Dissolved oxygen
Entry to the marine environment
The primary sources of oxygen in the marine environment
are atmospheric oxygen which enters the system via
gaseous exchange across the air-sea surface interface
and in situ production via photosynthesis
of algae and other aquatic plants.
Of critical importance to marine organisms is the
fate and behaviour of dissolved oxygen and the factors
affecting fluctuations in dissolved (DO) levels.
The principal anthropogenic activity resulting in
changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the
marine environment is the addition of organic matter.
Recorded levels in the marine
DO is measured in estuaries and coastal waters
in terms of either a concentration (mg l-1)
or as a percent saturation (%).
MPMMG (1998) reported summer and winter concentrations
of DO at National Monitoring Programme sites in
the UK in the range 4 to 11 mg l-1 expressed
as a median, with lowest concentrations occurring
in estuaries during the summer.
Many estuaries have intensive monitoring programmes
for DO and data will be available from the Environment
Agency, SEPA or the Environment and Heritage Service.
Oxygen demand is also routinely measured in effluents
discharging to estuaries and coastal waters and
is a common condition of discharge consents for
effluents with a high organic content. Oxygen demand
can be estimated as the Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD) or the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The oxygen
demand of the sediment can also be estimated as
the Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD).
BOD is a standard analytical procedure involving
the incubation of a sample of water or effluent
for a standard period of time (5 days) at a constant
temperature (20 °C) and measuring the dissolved oxygen concentration
at the beginning and end of the incubation period
with the difference between the two measurements
being the oxygen demand expressed in mg l-1.
The oxygen demand results principally from the microbial
degradation of organic matter and from nitrification,
although some chemical oxidation may also be taking
place (hence biochemical oxygen demand). Commonly,
the nitrification process is suppressed by adding
allylthiourea (ATU) to the sample and then BOD is
expressed as BOD5 (ATU).
BOD5 is a useful measure of oxygen demand
for comparative purposes. However, if an estimate
of ultimate oxygen consumption is required, a modified
test over a longer period is required to better
estimate the oxygen demand arising from the breakdown
of compounds, such as lignin, which are not readily
broken down by aerobic bacteria. In this context,
BOD5 is used as a measure of fast BOD
and the longer-term test of slow BOD. The combination
of fast and slow BOD represents an estimate of medium-long
term oxygen demand which falls somewhere between
BOD5 results and those obtained using
total oxygen demand or chemical oxygen demand (COD)
results (see Comber and Gunn 1994).
COD is a standard analytical procedure involving
the addition of a chemical oxidising agent (potassium
permanganate or dichromate) to a sample of water
or effluent for a standard period of time at a constant
temperature and measuring dissolved oxygen concentrations
as for BOD. COD provides a more complete oxidation
of both organic and inorganic compounds than BOD
(although both are erratic in their response to
aromatic organics), so provides higher estimates
of oxygen consumption rates. COD therefore provides
a better indicator of medium to long-term oxygen
demand. However, COD results are affected by the
presence of chlorides (Sherrard et al 1979),
which casts doubt over COD results from saline waters.
SOD can be measured by numerous methods (Nixon
1990). It is the result of all biological respiration
and nitrification, which may be measured either
in situ or ex situ, depending
on the method chosen. As such, it is more akin to
BOD. The results are usually expressed as oxygen
removal over a 24 hour period per m2
of sediment, usually standardised to a temperature
of 20 °C. Because
of the different timescales involved in measuring
BOD and SOD, it may be difficult to relate the water
column and sediment oxygen demands to each other,
particularly when one (BOD) excludes oxygen demand
due to nitrification, while the other includes it.
The reason for this difference appears to be the
close coupling of nitrification and denitrification
in many sediments, but not in the estuarine water
Fate and behaviour in the marine
The principal natural physical factors affecting
the concentration of oxygen in the marine environment
are temperature and salinity. DO concentrations
decrease with increasing temperature and salinity.
