Biotopes |
Benthic community |
Fish and shellfish communities |
Bird community |
Reclamation |
Reduction of existing biotope abundance
and/or diversity |
Reduction of population size and biomass |
Reduction of specific prey species and
feeding area |
Reduction of specific prey species or
feeding area |
Barrage (amenity and tidal energy) |
Predominant biotopes may change |
Reduction due to loss of intertidal area
Change of feeding types |
Reduction of prey species to support fish
communities but increase in fish feeding areas |
Reduction of prey species and carrying
capacity to support bird communities |
Dredging activities and aggregate
removal |
Reduction of existing biotope abundance
and/or diversity
Change towards biotopes typical of unstable sediment |
Reduction in species diversity and
abundance due to habitat disruption and smothering |
Loss of prey species |
Reduction of specific prey species |
Fishing activities; shellfish
harvesting, bait digging, trawling and potting |
May change due to reduction in target
benthic species (altered community dynamics) or due to damage to the integrity of habitat |
Change to community structure due to loss
of target species (bait digging). Also damage to habitat from trawling |
Change to community structure due to loss
of target species (bait digging) and non-target species. Also damage from trawling.
Reduction in specific target species and non target species |
Reduction of specific prey species |
Organic enrichment |
Will change in response to tolerance to
anoxia and/or increased nutrients |
Decrease in species richness and increase
in opportunistic species indicative of organic enrichment, eg. Capitella |
Lethal and sublethal effects. Reduction of
specific prey species. Loss of resource for harvesting. |
Reduction or possible change in specific
prey species, change to the palatability of prey |
Industrial and domestic discharge |
Elimination of vulnerable biotopes to
which the toxins are most available |
Lethal and sublethal effects. Decrease in
species richness and increase in opportunistic species tolerant of pollution |
Lethal and sublethal effects including
bioaccumulation. Reduction of specific prey species. Loss of resource for harvesting. |
Reduction or possible change in specific
prey species; possible tainting of prey. |
Oil and gas exploration, development
and production |
Elimination of vulnerable biotopes due to
oil spills and/or other discharges. May change due to destruction or smothering of
biotopes |
Lethal and sublethal effects. Reduction in
species diversity and abundance due to habitat disruption and smothering |
Noise effect from seismic activity. Lethal
and sub lethal effects. Reduction of specific prey species |
Reduction or possible change in specific
prey species |
Recreational disturbance |
Trampling of fragile intertidal biotopes |
High activity may cause increased
pollution |
High activity may cause increased
pollution |
Disturbance to foraging and roosting area
and time |