England and Wales
Environment Agency
The Environment Agency was established on 1st April
1996 under the provisions of the Environment Act
1995 and has duties which include the following:
- to monitor the state of pollution and other
aspects of the environment;
- to regulate industrial processes with the greatest
pollution potential so as to prevent or minimise
pollution to the environment as a whole;
- to regulate the disposal of radioactive waste;
- to regulate the treatment, keeping, movement
and disposal of controlled waste so as to prevent
pollution of the environment or harm to human
- to preserve or improve the quality of rivers,
estuaries and coastal waters through powers to
regulate, prevent, mitigate or remedy pollution
of water;
- to take any action to conserve, redistribute,
augment and secure the proper use of water resources;
- to exercise a general supervision over all matters
relating to flood defence;
- to maintain, improve and develop salmon, trout,
freshwater and eel fisheries;
- to promote the conservation and enhancement
of inland and coastal waters, and their use for
- to maintain or improve non-marine navigation.
- to regulate the remediation of contaminated
land designated as special sites.
The Environment Agency's
powers to control pollution of tidal waters are
underpinned in large part by the provisions of the
Water Resources Act 1991 (Section Pollution
of tidal waters from the land can arise from pollution
incidents (e.g. accidental spillages), diffuse sources
(e.g. agricultural run-off) and from point sources
(e.g. from a fixed pipe discharge). The Environment
Agency has various powers to control, prevent, mitigate
or remedy pollution from these sources.
Pollution incidents
The Environment Agency has powers (under Section
161 of the Water Resources Act 1991) to remedy or
mitigate the effects of pollution in controlled
waters, and to remove or dispose of polluting matter
in them. The Environment Agency co-operates with
the Counter Pollution Branch (formerly the Marine
Pollution Control Unit) of the Maritime and Coastguard
Agency in responding to accidental spillages of
substances from ships or pipelines. The lead organisations
for responding to spills depend on the location
and scale of the incident.
Pollution from diffuse sources
Pollution from diffuse sources is the most difficult
to control since the sources of the polluting substances
cannot be readily identified and therefore cannot
be consented or treated. Diffuse source pollution
enters the marine environment direct from land adjacent
to estuarine or coastal waters, from freshwater
inputs draining the land and from the atmosphere.
The most common groups of pollutants from land
drainage are nutrients (principally from agricultural
use of fertilisers), pesticides (mainly from agricultural
use) and suspended solids (from land management
Control of pollution from diffuse sources is exercised
by a combination of standards applying to the use
of particular products, by pollution prevention
advice provided to potential polluters (e.g. farmers)
and by the control of activities in designated areas.
A number of Product Directives have been adopted
by the EU to prohibit the use of certain products
or restrict the type of product which may be used.
For example, the Detergent Directive requires a
certain degree of biodegradability before a surfactant
may be marketed in detergents. Similarly, the Pesticides
Directive restricts the use of pesticides and specifies
the purpose and application rate. However, even
though the Directives or voluntary bans (e.g. the
ban by local authorities to use the herbicides atrazine
and simazine for road verge treatment) may prohibit
or restrict the use of a substance, it may nevertheless
still be present by being imported with raw materials
or finished products (e.g. pesticides on imported
Pollution prevention advice is provided by the
Environment Agency, in collaboration with other
appropriate regulatory bodies as necessary in the
form of Pollution Prevention Guidance (PPG) notes
and codes of good practice. For example, such advice
for farmers and land managers has been provided
with the collaboration of MAFF and representatives
from the industry in the form of the Codes of Good
Agricultural Practice for Water, Air and Soil.
Existing legislation allows for the designation
of Water Protection Zones (WPZs) and Nitrate Sensitive
Areas (NSAs). WPZs can be designated by Ministerial
order and, within this, specific restrictions or
prohibitions on particular activities can be applied.
Only one WPZ has been designated in 1999 dealing
with the storage of chemicals near the River Dee.
