Good practice
In order to avoid and minimise the potential effects
of ship and boat generated wastes on marine features
ports and harbours operating within marine SACs
- Develop and implement port waste management
plans according to Merchant Shipping Regulations,
the DETR guidelines or the BMIF/RYA guidelines
written specifically for the recreational boating
sector. Provide adequate reception facilities
for oil, chemical and garbage wastes, and remove,
as far as is practicable, any disincentives to
landing waste in the port. As part of this process
ports and harbours should:
- consider consulting with local representatives
of country conservation agencies, in addition
to other statutory and relevant consultees, to
improve understanding of waste management planning
and to ensure that environmental considerations
are addressed,
- consider incorporating brief information on
the European marine site in the port waste management
- encourage the responsible management of waste,
including minimisation and recycling, at the point
of generation on ships, reception in ports/harbours,
transportation and disposal, and
- ensure that port and harbour employees and users
dispose of garbage and other wastes responsibly
in facilities provided and report any spills or
large pieces of floating garbage to the port authority.
- Prepare, implement and practice oil spill contingency
plans according to Merchant Shipping (OPRC) Regulations
and MCA guidelines in order to provide guidance
and direction to those responding to oil or chemical
spills and to set in motion all the necessary
actions to stop or minimise the pollution and
reduce its effects on the environment. As part
of this process ports and harbours should:
- undertake a thorough risk assessment of the
area to be covered by the plan, with particular
attention to sensitive marine features and the
response times necessary to minimise the potential
adverse effects on them,
- give the highest priority of response where
practicable, after human safety, to sensitive
habitats and species that are likely to be adversely
effected by potential spills. These sensitive
areas should be clearly shown on the response
guide chart,
- identify areas where the use of dispersants
presents little or no concern, and areas containing
sensitive marine features where their use should
be avoided, unless this increases risk of adverse
effects of oil pollution on marine features, seeking
advice from the country conservation agencies
where appropriate, and
- ensure, as far as practical, that clean-up operations
are undertaken in such a way as to avoid or minimise
damage to sensitive intertidal animals and plants.
- Assist MCA to make sure shipowners comply with
IMO guidance for the control and management
of ship's ballast water to minimise the transfer
of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens.
The guidelines recommend that ports and harbours
- inform local agents and/or ships of areas and
situations where uptake of ballast water should
be avoided, such as near sewage outfalls, areas
known to be contaminated with harmful organisms
or in very shallow water where there is a risk
of sediment being introduced to the ballast tanks,
- encourage the exchange of ballast water at sea,
where it is considered safe to do so.
- Encourage all boat owners to use the shore-side
toilet facilities as much as possible.
- Provide onshore reception facilities in ports,
harbours and marinas for pumping-out sewage wastes
and undertake regular consultation with boat users
over the adequacy of these facilities.
- Encourage the use of holding tanks where fitted
and the disposal of waste at shore side pump-out
facilities whenever possible, and while underway
as far offshore as possible in areas where strong
currents will ensure dilution and dispersion.
- Discourage, or where considered necessary prohibit,
discharge of sewage wastes where doing so would
affect water quality and harm marine features
in ports and harbours and surrounding waters.