The Fourth North Sea Conference

The Fourth North Sea Conference was held in Esjberg, Denmark on 8/9 June 1995. The nine countries discharging to the North Sea Catchment (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK) were represented, together with the European Commission.

The topics discussed included:

  • protection of species and habitats in coastal and offshore areas;
  • fisheries;
  • prevention of pollution by hazardous substances;
  • further reduction of nutrient inputs to the North Sea;
  • the prevention of pollution from ships;
  • the prevention of pollution from off-shore installations; and
  • radioactivity.

Several areas of contention at the Conference arose at the Conference, including the proposed dumping of the Brent Spar oil platform in the North Sea, overfishing in the North Sea and the discharge of toxic chemicals.

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