Literature Cited and Key Background Reading

Key references for background reading on the ecology of brittlestar beds are shown in boldface.

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Aronson, R.B., 1987b. A murder mystery from the Mesozoic. New Scientist, 1581: 56-59.

Aronson, R.B., 1989. Brittlestar beds: low-predation anachronisms in the British Isles. Ecology, 70: 856-865.

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Aronson, R.B. & Harms, C.A., 1985. Ophiuroids in a Bahamian saltwater lake: the ecology of a Paleozoic-like community. Ecology, 66: 1472-1483.

Aronson, R.B. & Sues, H.-D., 1988. The fossil record of brittlestar beds. In: Echinoderm Biology. Proceedings of the 6th International Echinoderm Conference, Victoria, August 1987. eds. Burke, R.D., Mladenov, P.V., Lambert, P. & Parsley, R.L. Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, pp. 147-148.

Auster, P.J., 1993. ROVs for science. Marine Technology Society Journal, 26: 3-4.

Ball, B.J., 1991. Aspects of the biology and ecology of mixed aggregations of the epifaunal brittlestars Ophiothrix fragilis and Ophiocomina nigra (south and west coasts of Ireland). Ph.D Thesis, University College, Galway.

Ball, B.J., Costelloe, J., Könnecker, G. & Keegan, B.F., 1995. The rocky subtidal assemblages of Kinsale Harbour (south coast of Ireland). In: Biology and ecology of shallow coastal waters. Proceedings 28th European Marine Biology Symposium, Iraklio, Crete, 1993. eds. Eleftheriou, A., Ansell, A.D. & Smith, C.J., Fredensborg, Olsen & Olsen. pp. 293-301.

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