Physical Environment
Hydrographic conditions
Sediment particle size and organic enrichment
Hydrographic conditions
In British and Irish waters, the Sea pens and burrowing
megafauna biotope complex extends from the shallow subtidal (< 10 m depth) to
over 100 m in the northern North Sea (Dyer et al., 1982), the western Irish Sea (Hensley,
1996), and the deepest sea lochs (Howson & Davies, 1991). Thalassinidean mud-shrimps
occur in the low intertidal zone in many parts of the world but are not known to do so
here, with the exception of the rarely-recorded Axius stirhynchus. The biotope
characterized by Virgularia mirabilis and Philine aperta (IMU.PhiVir) can be
found in water less than 10 m deep in the sheltered inner basins of some sea lochs (Howson
et al., 1994). In the Caol Scotnish basin, Loch Sween, Maxmuelleria lankesteri, Callianassa
subterranea and Jaxea nocturna occur in very fine, stable muds in as little as
8 m depth (Nickell et al., 1995b), but sea pens are absent here. The burrowing megafauna
is typically more abundant in slightly deeper water (> 15 m), while the large sea pen Funiculina
quadrangularis occurs at depths > 20 m.
Low-energy conditions are a prerequisite for the existence of fine
sedimentary substrata. Areas supporting this biotope complex are usually highly sheltered
from wave exposure and with weak or negligible tidal streams. The most extremely sheltered
conditions occur in the almost landlocked inner basins of many sea lochs. The biotope
coded CMS.AfilEcor, which includes Callianassa subterranea and Virgularia
mirabilis, exists in slightly more energetic conditions, with consequently coarser
sediments than are found in the inner sea lochs.
Biotopes within this complex occur in conditions of fully marine
salinity and do not extend into estuaries (the sole exception seems again to be Axius
stirhynchus, which has been recorded on estuarine shores). Shallow coastal habitats in
the British Isles clearly experience wide seasonal temperature changes. Species
characteristic of these biotopes may respond with seasonal patterns of behaviour, but
within the British Isles most do not appear to be temperature-limited in their
Sediment particle size and organic enrichment
The size distribution of particles in a marine sediment is an extremely
important ecological parameter and can have a major influence on the composition of the
biological community. Grain size distribution can be expressed in a number of ways, but a
simple three-way division can be made between sand (particles 62 - 2000 m m in diameter), silt (4 - 62 m m) and
clay (< 4 m m) fractions (Buchanan, 1984). A further
simplification is often made by pooling the two smaller size fractions into a silt-clay
category. Sediments with silt-clay fractions > 80% are generally classified as
muds, those with fractions in the range 30 - 80% as sandy muds,
and those with 10 - 30% silt-clay as muddy sands. The finest sediments at the
heads of sheltered sea lochs may have a silt-clay content exceeding 95% (of sediment dry
weight). Generally, finer sediments (higher silt-clay component) are found in conditions
of lower exposure to waves and currents, and have a higher organic content than sandier
substrata. This is because low-energy conditions favour the accumulation of settling
plankton and detritus from the water column, and because the smaller sediment grains
provide a larger total surface area for the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.
Organic content of unpolluted coastal sediments can range from < 1% in clean sands to 7
- 8% in sea loch muds (much higher figures can exist in situations of gross organic
pollution by sewage, alginate waste or fish farm effluent)
Sea pens are anchored within the sediment but do not depend upon it for
food. Of the three British species, Virgularia mirabilis has the broadest
environmental tolerances, occurring both in extremely fine inner sea loch muds (biotope
IMU.PhiVir) and in much sandier substrata containing large numbers of small stones and
shell fragments (biotope CMS.VirOph.HAs).
Megafauna which burrow within the sediments, and in many cases feed
from it, have a more obvious interaction with the substratum, and some species are
characteristically found in a particular set of conditions. Buchanan (1963) found Calocaris
macandreae only in areas where silt-clay formed more than 20% of the sediment. Highest
densities occurred where the silt-clay content exceeded 60%. Jaxea nocturna is also
associated with fine, organic-rich sediments. Callianassa subterranea is able to
inhabit a wider range of sediment types, including fine sea loch muds and the much sandier
sediments of the central North Sea. The animal constructs a distinctively different burrow
in each of these two environments (Atkinson & Nash, 1990; Rowden & Jones 1995).
The burrowing megafauna are generally absent from very coarse sands.
The limiting factors may be the low organic content (inadequate food supply) and low
cohesion (burrows will tend to collapse easily) of sandier sediments. In coarser sediments
Callianassa subterranea will line its burrow with mucus to prevent collapse, a
precaution unnecessary in highly cohesive muds (Atkinson & Nash, 1990). To date, most
studies of burrowing megafauna have been carried out in sea lochs with very fine muddy
substrata, and the communities in coarser sedments have received less attention. At Lundy,
Cepola rubsecens, Callianassa subterranea and Upogebia spp. are found
burrowing in muddy gravel (Hoare & Wilson, 1976). In the Clyde Sea, Cepola is
also commonest on relatively coarse sediments (R.J.A. Atkinson, personal communication).
The larger burrowers also appear to be excluded from areas of very high
organic enrichment, for example the centres of sewage sludge disposal grounds (Pearson
& Rosenberg, 1978; Smith 1988). This phenomenon will be discussed further in the
section of this report dealing with the impact of human activities on the biotope complex.
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