Thermal discharges
Power station cooling water systems have a range
of potential impacts on receiving environments including:
- the abstraction of large volumes of water,
- entrainment of organisms on intake screens,
- entrainment and passage of organisms through
the cooling system,
- the addition of biocides to the cooling water
to control biofouling, and
- the discharge and dispersal of the heated effluent.
These impacts are usefully reviewed by Langford
(1990) and in relation to a specific power station
in Milford Haven by Langford et al (1998).
The information in this profile mainly covers the
temperature effects associated with the discharge
of the heated effluent.
Entry to the marine environment
The primary source of thermal discharges to the
marine/estuarine environment is power station cooling
water discharges, although cooling-water from other
industrial processes could be responsible for more
localised temperature changes.
Recorded levels in the marine
The ultimate temperature of any cooling-water discharge
varies with a number of factors, including power
station operating load, volume of cooling water
used, design criteria for the station and the inlet
water temperature. The optimum temperature rise
for efficient power station operation is between
10 and 15 °C but rises
of up to 30 °C
have been recorded. The normal increase from inlet
to outlet (°T)
for British fossil fuelled power stations is 10-12
°C, although
discharge temperatures at nuclear power stations
can be up to 15°C higher than inlet temperatures (Langford et al 1998).
The resulting temperature change in the receiving
marine environment is very site specific and depends
on many factors, including the hydrodynamics of
the receiving system and the design and location
of the discharge.
In the UK, 12 of the 155 estuaries included in
the Estuaries Review (Davidson et al 1991)
received thermal discharges from power stations
facilities in 1989. Some estuaries received thermal
effluents from a number of power stations located
either directly on the estuary or upstream on the
river system feeding the estuary. For example, the
Humber has 3 power stations situated on the estuary
(with a further 4 either under construction or planned)
and 6 on river systems feeding into the estuary
(Barne et al 1995).
Fate and behaviour in the marine
The heat in a cooling-water discharge will dissipate
in the marine environment as the plume mixes with
the water column. Some energy may be lost to the
atmosphere if the plume is buoyant. Similarly, some
energy will be transferred to the sediments if the
discharge passes over intertidal sediments at low
tide or is entrained in lower layers of water. Continuous
thermal discharges to semi-enclosed bodies of water
such as estuaries can result in a net increase in
temperature of the water column.
The rate of mixing of the discharge plume with
the water column will determine the rate at which
heat is dissipated. Discharges to estuaries are
most likely to have reduced potential for complete
mixing with heated effluent concentrated in a body
of water that moves up and down the estuary with
the ebb and flow of the tide. This can be exacerbated
by stratification where heated effluents can be
entrained in distinct layers in the water column.
The heated effluent may reinforce stratification
as the heated buoyant effluent is entrained in surface
layers, increasing the temperature differential
between the layers above and below the thermocline.
In some situations, cooling-water discharges are
of greater salinity than the receiving environment
and become entrained in the lower layers of the
water column.
Effects in the marine environment
The effects of thermal discharges on the marine
environment can be sub-divided into direct effects
(those organisms directly affected by changes in
the temperature regime) and secondary effects (those
arising in the ecosystem as a result of the changes
in the organisms directly affected).
Direct effects
The direct effects of thermal discharges on the
marine environment include:
- change to the temperature regime of the water
column, and perhaps the sediment, of the receiving
- lethal and sub-lethal responses of marine organisms
to the change in temperature regime;
- stimulation in productivity in a range of organisms;
- reduction in the dissolved oxygen saturation.
Bamber (1995a cited in Langford et al 1998)
identified three aspects in which changes to the
temperature regime were important to the ecology
of the receiving environment:
1. mean temperature (which varies with distance
from the outfall and is crucial to understanding/predicting
longer term effects);
2. maximum temperature (clearly important if
it approaches the thermal lethal limit of an
3. temperature fluctuation and rate of change
(these can vary depending on controls within
the heat source, tidal fluctuations altering
the direction of the thermal plume, and tidal
height altering the volume of water available
to dilute and cool the discharge plume).
Examples of the upper temperature limits of seaweeds
are shown in the table below, with species, such
as Fucus and Ascophyllum spp. declining
in abundance where thermal discharges have resulted
in temperature increases of 5-7°
C above ambient (Langford 1990).
Thermal tolerance data for selected seaweeds (Langford
et al 1998)
Species |
Lethal temperature
Upper reproduction
limit temperature (°C)
crispus |
spp. |
filum |
digitata |
saccharina |
hyperborea |
contorta |
serratus |
articulata |
Gamete production
limited above 15°C
aculeata |
Some introduced invertebrates, including non-native
oysters, may be able to reproduce and thrive in
artificially heated regimes (Langford et al
1998) or affected populations may exhibit characteristics
of more southerly populations, such as breeding
earlier in the year (e.g. Bamber and Spencer 1984).