The other major factor controlling DO concentrations
is biological activity: photosynthesis producing
oxygen and respiration and nitrification consuming
Photosynthesis occurs in aquatic plants in the
presence of adequate supplies of carbon dioxide
and light. Oxygen is released as a by-product. Blooms
of phytoplankton in surface waters can supersaturate
the water with dissolved oxygen during the day in
the presence of adequate supplies of nutrients and
Respiration consumes oxygen and occurs in all aerobic
organisms. Blooms of phytoplankton in surface waters
can deplete the water column of oxygen during the
night in the presence of adequate supplies of nutrients.
Microbial respiration can deplete the water column
and sediments of dissolved oxygen in the presence
of organic matter.
Nitrification (the conversion of ammonia to nitrate
via nitrite) consumes oxygen, the process relying
principally on two bacterial genera: Nitrosomonas
and Nitrobacter. Except in regions with high
ammonium concentrations, e.g. around sewage outfall
discharges, nitrification in the water column of
shallow marine and estuarine systems appears to
be limited (Henriksen and Kemp 1988). However nitrification
can constitute a large proportion of sediment oxygen
demand (e.g. Rivsbech et al 1988). In estuaries
such as the Tamar (Owens 1996), nitrification is
closely coupled with the turbidity maximum, but
in other estuaries (e.g. the Mersey, Reynolds
et al 1994) nitrification rates may be greater
in filtered than unfiltered samples.
Oxygen balance in estuaries was usefully reviewed
by Nixon (1990).
Effects on the marine environment
The effects of changes in dissolved oxygen concentration
on the marine environment can be sub-divided into
direct effects (those organisms directly affected
by changes in dissolved oxygen concentration) and
secondary effects (those arising in the ecosystem
as a result of the changes in the organisms directly
Direct effects
The direct effects of changes in dissolved oxygen
concentrations are primarily related to reduced
DO levels and include:
- lethal and sub-lethal responses in marine organisms;
- release of nutrients;
- development of hypoxic and anoxic conditions.
The lethal and sub-lethal effects of reduced levels
of dissolved oxygen were reviewed by Stiff et
al (1992) for the purposes of EQS derivation.
This review was updated by Nixon et al (1995)
in order to derive a General Quality Assessment
(GQA) scheme for dissolved oxygen and ammonia in
estuaries for the Environment Agency in England
and Wales. The reader is referred to these documents
for a detailed assessment of the lethal and sub-lethal
effects of dissolved oxygen on saltwater organisms.
The lethal and sub-lethal effects of reduced levels
of dissolved oxygen are related to the concentration
of dissolved oxygen and period of exposure of the
reduced oxygen levels. A number of animals have
behavioural strategies to survive periodic events
of reduced dissolved oxygen. These include avoidance
by mobile animals, such as fish and macrocrustaceans,
shell closure and reduced metabolic rate in bivalve
molluscs and either decreased burrowing depth or
emergence from burrows for sediment dwelling crustaceans,
molluscs and annelids.
Stiff et al (1992) and Nixon et al
(1995) identified crustacea and fish as the most
sensitive organisms to reduced DO levels with the
early life stages of fish and migratory salmonids
as particularly sensitive. For estuarine fish, Stiff
et al (1992) suggested a minimum DO requirement
of 3 to 5 mg l-1. Based on the data in
their review, EQSs for dissolved oxygen were proposed
(see table below).
Recommended EQSs for dissolved oxygen in saline
Compliance statistic
shellfishery |
60% saturation
80% saturation
mandatory standard
Minimum, mandatory standard
95%ile, guideline value
Shellfish Water Directive |
life |
mg l-1
2 mg l-1
Sensitive saltwater life (e.g. fish nursery
mg l-1
5 mg l-1
fish |
mg l-13 mg l-1 |
50%ile95%ile |
values may be required where fish have to traverse
distances >10 km, or where high quality migratory
fisheries are to be maintained |
Nixon et al (1995) proposed the following
class thresholds for exposure to levels of dissolved
oxygen for a continuous period of greater than 1
hour in estuaries in England and Wales (see table
below). This scheme has not been implemented but
the class thresholds are a useful indication of
the levels of DO that are likely to cause effects
if organisms are exposed for a continuous period
of greater than one hour.
