Taxonomic composition and feeding interactions
Dominant taxa in the CFT.
Feeding strategies
Biological interactions and keystone species
Dominant taxa in the CFT.
By definition a 'faunal' turf must consist predominantly of animals,
but as has been pointed out above the transition from the infralittoral is not clear cut,
and the upper levels of the circalittoral will contain algae, the amount decreasing with
depth. Crustose corraline algae are common (and usually unidentifiable in the field), and
the other algae comprise a wide variety of small reds. Thus in a survey of the Dorset
coastline (IOE Group, 1995) 16 species of red algae and 4 species of brown algae (Appendix) were collected from 'circalittoral bedrock'. This is
probably representative of what is normally found.
There is a dominance of sessile species in the CFT communities, and so
the animals would be expected to come predominantly from taxa which are basically sessile
in habit. This is confirmed both by an analysis of the species composition on
circalittoral bedrock in the Dorset survey cited above (IOE Group, 1995). An alternative
approach, concentrating on the more prominent species, is to examine all of the
'characterising species' in CFT biotopes in the JNCC biotope classification (Connor et
al., 1997) - these are listed in the appendix. The resulting
breakdown is very similar to the above.
Dorset Survey Characterising
CFT Species
Sessile groups
Sponges 28 23
Coelenterates 27 24
Tube worms 6 3
Barnacles 2 1
Molluscs 12 5
Bryozoans 25 12
Tunicates 11 14
Mobile groups
Annelids 1 2
Crustacea 9 4
Echinoderms 3 11
Fish - 3
In the Dorset survey the sessile sponges, coelenterates, bryozoans and
tunicates clearly dominate the community, making up more than 70% of the species. Of the
remainder a number are also attached. Again the sessile taxa predominate among
characterising CFT biotope species. The bryozoans are less well represented, since
although common, individual species tend not to be conspicuous. The echinoderms make up a
larger component - they tend to be very obvious elements in the community. However, it
must be remembered that these breakdowns ignore the abundant cryptofauna which do not
feature in any of the standard surveys.
Feeding strategies
The majority of the CFT organisms are filter feeders, depending on
suspended material in the water column coming within their range. This suspended material
may be living plankton, either plants in the form of phytoplankton or animals in the form
of zooplankton, or it may be dead organic matter. The organic matter arises from various
sources - such as by the breakdown of dead organisms, the shedding of fragments, the
production of faeces, and the release of mucus. Since the majority of CFT communities
occur in exposed or moderately exposed conditions the water movement will
facilitate the supply of this suspended food. Phytoplankton tends to concentrate in the
surface layers, but turbulent mixing will carry it down to the circalittoral zone. Much
zooplankton makes diurnal vertical migrations, or remains at depth, making it available in
the circalittoral zone. Particulate organic matter tends to settle to the sea bed, but the
water movement will keep it in suspension. A number of the CFT taxa are clearly all or
largely filter feeders - the sponges, tube worms, barnacles, bivalve molluscs, bryozoans,
tunicates, and coelenterates. Certainly filter feeders predominate numerically, and they
can be passive or active feeders.
Passive filter feeders depend entirely upon water movement to carry
food particles to the filtering mechanism - hydroids and fan corals are of this type, as
are most barnacles, and they would not be expected to flourish in extreme shelter. Active
filter feeders, most of the other taxa (e.g. sponges, bryozoans, tunicates), create a
water current to draw food into the collecting system. However, this current is in most
cases quite weak and draws food from distances of a few centimetres at most. So whilst
they can feed in static water, they nevertheless depend upon some water movements to
replenish the local food resource. The coelenterates differ in feeding mode from the other
groups above - they all depend upon a mixture of cilia, mucus and setal sieves to filter
fine particles, and they can only filter fine particles, so they are obligate
filter feeders. Coelenterates, however, have tentacles with stinging cells which they use
to catch their prey, though some also employ mucus/ciliary mechanisms. Some feed only on
small particles, and can be regarded therefore as functional filter feeders - this applies
to hydroids, fan corals, and soft corals. The soft coral Alcyonium employs
tentacular mechanisms to trap zooplankton, but at the same time filters phytoplankton with
a mucus/ciliary mechanism (Roushdy & Hansen, 1961). Some anemones (e.g. Urticina)
feed only on larger prey and are considered carnivores. However the plumose anemone (Metridium),
whilst normally feeding on small particles, has retained the ability to capture larger
A feature of filter feeders, particularly active ones, is their ability
to modify the environment by reducing the concentration of suspended particles. This is
probably only significant in semi-enclosed situations, but examples include the effects of
mussel farming on the water clarity of fjord systems (Haamer, 1996), and of mussel
populations in reclaiming disused docks (Wilkinson et al., 1996). In San Francisco Bay the
bivalve population has the capacity to filter the volume of the bay daily, and is
considered of far greater importance than the zooplankton in grazing down the
phytoplankton (Cloern, 1982). Thus any change in the balance of filter feeders, both
within or adjacent to CFT biotopes in enclosed situations, could affect water clarity and
the supply of particulate food.