NSAs have only been designated to date in relation
to water supply sources with elevated nitrate concentrations
and have not been used to protect controlled waters
from nitrate contamination. The Environment Agency
acknowledges that enforcement and monitoring of
measures to control diffuse pollution is much more
difficult than for point sources (Environment Agency
Atmospheric deposition introduces nitrogen, metals,
persistent organic substances and radionuclides
to the marine environment. These substances reach
the atmosphere from point source emissions with
the control mechanisms being applied at the point
of discharge. These are controlled by two systems
established by the Environmental Protection Act
1990. The system of IPC addresses emissions from
heavy industry and is enforced by the Environment
Agency. The Local Authority Air Pollution Control
(LAAPC) system addresses emissions from other point
sources and is enforced by local authorities in
England and Wales. Emissions of radionuclides to
the atmosphere are controlled by the Environment
Agency under the provisions of the Radioactive Substances
Act 1993.
Pollution from point sources
Pollution from point sources is controlled, either
by the application of a discharge consent granted
by the Environment Agency under the provisions of
the Water Resources Act 1991, or by the issue of
an IPC 'authorisation' for 'prescribed' processes by the Environment Agency under
the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act
1990. These procedures aim to ensure that substances
legitimately discharged to the environment do not
cause pollution.
Discharge consents
Abstraction licences
Abstraction licences are issued by the Environment
Agency under the provisions of the Water Resources
Acts 1963 and 1991 (see Section 2) and provide authorisation
for the impoundment and/or abstraction of water
from inland waters. Abstractions of less than 5
cubic metres do not require a licence and those
less than 20 cubic metres require approval but not
a formal licence. All abstractions greater than
20 cubic metres require a licence, with the exception
of the removal of water for land drainage, mining,
quarrying and related activities and for such uses
as fire fighting.
The process for issuing a licence begins with an
application from the abstractor (with the assistance
of the Environment Agency) who should provide the
correct information to enable the decision to be
made within the agreed timescale. The application
is advertised locally and in the London Gazette
to enable representations to be made by interested
parties. Statutory consultation is also carried
out with Internal Drainage Boards, Navigation, Harbour
and Conservancy authorities, and with English Nature/CCW
where an SSSI or a European site is likely to be
affected. Once respresentations have been received,
the application is circulated within the Environment
Agency for consideration of implications for fisheries,
flood defence and water quality.
The key consideration in considering an application
for water abstraction is the flow or level in the
water body providing the supply. The Environment
Agency has a duty to ensure that interests downstream
of the abstraction will not be compromised. The
Agency has the power to set conditions on the licence
to ensure that the abstraction does not compromise
such interests. A common condition on a licence
is one that sets a prescribed flow or level in the
water body below which abstraction is not permitted.
This can be associated with a "hands
off" condition which means that an appropriate
structure of weirs or sluices has been put in place
that automatically ensures that water is not abstracted
when the flow or level falls below the prescribed
level. The "hands off"
condition is preferred because it is more reliable
than a system involving human intervention to prevent
abstraction. The legislation refers to minimum acceptable
flows in water bodies but these have not been determined
in practice and so are not used when considering
abstraction applications.
Abstraction licences remain in force until revoked
by the applicant or the Environment Agency. However,
the Government is consulting on new legislation
that would allow abstraction licences to be reviewed
on a more regular basis.
The requirements for abstraction licences from
estuaries and coastal waters are more complicated
than for surface freshwaters. Abstractions from
estuaries and coastal waters where the intake is
below mean low water do not usually require abstraction
licences. There are no limits on the amount of water
that can abstracted. However, if the abstractor
constructs an impoundment to collect water on high
tides and then abstracts from the impoundment, a
licence to abstract from the impoundment will be
required. This is to protect any features that might
exist within the impoundment. Abstractions from
above mean low water in estuaries do require licences
but no charge is made for the water and few limits
on the amount of water abstracted will be applied.
The Environment Agency's
abstraction licensing manual details the guidance
and technical procedures used when considering licences
to abstract.
The Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food
(MAFF) has the following responsibilities related
directly to water quality in the marine environment:
Licensing of the deposit of wastes and other substances
at sea under Part II of the Food and Environment
Protection Act (FEPA) 1985;
Statutory consultee in the consent setting process
for discharges from pipelines to sea.
FEPA licences
MAFF is the competent authority in England for
the issue of licences for the disposal of wastes
and other substances to sea, e.g. those used during
construction of, for example, pipelines (the sea
includes beaches, mudflats and any other areas submerged
at Mean High Water Springs). MAFF also acts under
an administrative arrangement with the National
Assembly for Wales for applications in Wales (see
Section 3.1.5). Such wastes include colliery wastes,
dredged materials, offshore installations (such
as oil rigs), fish waste, and, up until the end
of 1998, sewage sludge. Applications for licences
to dispose of wastes are sent to MAFF with details
of the chemical (e.g. concentrations of contaminants,
such as metals, butyl tins and PCBs (See Section
4)) and physical (e.g. particle size distribution)
nature of the waste and the proposed disposal site.
