An understanding of the features of sediments of intertidal sand and mudflats and the
subtidal sand banks and the inter-relationships between those features is necessary to
interpret their influence on the biota. Marine sediments are often heterogeneous in
containing particles of many grades and types but their characteristics will vary
spatially depending on the nature of the adjacent coastline, the hydrodynamics of the
water (which produce areas of high or low energy) and the contours of the sea bed. The
underlying geology, topography and physiography will produce the basic shape of the
coastline and its ability to be infilled with sediment (Pethick, 1984). The substratum is
defined by the size range of its constituent particles and may be classified by the
Wentworth scale (Buchanan, 1984; Buller & McManus, 1979; Tait & Dipper, 1998).
Intertidal mudflats are predominantly clay (particles <4µm), silt (4 - 63µm) and
to a lesser extent very fine sand (63 - 125µm); intertidal sandflats contain all the
grades of sand and to a lesser extent silt and clay, whereas subtidal mobile sand banks
contain all the grades of sand (63µm - 1mm) with a very low silt and clay content.
The settling velocity of particles is dependent on particle size and water
characteristics such that sands and coarser materials settle rapidly and particles
>15µm diameter will settle out within one tidal cycle (King, 1975). In contrast, clay
and silt (particles <4µm diameter) are unlikely to settle within one tidal cycle and,
in addition, have settling velocities which are influenced by flocculation processes often
mediated by surface electrostatic charge. Such phenomena are important in estuarine waters
and intertidal muds subject to widely fluctuating salinity and pH.
Sediment deposition within an area is controlled by the type, direction and speed of
the currents and the size of the particles. Fine grained material will move in suspension
and will follow the residual waterflow, although there may be deposition at periods of
slack water. The coarser grained material will travel along the bed in the direction of
the maximum current and will be affected most by high velocities (Postma, 1967). Erosion
of fine sand of 0.1mm particle diameter occurs at >30 cm s-1, and deposition
will occur at <15cm s-1. Particles of 1-10 µm diameter have a similar
relationship, although erosion requires faster current speeds because of consolidation and
flocculation (Hedgpeth, 1967).
The distribution of grain sizes within a substratum is indicated by sorting and
skewness characteristics (Buller & McManus, 1979). Sorting reflects the range of
forces which have formed the sediment and it influences the gradient of slope of
intertidal areas. In sediments that have a low degree of sorting, as a reflection of a
greater mixture of particle sizes, small particles occupy the spaces between larger grains
and thus reduce pore space or porosity. In intertidal areas this lowers percolation rate
and creates steeper shore profiles (Pethick, 1984). Pore space also depends on the rate of
deposition with rapid deposition leading to cubic packing which maximises the spaces
between grains and leads to a more porous sediment (Pethick, 1984). Skewness indicates the
shape of the tail of the frequency distribution of the sediment particles.
These characteristics of sediments are interrelated (see figures linked below) to
create conditions conducive to supporting infauna.
Factors pertaining to sedimentary low energy areas
Factors pertaining to sedimentary high energy areas
Mudflats and sheltered beaches consist of fine or silty sands and thus reflect low
energy conditions. The characteristic features that define the substratum in low energy
environments are noted below and illustrates in the first figure linked above:
- particles of a small median diameter (as the result of settlement by all sizes of
- shallow slope and high water content (by an inability to drain through sediment packing
and low porosity);
- high sorting coefficient, low permeability and generally low porosity (depending on
compaction, but as the result of particles blocking pore spaces);
- high organic content (as the result of organic detritus settling and being formed, by
growth of heterotrophic and autotrophic micro-organisms) and thus high microbial
population and high sediment stability (as the result of cohesion); high carbon to
nitrogen ratio (as an addition of carbon over its degradation (Russell-Hunter, 1970); and
- low oxygen content and therefore high reducing conditions (as the result of poor
percolation of oxygenated waters together with high heterotrophic activity degrading
organic matter).
The characteristic features that define the substratum in exposed sandflats and
subtidal mobile sandbanks (areas of high energy) are summarised in the second figure
linked above. The main substratum features which are common to these biotope complexes
- particles of a high median diameter with a low sorting coefficient, high permeability
and generally high porosity (depending on compaction) and low sediment stability; and
- low organic content; high oxygen content and therefore low reducing conditions; low
carbon to nitrogen ratio and hence small microbial population.
The main features which distinguish these biotopes are aerial exposure, interstitial
water movement and the presence and movement of the water table. Although, as indicated
above, the biotope complexes share many of the main environmental features in being
physically controlled, they differ in the central aspect that subtidal sand banks are
highly dynamic and unstable and by definition always have a predominantly sandy
substratum, a high median particle diameter and low proportion of silt and clay material.
In contrast, the intertidal sand and mud flats have varying amounts of silt, clay and
organic material and are generally more stable.
Sediment attributes of intertidal mudflats
and intertidal and subtidal sands
Next Section