The conspicuous mobile taxa - decapod crustaceans, gastropod molluscs,
and echinoderms - feed either as grazers, scavengers or carnivores. Grazing in this
context relates to mode of feeding rather than diet, since there are few algae and grazers
must subsist largely on an animal diet. Grazing is largely indiscriminate feeding as the
organism moves over the rock surface, typified by sea urchins and some gastropod molluscs.
Predation involves the deliberate selection, and sometimes pursuit, of prey. Starfish and
decapod crustaceans are good examples. Usually predators seem poorly represented in
hard-substratum communities, but they are often mobile and may only visit the biotope
intermittently for feeding.
Biological interactions and keystone species
Circalittoral communities have been poorly studied in this respect. To
determine the real role of species in a community generally requires experimental
manipulation in the field. This has been done quite extensively in the intertidal, to a
lesser extent in the infralittoral, but hardly at all in the circalittoral. It is largely
a matter of the logistics of working at depth, but also the identification of significant
questions to investigate. For hard substratum biotopes the most obvious questions usually
relate to whether particular grazers or carnivores operate as 'keystone' species -
i.e. their role is so significant that changes in their abundance can have major effects
on community composition and functioning.
Keystone species are considered to be important in the maintenance of
biodiversity by limiting the ability of potential dominant species to monopolise the
available space. The effects of grazers and carnivores as keystone species will be
discussed first, followed by a consideration of competition between species.
On intertidal rock limpets (Patella spp.) have such a role in
Britain, and their removal can change barnacle-mussel dominated shores into fucoid algal
dominated ones. This has been demonstrated experimentally (e.g. Jones, 1948; Hawkins,
1981), and was also seen following major limpet mortality after the Torrey Canyon disaster
(Southward & Southward, 1978). In the infralittoral zone sea urchins play a similar
role by grazing upon the algae and restricting the growth of kelps. In the Isle of Man it
was found that removal of all of the common urchin Echinus esculentus from an area
of rock substratum caused the lower boundary of the kelp forest to extend downwards by
several metres (Jones & Kain, 1967). Off Norway sudden increases in the northern
urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis devastated the kelp beds to produce
largely barren areas (Hagen, 1983) - examples of the classic 'urchin barren grounds'. It
has been suggested that increased numbers of seals have reduced levels of the main urchin
predator (the catfish Anarhichas lupus) allowing the urchins to proliferate
(Sivertsen & Bjorge, 1980). In California reduction of lobsters which prey on sea
urchins allowed urchins to proliferate and decimate the kelp canopies (Tegner & Levin,
1983). So there is evidence that grazing pressure on algae can moderate the depth of the
infralittoral-circalittoral boundary, but the chain of events involved may be quite
However, within the circalittoral zone itself there is less information
on biological interactions, but sea urchins and starfish both have the potential to
function in keystone roles. Sebens (1985a, b), working in the eastern USA, concluded that Echinus
could prevent the development of the normal invertebrate community, maintaining a
coralline crust which invertebrates would otherwise overgrow. This was confirmed by the
experimental manipulation of urchin density, which also showed that certain species such
as Alcyonium were less susceptible. Vertical and overhanging surfaces were grazed
less effectively by urchins, and tended not to be reduced to the coralline crust status.