MAFF refers the application to the Centre for Environment,
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) for consideration
of the scientific issues and they make an expert
judgement in asessing the suitability of the waste
for sea disposal. CEFAS report the result of the
scientific consideration to MAFF who considers this
in light of the following statutory obligations:
- to protect the marine environment, the living
resources which it supports and human health,
- to prevent interference with legitimate uses
of the sea, and
- to other such matters as the authority consider
Wastes are deposited at disposal sites identified
in the licence and MAFF sponsors some monitoring
of major sites to ensure compliance with licence
conditions. MAFF collates returns on the amounts
of material deposited and associated contaminants
to fulfill obligations under the OSPAR and London
Conventions (see Section 2). Information on licensing
and monitoring activities are reported in the Aquatic
Environment Monitoring Reports produced by CEFAS
(e.g. CEFAS 1997, 1998). Other chemicals requiring
licences are tracers and biocides. Licences are
also required for certain construction projects
and beach nourishment schemes.
Certain operations are exempt from licensing under
the Deposits in the Sea (Exemptions) Order 1985.
These include deposit of fishing gear and fish discards
by fishermen; certain deposits from the offshore
oil and gas industry, deposit of navigational aids
and deposit of scientific instruments.
The use of dispersants, sorbents and other products
to treat oil found at sea and on beaches etc. is
also exempt, provided that these products have been
approved by MAFF and are used in accordance with
any specified conditions. Approved products are
required to pass specified tests for efficacy and
toxicity. Oil treatment products may only be used
in water of a depth of less than 20 metres, or within
1 nautical mile of the 20 metre contour, with the
specific agreement from the relevant Fisheries Department
(MAFF in England and Wales). Such agreement is normally
only given after consultation with English Nature
or the Countryside Council for Wales as appropriate.
Further information is given in the following booklets
available from MAFF (Malcolm Peddar, Marine Policy
Branch, Tel: 0171 238 5879):
- PB3180:The Approval and Use of Oil Dispersants
in the UK (1997).
- PB4296:Oil Spill Contingency Plans - Guide to
MAFF Requirements (1999).
- The Control of Deposits of Materials at Sea
and Approval of Oil Dispersants - Guidance Notes.
Marine Resources and Licensing Branch (updated
Discharge consents
MAFF is a statutory consultee under the Water Resources
Act 1991 and the Environmental Protection Act 1990
for the issue of discharge consents and IPC authorisations
to water for discharges to sea via pipelines. It
is MAFF's
duty to ensure there will be no adverse impact on
sea fisheries or on shellfish. MAFF consults the
Sea Fisheries Committees on consent applications
in exercising their duties.
The Department of the Environment,
Transport and the Regions (DETR)
DETR has major policy and financial oversight relating
to water quality in the marine environment. Two
main groups of DETR are involved: the Environmental
Protection Group and the Rail, Aviation and Shipping
The Environmental Protection Group has policy and
financial oversight for the Environment Agency and
also co-ordinates marine environmental policy, including
international agreements on the North-East Atlantic
(OSPAR) and North Sea (See Section 2). The Environment
Agency is responsible for the decisions relating
directly to water quality in the marine environment.
The Rail, Aviation and Shipping Group includes
the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) which is
an executive agency of DETR with a responsibility
to minimise pollution from ships to the sea and
the coastline. As such, the MCA enforces Merchant
Shipping legislation (see Section 2) with the co-operation
of port and harbour authorities.
The Counter Pollution Branch (formerly known as
the Marine Pollution Control Unit) is part of the
MCA and is responsible for a National Contingency
Plan (currently under revision) which outlines the
arrangements for managing marine pollution incidents
when releases of oil or other hazardous substances
in the marine environment threaten UK interests.
Local and port/harbour authorities and the Environment
and Heritage Service (Northern Ireland) can ask
the Counter Pollution Branch for permission to set
up a Shoreline Response Centre (SRC) to deal with
a major incident if all parties agree that such
action is necessary (usually if a spill cannot be
handled by the resources available to local authorities
etc.) The MCA will bear the costs of the resources
provided from its own stockpiles which the Environment
and Heritage Service/port and local authorities
cannot reasonably supply.
