Sabellaria alveolata
Physico-Chemical Attributes
Monitoring Distribution and Abundance at Broad Scale
Monitoring Distribution and Abundance at Intermediate
Monitoring Distribution and Abundance at a Local Scale
Monitoring Individual Reefs
Physico-Chemical Attributes
A number of physical and chemical parameters could usefully be recorded
in areas of Sabellaria alveolata reef. In particular, these would include coastal
water and air temperatures, which may influence growth and fecundity, wave action, and
sand distribution/levels, a supply of suspended coarse sand being essential for the
formation of the tubes. It would be particularly important to record the latter in areas
where coastal developments with the potential to change sediment transport and deposition
are likely.
Monitoring Distribution and Abundance at Broad Scale
Monitoring and surveillance has to be undertaken at the hierarchy of
spatial and temporal scales. At the broadest and longest scale the distribution of Sabellaria
alveolata should be re-surveyed decadally using Cunningham et al. (1984) as a
baseline. Using the broadscale biogeographic approach adopted by Crisp & Southward
(1958) and rapid semi-quantitative abundance scales (see Cunningham et al., 1984), the
extent of this organism can be rapidly surveyed. Contractions or extensions in range can
be mapped and increases in abundance within its range tested using a matched set test
(e.g. Friedmans test matching by site over time). For example recent observations at
Lyme Regis have shown an increase in the sheet-like reef in recent years which was not
detected by Cunningham et al. (1984) in the early 1980s, despite frequent visits by one of
the authors (S.J.H.) during this period. The methods to be used are simple and could
readily be adopted by County Wildlife Trusts and EN, SNH, CCW regional staff with modest
training. Alternatively the resource required would be about 3 months person-time plus
travel and subsistence.
Monitoring Distribution and Abundance at Intermediate
The extremely broadscale approach described above could be supplemented
by more detailed observations using low level aerial photography, (or alternatively fixed
viewpoint photography, although this gives more problems in calculating area covered) at
low tide. Ideally these should be done annually, because the highly variable nature of S.
alveolata reefs means that considerable amounts of data would be required to identify
trends in abundance. Limited ground truthing would be required and such an approach can be
tested using recently acquired aerial photographs of the Cumbrian/Solway coast (Lumb,
pers. comm.), since it is not clear how obvious Sabellaria reefs are on aerial
photographs. A relatively recent survey (Allen et al., 1991) has also been undertaken on a
number of transects on this stretch of coast. Percentage cover estimates were made at 0.5
m vertical intervals in one of two ways: by visual estimates of percentage cover of a 5 m
wide band, or by estimates from each of 15 to 25 replicate quadrats. Repeats of these
surveys would allow some estimates of change to be measured whilst ground truthing.
Monitoring Distribution and Abundance at a Local Scale
The next level of detail would be to choose groups of adjacent sites
within a region (e.g. three shores at each of Galloway, Cumbria, Cardigan Bay, S. Wales,
N. Cornwall, S. Devon) and undertake quantitative work at each site. This would enable
separation of local effects (beach movements, trampling, failure of local recruitment)
from more widespread effects (e.g. the effects of climate on reproductive output). On each
shore three sub-areas of Sabellaria habitat would need to be selected. The
abundance of Sabellaria could be assessed quantitatively by stretching 25m long
tapes parallel to the shore line and scoring the number of times Sabellaria is
found under every half metre (50 intersection points). An hierarchical analysis of
variance could be used to separate regional, local (between shores) and within shore
variation. This approach could be coupled with biotope mapping on stretches of shore,
whole shore photographs, photographs of areas, plus qualitative descriptions of types of
colony. Using a video recorder would be an excellent way of retaining these records.
Monitoring Individual Reefs
More detailed studies could focus at the individual reef level at
selected key sites within cSACs. This level of detail would be particularly good for
looking at the growth, development and senescence of reefs and their associated flora and
fauna. Much useful background exists in the work of Wilson (1971) and Gruet (Gruet, 1977;
Gruet, 1981; Gruet, 1982; Gruet, 1985; Gruet, 1986; Gruet, 1989) but this was largely
autecological and not very quantitative. There is a need to measure rates of colony growth
and decay. The approach to be adopted would be to mark out replicated reefs in various
stages of growth or senescence (after Wilson, 1971). These would be measured and mapped.
The associated flora and fauna could be qualified non-destructively using replicated small
0.25 x 0.25 quadrats thrown on the reef. Wilson (1971) also reported that the use of a
skewer inserted between adjacent tubes in order to measure the thickness of a colony
resulted in no apparent harm. This simple method could be used in order to compare growth
For detailed studies of intertidal growth rates, Bamber & Irvine
(1997) successfully attached substantial pieces of S. alveolata reef (c. 1.5 l
volume) to plywood bases using epoxy resin. These were cured overnight in seawater and
then screwed to larger plywood sheets which were themselves screwed onto the bedrock on
the shore. This system appears to have been used successfully for over a year. The reefs
were periodically removed and the volume measured by the displacement of water.
Calculation of the volume using measurements obtained by photography gave a consistently
larger estimate compared to the displacement volume.
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