When pollutants are introduced into the marine
environment, they are subject to a number of physical
processes which result in their dilution in the
receiving water. Dilution is one of the main processes
for reducing the concentration of substances away
from the discharge point. Dilution is more important
for reducing the concentration of conservative substances
(those that do not undergo rapid degradation, e.g.
metals) than for non-conservative substances (those
that do undergo rapid degradation, e.g. some organic
Dilution capacity of the receiving water can be
defined as the effective volume of receiving water
available for the dilution of the effluent. The
effective volume can vary according to tidal cycles
and transient physical phenomena such as stratification.
In estuaries, in particular, the effective volume
is much greater at high spring tides than at low
neap tides. It is important to consider concentrations
of substances in worst case scenarios (usually low
neap tides except, for example, when pollutants
might be carried further into a sensitive location
by spring tides) when calculating appropriate discharge
consent conditions. Stratification can reduce the
effective volume of the receiving water by reducing
vertical mixing and constraining the effluent to
either the upper or lower layers of the water column.
The process of dilution can be separated into initial
dilution and secondary mixing.
For many discharges from pipes, the effluent is
principally freshwater, containing a mixture of
pollutants and the discharge point is generally
located below Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS) such
that the effluent is released under seawater. Initial
dilution occurs as the buoyant discharge rises to
the surface because of the density differential
between the saline receiving water and the freshwater
effluent. Under certain circumstances of stratification
or where the effluent comprises seawater (in a cooling
water discharge for instance), the effluent may
not rise to the surface but may be trapped in the
lower layers of the water column. The design of
sewage outfalls including the use of diffusers,
can maximise the initial dilution by entraining
as much receiving water into the effluent as possible.
Guidelines for the amount of initial dilution expected
for the design of discharges are set by the competent
For the many buoyant discharges, the effluent rises
to the surface where it can form a 'boil'.
The plume then forms and spreads and secondary mixing
takes place. Eventually, the plume disperses both
vertically and horizontally in the water column
as the density differential becomes inconsequential
and the concentration of pollutants in the water
column approaches uniformity. Further dilution occurs
as a result of the action of tide, wind and wave
driven currents.
Mixing zone
The concept of the mixing zone was developed to
allow a sound basis for the derivation of discharge
consents which can be readily related to enforceable
end of pipe effluent concentrations and outfall
design criteria. A mixing zone is an area of sea
surface surrounding a surface boil. It comprises
an early part of the secondary mixing process and
is prescribed to ensure that no significant environmental
damage occurs outside its boundaries. An individual
mixing zone is only defined with respect to an established
EQS for a particular polluting substance. The mixing
zone is the area of sea surface within which the
EQS will be exceeded (SEPA 1998). The relation of
the mixing zone to the location of European Marine
site features will be a key consideration for determining
the acceptability of dilution criteria.
Dilution within the mixing zone consists of initial
dilution (the dilution received as a plume rises
from the discharge point to the water surface) and
secondary dilution (a slower rate of dilution, occurring
between the surface 'boil' and the edge of the mixing zone). To ensure
that the integrity of a European marine site is
not affected, the minimum size of a discharge to
be consented (in terms of flow or load) should be
assessed on a site-specific basis. This will depend
on the substances and/or physico-chemical parameters
associated with the discharge, together with the
positioning of the discharge in relation to the
biotopes(s) or species for which it was designated.
The initial dilution of discharges also needs to
be considered. For example, an initial dilution
of 50 times may be considered appropriate for secondary
treated sewage effluent and low toxicity industrial
effluents, but highly toxic industrial effluents
may require a minimum initial dilution of 100 times
(95 %ile).
SEPA (1998) define the maximum size of a mixing
zone as 100 m around the centre boil in any direction
that the plume may travel, but for European marine
sites, more stringent criteria may be applied. Clearly,
the flow and concentration of pollutants within
the discharge are critical to defining the size
of the mixing zone.
Further information on initial dilution and mixing
zones and SEPA's policy is provided in SEPA (1998). A further
useful introduction to the subject is presented
in the Urban Pollution Management Manual (FWR 1998).
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