Temperature conditions before, during and after
the spawning period appear to be important for the
long-term variability (settlement and size) of Tellina
tenuis (Barnett and Watson 1986). Likewise,
high summer temperatures have been associated with
dense settlements of the barnacle Chthamalus
and the role of temperature on the seaweed-dwelling
amphipod Hyale nilsonni has been demonstrated
by Moore (1983). There are numerous other examples
where increased temperatures have affected the growth
and/or reproduction of invertebrates, such as the
amphipods Urothoe brevicornis and Corophium
ascherusicum, the harpacticoid crustacean Asellopsid
intermedia, the isopod Cyathura carinata
and the immigrant barnacles Balanus amphrite
and Elminius modestus (see Langford et
al 1998).
Behavioural effects are rarely reported in field
studies, but the amphipod Corophium volutator
has been reported to leave its burrow and enter
the water column at temperatures over 25°C.
Similar behaviour is shown by the burrowing bivalve
Donax serra which leaves its burrow and lies
on the sediment (sand) surface as temperature increases.
Ultimately, a long-term thermal discharge is likely
to lead to a changed and thermally adapted community,
more typical of that found in otherwise more southerly
and warmer climates.
There have been a number of suggestions of potential
effects on fish and macro-crustaceans ranging from
a temperature related water quality barrier to the
migration of salmon (NRA 1993) and the elimination
of certain species on the boundaries of their geographic
distribution to localised behavioural responses
to individual discharges.
The evidence for temperature related water quality
barriers is necessarily equivocal given the wide
number of factors affecting salmon migration. Localised
behavioural responses have been observed on a number
of occasions where species, such as bass and mullet,
have been attracted to these effluents at certain
times of year. It is possible that they are exploiting
additional food supplies but at the same time they
can be exposed to additional predation from birds
and anglers. Similarly, fish not suited to the localised
increase in temperature/reduction in dissolved oxygen
can avoid discharge plumes. Such behaviour has been
termed behavioural thermoregulation.
Given the largely localised impacts of thermal
pollution, it would appear that local changes in
fish populations may be observed and idiosyncratic
fisheries may be created. The overall impact on
an estuarine fish community is likely to be limited.
In the Thames estuary, a set of quality objectives
have been derived to ensure water quality is appropriate
for the passage of migratory fish and to support
fisheries consistent with the physical characteristics
of the estuary. The objectives include a non-statutory
temperature standard of a maximum temperature of
28 °C which is the EIFAC
standard for cyprinid fish under EU Freshwater Fish
Directive 78/659/EEC. The standard for migratory
fish is 21.5 °C but it
is recognised that this temperature would be exceeded
under natural conditions in most summers. However,
since 1989, all new discharges of cooling water
are subject to a condition whereby when river/estuary
temperatures exceed 21.5 °C,
they have to switch to alternative methods
of cooling (TEMP 1996).
Microbially-mediated processes, such as nitrification,
denitrification and manganese oxidation, are all
affected by thermal discharges, since every 8-10°C increase in temperature equates to a doubling of microbial
activity. The same thermal relationship applies
to phytoplankton productivity (providing no other
factors, such as light and nutrient availability,
are limiting). Thermal discharges are unlikely to
have a substantial effect on planktonic populations
where the residence time of water within the thermal
plume is less than one week, although benthic diatoms
are reported to be moribund in the near-field surrounding
thermal discharges (Langford et al 1998).
This observation is consistent with in with the
5-15°C optimal temperature range reported for a number of planktonic
diatoms (freshwater and marine).
Changes to dissolved oxygen saturation potentially
arise as a result of the reduction in solubility
of oxygen in sea water with increasing temperature
and as a consequence of the increased productivity
of microbial communities in particular. The consequences
of reduced dissolved oxygen are discussed elsewhere.
Indirect effects
The indirect effects of thermal discharges on the
marine environment include:
- changes in the distribution and composition
of communities of marine organisms comprising
European marine sites (particularly estuaries);
- localised changes in bird distributions usually
in response to increased macroinvertebrate or
fish food supplies close to thermal discharges.
Potential effects on interest
features of European marine sites
Potential effects include:
- change to the temperature regime of the water
column, and perhaps the sediment, of the receiving
- lethal and sub-lethal responses of marine organisms
to the change in temperature regime;
- stimulation in productivity in a range of organisms;
- reduction in the dissolved oxygen saturation;
- changes in the distribution and composition
of communities of marine organisms comprising
European marine sites (particularly estuaries);
- localised changes in bird distributions usually
in response to increased macroinvertebrate or
fish food supplies close to thermal discharges.
Next Section