Waste management
The general consensus of opinion
at the Workshop on ports and harbours in marine
SACs was that routine operational waste arising
from port activities is not considered to be a major
issue with respect to the management of marine SACs.
However, ports and harbours provide the interface
to the land waste management and disposal system
for ships and boats. Operational waste from vessels,
if not properly managed, can end up in the sea where
the potential for contamination or pollution occurs.
Therefore, the following section about port waste
management will focus on waste generated on-board
ships and boats that is discharged or collected
for disposal in ports.
Section 75 of the Environmental Protection Act
defines waste as "any substance which constitutes
a scrap material or an effluent of other unwanted
surplus substance arising from the application of
any process". The following types of waste
managed within ports and harbours have been raised
by certain ports and harbours operating within or
near marine UK SACs as potential issues:
- oil,
- sewage,
- garbage,
- ballast water,
- anti fouling paint scraps and maintenance wastes
(Section 4), and
- contaminated dredged material (Section 5).
The last two wastes listed above are considered
elsewhere in the report, but the remaining issues
will be discussed in this section. The above wastes
generated or landed in ports and harbours that are
discussed here can be broadly divided into four
main sources, operational and domestic waste from
ships and boats, waste from commercial cargo activities,
wastes generated from maintenance activities and
associated maritime industry activities and domestic
(office) waste generated by port and harbour employees
and users. The latter source is not unique to ports
and harbours and its impact should be no more than
results from similar activities in other coastal,
non-port, locations provided it is disposed via
normal routes (landfill, recycling or incineration).
However, the other three sources of waste if not
properly managed have the potential to cause possible
impacts on wildlife within marine SACs, and should
therefore be examined more closely.
It is important to stress that waste enters the
environment of ports and harbours from many sources,
which makes the identification of specific impacts
from ship/boat or port/harbour generated waste very
difficult. It is widely recognised that the majority
of pollution entering the marine environment comes
from land based sources and atmospheric inputs from
land based industrial activities, with only an estimated
12% originating from shipping activities (GESAMP
1990). These land based inputs can be divided into
a wide variety of sources which include sewage discharges,
industrial effluent, agriculture, municipal and
urban runoff.
Although both commercial shipping and recreational
boating remain responsible for inputs into the marine
environment through accidental, operational and
illegal discharges, over the past few decades the
industry has demonstrated a notable and improving
environmental performance. There has been a significant
reduction in pollution from all types of shipping,
despite an increase in world waterborne trade. Global
improvements in waste management have been largely
attributed to the measures required by environmental
legislation and international conventions, which
are discussed below, most significant of which are
the requirements of MARPOL 73/78. Improvements have
been further facilitated by technological advances
in safety and environmental protection, new ship
designs, improved operational techniques and marine
transportation activities. In the UK improvements
have also been made as a result of the implementation
of port waste management plans and increased awareness
among port and harbour users of the problems associated
with pollution from ships and boats. This has been
promoted by a number of education campaigns, including
those of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (previously
the Marine Safety Agency), Environment Agency, BMIF
and the RYA.
Environmental impacts associated
with wastes managed within ports and harbours
Means of avoiding, minimising and addressing the potential impacts
associated with wastes managed within ports and