Summary of Favourable Conditions in Intertidal Sand and Mudflats and Targets for their Maintenance.

Attributes Indicators of Favourable Conditions
Area No decline beyond natural fluctuations but there can be no limit to an increase in the sand or mudflat on condition that other habitats are not adversely affected.
Substratum Maintain baseline thickness, structure, stability characteristics and particle composition of mudflats or sandflat.
Tidal elevation The sand or mudflats should be exposed at low tide and there should be no deviation from background levels in tidal elevation or shore slope.
Hydrographical regime Maintain baseline conditions of tidal, wind-induced and residual flow, channel position and, where the sand or mudflats occur in estuaries, freshwater run-off and salinity regime.
Community structure Maintain expected community structure given hydrological regime and substratum conditions.
Biotopes No increase in sand or mudflat area which leads to a decline in other important biotopes, otherwise no generic limits to increase are definable. Remaining areas of the site should continue to be dominated by biotopes representative of the habitat in the region.
Species Ensure continued presence of nationally scarce or rare species listed in Appendix 1 in Sanderson (1996) or other important species listed in the Site Notification. No upper limits to species abundance except where increase threatens other important species or indicates habitat degradation and/or disruption of the community due to human factors.
Community function Sand and mudflats should continue to support important predator and/or grazer populations.
