrient regeneration is a
necessary component of the cycle of phytoplankton production on which most marine life
ultimately depends. Further work (Davoult & Gounin, 1995b) showed that rates of
ammonium release vary over the year in parallel with changes in the brittlestar biomass
and feeding rate. All these parameters increase over the spring to a peak in May/June
before declining again.
The possible role of brittlestar beds in other important biogeochemical
cycles has been little-studied (Hutchins et al., 1996). Gounin et al. (1995) studied the
transfer of heavy metals (iron, manganese, lead, copper and cadmium) through Ophiothrix
beds. They concluded that heavy metals ingested or absorbed by the animals transited
rapidly through the body and were expelled in the faeces. The brittlestars did not appear
to accumulate metals in the tissues and so would not act to decontaminate the near-bottom
water mass.
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