Proposed GQA class thresholds for dissolved oxygen
in estuaries in England and Wales (from Nixon et
al 1995)
GQA class
Threshold value of DO (mg
8 mg l-1
4 mg l-1
2 mg l-1
Nixon et al (1995) reviewed information
on reduced DO levels in bottom waters on benthic
invertebrate communities. Josefson and Widbom (1988)
investigated the response of benthic macro- and
meiofauna to reduced DO levels in the bottom waters
of a fjord. At DO concentrations of 0.21 mg l-1,
the macrofaunal community was eradicated and was
not fully re-established 18 months after the hypoxic
event. In contrast, the permanent meiofauna appeared
unaffected. Jorgensen (1980) observed the response
of macrofauna to reduced DO levels of 0.2 to 1 mg
l-1 for a period of 3 to 4 weeks in an
estuarine/marine area in Sweden by diving. Mussels
Mytilus edulis were observed to first close
their shells and survived for 1 to 2 weeks before
dying. Crabs Carcinus maenas and shrimp Crangon
crangon were amongst the first to die from lack
of oxygen. Hydrobia ulvae were observed to
die first in the hollows in the sediment surface
and were observed congregating on the ridges to
find more oxygen-rich water. Polychaetes were observed
to come to the surface, small specimens first. Hediste
diversicolor and Lagis koreni were observed
limp and motionless on the surface but could be
revived in 30 minutes by placing in oxygenated water.
Burrowing bivalves were first observed to extend
their siphons further into the water column but,
as oxygen depletion continued, emerged from burrows
and laid on the sediment surface. Sea anemones were
the last animals to succumb but eventually they
loosened their attachment and were found lying on
the sediment surface.
Reduced levels of dissolved oxygen in the water
column can result in the release of phosphate from
suspended particles and the sediment.
Sustained reduction of dissolved oxygen can lead
to hypoxic (reduced dissolved oxygen) and anoxic
(extremely low or no dissolved oxygen) conditions.
In anoxic environments, anaerobic bacteria proliferate,
with nitrogenous oxide reducers absorbing oxygen
by reducing nitrate to nitrite and forming ammonia
or nitrogen gas. In addition, sulphate-reducing
bacteria reduce sulphate to hydrogen sulphide which,
when liberated, increases mortality of marine organisms
and increases the BOD as it permeates through the
water column (Kennish 1986). Such conditions can
occur under a cage fish farm installation where
release of hydrogen sulphide has caused fish kills
and sediment can become covered in filamentous fungi,
such as Beggiatoa.
Indirect effects
The indirect effects of reduced dissolved oxygen
concentrations depend on the severity of the direct
effects which, in turn, depend on extent and duration
of the oxygen depletion. Sustained or repeated episodes
of reduced dissolved oxygen has the potential to
severely degrade an ecosystem. Reduced DO levels
contributed significantly to the reported elimination
of the fish populations of the Thames estuary and
its recovery has resulted from strict management
of water quality, including inputs of organic matter
and the artificial injection of oxygen into the
water column during low DO events.
The consequences for seabirds and sea mammals of
such ecosystem degradation are likely to be significant
as the supply of food organisms is affected.
Potential effects on interest
features of European marine sites
Potential effects include:
- lethal and sub-lethal effects on marine organisms
(in particular crustacea and fish) of reduced
DO concentrations below the EQS values in Table
- release of phosphate from suspended particles
and sediment with potential contribution to the
effects of eutrophication;
- establishment of anoxic conditions which can
increase BOD, stimulate the release of ammonia
and hydrogen sulphide which can be toxic to aquatic
- severe degradation of the ecosystem if reduced
DO levels are sustained or repeated with potential
adverse effects for sea birds and Annex II sea
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