The SRC is established locally to deal with shoreline
pollution and co-ordinates the activities of relevant
organisations, including local authorities, statutory
nature conservation agencies, MAFF and Environment
Agency/SEPA. Key decisions about tackling the spill
(including the use of dispersants, mechanical removal
etc.) are made by the SRC in relation to protecting
environmental and fisheries interests, together
with public amenity sites (including beaches). A
Marine Response Centre (MRC) is responsible for
co-ordinating the at sea response to major incidents
and will propose response actions to deal with the
spill. The MRC will maintain close links with the
SRC and those involved in salvage operations. The
role of the MRC is to be clarified within the revised
National Contingency Plan.
The Oil and Gas Direcorate of the Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI) is responsible for maximising
the economic benefits to the nation from the exploitation
of the nation's hydrocarbon resources, having due regard
to the potential impact of such activities on the
environment and on other land and sea users (DTI
Exploration and production in the oil industry
is regulated primarily through a licensing system
which is managed by the Exploration and Licensing
Branch of the Oil and Gas Directorate. The licensing
system applies throughout the UK in territorial
waters and beyond to the UK Continental Shelf whose
boundaries are determined through negiotation with
neighbouring states. Two types of licences are issued:
seaward and landward licences. Seaward licences
are issued for blocks of approximately 250 square
kilometres of the UK Continental Shelf and landward
licences are issued for blocks comprising the 10
by 10 km grid squares of the National Grid down
to the low water mark. Exploration and production
under both types of licence could therefore affect
European marine sites.
Seaward production and landward licences for blocks
are awarded in licensing rounds. Prior to offering
petroleum licences, the Department consults widely
with other Government Departments and (through the
JNCC) the nature conservation agencies. For Landward
licences, the local authority is the principal environmental
Once blocks are offered in the licensing round,
the applicant is required to undertake an Environmental
Assessment of the blocks applied for and provide
details of their Company Environmental Policy and
Environmental Management System. These are taken
into consideration in the award of the licence.
Once awarded, compliance with the conditions of
the licence is checked by inspectors. These licences
do not prevent all losses of oil to the sea but
do seek to minimise and quantify the loss.
DTI (1997) summarises the procedures for Oil and
Gas licensing the UK and is available from DTI.
National Assembly for Wales
The National Assembly for Wales (NAW) was established
under The National Assembly for Wales (Transfer
of Functions) Order 1999 and powers were assumed
on 1 July 1999. The Assembly has the following duties
in relation to the marine environment:
- Oversee land drainage, flood prevention and
coast protection in Wales (jointly with UK Government
in areas which straddle the England - Wales border);
- Control marine pollution up to 12 nautical miles
from the coast;
- Control water quality and river pollution in
- Oversee the activities of Dwr Cymru throughout
its operational area.
The National Assembly for Wales has powers to determine
and implement policy. The Executive part of the
Assembly currently has the same departmental structure
as the former Welsh Office.
With respect to water quality in the marine environment,
the Transport, Planning and Environment Group and
the Agriculture Department have relevant responsibilities.
Environment Division of the Transport, Planning
and Environment Group has a general co-ordination
responsibility for environmental issues. It has
the lead responsibility for sustainable development;
sponsorship of the Environment Agency in Wales;
water resources and protection, other than fisheries;
land drainage, flood and coastal defence; environmental
pollution, including air quality and waste.
Operational decisions in relation to water quality
in the marine environment in Wales are made by the
Environment Agency, the Maritime and Coastguard
Agency and the DTI Oil and Gas Directorate.
The Animal and Plant Health, Fisheries and Countryside
Division of the Agriculture Department deals with
fisheries and pollution matters. The NAW has taken
responsibility for the control of fisheries in Welsh
inland waters and in the sea within 12 nautical
miles of the Welsh coast.
Operational decisions in relation to the issue
of FEPA licences are currently made under an administrative
arrangement by MAFF but issued under the name of
the NAW Agriculture Department. This is likely to
continue for the time being. Statutory consultation
for discharge consents and IPC authorisations are
dealt with by the NAW Environment Group in the first
Next Section