Problems associated with determining acceptable limits of change
Interpretation of results of monitoring programmes is likely many
instances to be difficult, because many of the biogenic reef biotopes under consideration
(with the probable exception of most Modiolus biotopes) undergo natural
fluctuations in populations which are either remarkably wide (many Mytilus, Sabellaria
alveolata and probably many annual S. spinulosa reefs), so that even almost
complete loss of reefs could be regarded as normal, or relatively unknown (the
more apparently stable S. spinulosa reefs at the mouth of the Wash; serpulid
reefs). The abundance and diversity of the associated fauna and flora will inevitably have
their own sources of variation in recruitment, growth and survival superimposed upon the
variations in the supporting reef populations; in general terms one can expect
richer and more diverse communities on older and more stable reefs than on younger or less
stable ones, but determining acceptable limits of change will again be very difficult in
most cases. In the early years the primary benefit of many surveys will be in giving
information about typical levels of natural variation, assuming that there are no major
human influences.
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