Karlson (1978) and Vance (1979) have demonstrated a similar relationship in other American
locations. In Norway, Sandness & Gulliksen (1980) excluded the urchin Strongylocentrotus
with cages, and observed increased in barnacles and limpets. So urchins could perhaps
also maintain a 'barren ground' scenario in the British circalittoral: in Scotland at
least Echinus can reduce the diversity of the biota by intense grazing (Mitchell et
al., 1983), and there is certainly scope for experimental study..
The starfish Asterias rubens is a common species and a major
predator, particularly of mussels - it has even been used as a means of controlling mussel
fouling on the legs of oil rigs (Ralph & Goodman, 1979). However, the effects of Asterias
on common CFT species are less well known. It certainly preys heavily on the ascidian Ciona
intestinalis, and can prevent this species attaining dominance (Gulliksen &
Skjaeveland, 1973; Lundälv & Christie, 1986). It is also considered important in
clearing space on rock by grazing barnacles, mussels and ascidians (Menge, 1982). On
settlement panels in Sweden Asterias reduced the cover of sessile species to 20%,
compared to 100% when they were excluded (Lundälv & Christie, 1986). Other predators
include crabs, lobsters, and fish, but little is known of their roles in the British
circalittoral. In S. Africa, Barkai & Branch (1988) excluded rock lobsters and
observed marked changes. In Australia, Russ (1980) excluded fish, also with clear results.
Higher level predators are of interest because they may control the
numbers of the major primary grazers and predators (urchins and starfish), so ultimately
influencing community structure. In the eastern coasts of North America sea urchin
populations have expanded over the past century, and this has been linked to the increase
of lobster harvesting over the same period, on the assumption that lobsters were the most
important urchin predators (Mann & Breen, 1972). However choice experiments indicate
that urchins form a small part of lobster diet (Evans & Mann, 1977), and that crabs (Cancer
borealis) form a major part (Sebens, 1985). Since crabs are important urchin
predators, a decline in lobster numbers might in fact raise urchin predation.
Relationships are complex, and currently unclear, but there is good reason to expect
effects if the numbers of the top predators change (see section V.C).
There have been a great range of experimental studies, often using
artificial substrata, investigating competition for space between sessile CFT species (see
Sebens, 1985a, for a comprehensive list of references). Competitive success can result
from a variety of mechanisms - physical and chemical aggression, bulldozing or smothering,
shading, and perhaps localised food depletion. Erect species may limit competition for
rock surface by having a small attachment area, resulting in niche partitioning (Jackson,
1977). A study of competion between rock wall species in Massachusetts over a two year
period (Sebens, 1985a) enabled them to be ranked in a competitive hierarchy, with the
colonial ascidian Aplidium and the plumose anemone Metridium at the top, and
sponges and crustose algae at the bottom. Those species at the top of the hierarchy had
thick and massive growth forms. These relationships were predominantly hierarchical, in
contrast to the non-transitive network relationships noted for cryptic coral
reef fauna (Buss & Jackson, 1979). The implication is that undisturbed rock wall
communities will progress to a climax situation dominated by a few species,
and that physical or biotic disturbance is important to generate and maintain diversity.
In circalittoral biotopes physical disturbance seems to be uncommon, and biotic
disturbance will be the major agent. Changes in abundance of keystone species could
consequently have substantial effects on biodiversity. In Sweden areas from which starfish
were excluded developed 100% cover of Ciona, but when they were present more
species could co-exist (Lundälv & Christie, 1986).
Currently we do not know enough about biological interactions in
British CFT biotopes. It is fairly certain that the space-occupying species are in a
similar state of competition to that described by Sebens above - certainly competition was
strong between species growing on artificial substrata (Hextall, 1994). The role of
starfish, urchins and other higher level predators must be of similar importance to that
demonstrated elsewhere. Relevant experimental studies are certainly needed, but as a
precautionary measure major changes in abundance of potential keystone species must be
taken seriously.
Next Section