Summary and interpretation of nutrient budget,
distribution and fate
Distribution and fate of nutrients
The preceding studies, including mathematical modelling
of nutrient budgets and diffuse inputs to the Fleet,
indicate the following:
For nitrogen inputs to the Fleet, the principal
sources appear to be freshwater streams. Of the
seven streams which discharge to the Fleet, the
table below gives an indication of their relative
annual contributions of nitrogen to the Fleet budget,
compared to the estimated contribution from wildfowl.
Nitrogen inputs from streams are greatest during
winter, with the source of nitrogen being principally
from agricultural fertiliser use. The principal
area for arable land cultivation in the Fleet catchment
is around Langton Herring, between Roddon and West
Fleet streams. The linked
figure indicates that all the stream inputs
discharge into the Fleet west of Chickerell. However,
tilled land is known to be concentrated around the
village of Langton Herring and to the east, so it
is likely that overall nitrogen loads to the eastern
Fleet can be expected to be somewhat higher than
those to the western Fleet (Mainstone & Parr
The Fleet from Chickerell westwards has been shown
by the physical modelling exercise to have very
poor flushing characteristics.
Estimated nitrogen contribution of sources
entering the Fleet (based on
Murdoch 1999)
Source |
Estimated contribution
Tonnes N per year
% of budget
Rodden Stream |
Mill stream (Abbey
Barn) |
West Fleet stream |
East Fleet stream |
Mill stream (Horsepool)
(includes 2 t/yr from Abbotsbury STW)
Herbury stream |
Cowards Lake |
Wildfowl |
For phosphorus inputs to the Fleet the situation
is less clear. The table below shows the estimated
annual contribution of phosphorus to the Fleet from
the stream sources and wildfowl inputs. In contrast
to the situation for nitrogen, the relative contributions
of the sewage treatment works at Abbotsbury and
the wildfowl are more important on an annual basis
for phosphorus. It should be noted that the estimated
input for wildfowl assumes a worst case of all wildfowl
faeces entering the lagoon directly rather than
only a third with two thirds being deposited on
land (as estimated in Mainstone and Parr 1999).
If the latter were the case, then the stream inputs
(largely from run-off and sewage) would be likely
to account for a greater proportion of the nitrogen
and phosphorous budgets.
The principal source of phosphorus inputs into
the freshwater streams is also estimated to be from
agricultural sources, primarily livestock farming
(concentrated in the western Fleet), but also from
mixed fertiliser application and land runoff as
Estimated phosphorus contribution of sources
entering the Fleet (based on Murdoch 1999)
Source |
Estimated contribution
Tonnes P per year
% of budget
Mill stream (Horsepool)
(includes 0.5 t/yr from Abbotsbury STW) |
Mill stream (Abbey
Barn) |
Wildfowl |
Rodden Stream |
East Fleet stream |
Cowards Lake |
Herbury stream |
West Fleet stream |
However, for phosphorus, in contrast to the situation
for nitrogen, there are peaks in loads in both summer
and winter. In summer, the principal source of phosphorus
appears to be from wildfowl- related inputs but
the Abbotsbury STW may also be contributing. The
main sources of the winter peaks appear to be freshwater
stream inputs, with greatest contributions from
Mill stream (Horsepool) and Mill stream (Abbey Barn)
at approximately 8 kg/day, but also contributions
from Cowards Lake, Rodden stream and West Fleet
at approximately 1-2 kg/day. Overall, phosphorus
loads from agriculture (mostly dairy farming in
the west Fleet) and the STW=s
(particularly the larger works at Abbotsbury) are
both important, and both occur in the western Fleet
(Mainstone & Parr 1999). Again, all these inputs
discharge into the poorly flushed part of the Fleet
west of Chickerell.
Distribution and fate of nutrients
Within the Fleet lagoon itself, there is a west-east
trend in nutrients. This trend is due to:
- Higher overall nutrient loadings to the west
Fleet than to the east, i.e. higher inputs of
phosphorus and also potentially significant inputs
of nitrogen (although the east Fleet receives
relatively higher inputs of nitrogen);
- Greater flushing (and dilution) of the east
Fleet. On average the western Fleet has residence
times varying between 10 days during high runoff
conditions and 40 days during drought, whereas
the eastern Fleet is flushed clear over a few
tidal cycles (Robinson 1983); see Section 4.6
for further assessment of flushing times. The
weak tidal flushing over the western Fleet basin
would result in ponding of freshwater inputs and
associated dissolved and suspended substances.
Data obtained during surveys clearly shows freshwater
influence waning from Abbotsbury eastwards and that
nutrient concentrations decrease with increasing
salinity when all the sites are plotted out (EA
1998a), but this is a mere correlation. Salinity
might be of relevance as an indicator of which nutrient
is limiting plant growth, but this is no longer
considered to the case, i.e. nitrogen limitation
is just more frequently associated with marine waters
(Carvalho, pers. comm.). A more useful indicator
is the ratio between nitrates and phosphates. The
table below gives estimates of the N:P ratio based
on the survey data (linked table), using dissolved
available nutrients. All the figures fall close
to the critical ratio of between 15:1 and 10:1.
Therefore it is uncertain which nutrient would theoretically
limit growth first except perhaps at Smallmouth
where it is more likely that nitrate is limiting.
It is suggested that both nutrients may limit plant
growth to varying degrees at different times of
the year. However, in practice, nutrients are unlikely
to be limiting in the Abbotsbury embayment at present
because concentrations are excessively high throughout
the year; it can only be postulated as to whether
this would be the case under natural conditions.
Estimated N:P ratios at sites within the Fleet
using dissolved available nutrients. N is derived
from TON plus ammonia. (Based on means from
EA nutrient data for April 1996-August 1997.)
Site |
N:P ratio
Abbotsbury Swannery |
Langton Hive |
Chickerell Hive |
The Narrows |
Smallmouth |
In terms of bioavailability of nutrients, and their
possible effects on the lagoon in terms of potential
for eutrophication, the timing and location of nutrient
inputs, as well as their relative size, is vitally
important. Inputs entering the Fleet at the western
end during the spring and summer are potentially
significant due to reduced dilution in summer because
of lower rainfall in summer combined with the poor
seawater flushing of the western end of the Fleet
compared with the east, and the fact that spring/summer
is the main plant and algal growing season. Inputs
from agriculture may be considerable, but the main
periods for nutrient inputs from such sources are
in winter during periods of higher rainfall when
agricultural ground may be bare and crops are not
using up nutrients. However, such nutrients, particularly
phosphorus, are likely to become incorporated within
the lagoon sediments during winter and taken up
by plant growth during spring and summer. It should
be noted that whilst most algae (including benthic
species as well as plankton and epiphytes) receive
all of the nutrients from the water column, most
other macrophytes, including charophytes, also utilise
sediment sources (Carvalho pers. comm.).
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