Assessment of change in conservation interests
in response to nutrient levels
Information from assessing biota
Information from assessing nutrients
Information from assessing biota
There appears to be no reliable historical evidence
for a decline in either Zostera, Ruppia,
or stonewort Lamprothamnium papulosum populations
in the Fleet since the late 1960's.
There appear to have been changes in Zostera
and Ruppia distributions with time, but these
appear to have been natural changes, associated
with hard winters and ice damage, or recovery of
Zostera from the wasting disease in the 1930's.
With respect to Lamprothamnium papulosum,
however, it is possible that it was common in the
Abbotsbury embayment during the last century, as
samples from the Natural History Museum collected
then are labelled as taken from Abbotsbury (L. Carvalho,
pers.comm.). However, no published data are available
to confirm whether this was the case: publications
in the Fleet Study Group archive only indicate its
presence along the northern shores of the lagoon
further eastwards, where it was reported as thriving
in 1991 (Holmes, 1993). Sampling in 1998 failed
to find any Lamprothamnium papulosum at Abbotsbury
(A.Martin, pers. comm.). If, however, the environmental
requirements of Lamprothamnium papulosum
are considered, it is likely that the species has
been affected at the western end of the Fleet. Studies
indicate that the species appears to be absent from
potentially suitable sites when levels of soluble
reactive phosphate are greater than 30 µg/l-P,
and is most frequently found where levels are less
than 10 µg/l-P (Martin, 1999). Mean
levels of orthophosphate (approximately equivalent
to soluble reactive phosphate) at Chickerell Hive,
Langton Hive and in the Abbotsbury embayment exceeded
20 µg/l-P from 1996 to 1997, with
mean levels below 10 µg/l-P found
only at Smallmouth (EA 1998a).
There is little information on lagoonal invertebrate
or fish populations in the Fleet, and certainly
not enough to determine whether significant changes
in their populations have taken place.
There is no reliable evidence either for increases
in epiphytic or benthic green algal growth which
might affect species of conservation interest. However,
the lack of evidence appears primarily due to a
lack of quantitative historical information on populations
of green algae. The review of historic literature
in the FSG archive suggests that lush spring and
summer growths of epiphytic and benthic green algae
on the Zostera and Ruppia beds in
the Fleet, as well as in the Abbotsbury embayment
where seagrass is sparse, have occurred certainly
since the late 1960's
and probably earlier. However, there have been no
quantitative surveys to determine whether the species
composition of such growths has changed or not,
or whether the density of algal growth has increased
or decreased over this time.
Furthermore, there is no reliable evidence for
increases in phytoplankton growth which might also
affect species of conservation interest, and might
indicate nutrient enrichment. Again, the lack of
evidence appears primarily due to a lack of quantitative
historical information on plankton. Algal blooms
have been recorded at the Abbotsbury end of the
Fleet on a number of occasions since 1969 (Whittaker
1980, Saunders-Davies 1993, John 1995, EA 1998a),
mostly during particularly warm dry summers. Blooms
in 1969 and 1976 were associated with fish deaths,
and possibly with farm pollution incidents, but
it is not known which species of plankton were involved.
The species involved in the later blooms varied,
and some blooms were not of toxin-producing species
(eg. that recorded by John (1995) mentioned above).
In conclusion, the only evidence from the Fleet
of detrimental change in conservation interests
in response to nutrient levels is:
- a possible decline in the distribution and population
of Lamprothamnium papulosum at the western
end of the Fleet. Research on the species in the
Fleet and elsewhere suggests a critical threshold
of soluble reactive phosphate between 10 µg/l-P
and 30 µg/l-P.
However, caution is required as there is insufficient
information from which to draw conclusions with
respect to:
- increases in growth of epiphytic algae;
- increases in growth of benthic green algae;
- increases in phytoplankton blooms;
- impacts on fauna.
The known and potential impacts of the first three
of these on conservation interests, particularly
seagrass Zostera, are described in another
section although there is little evidence to identify
critical thresholds of nutrient concentrations with
respect to deleterious increased growth in epiphytic
algae, benthic algae and phytoplankton. These impacts,
and the lack of information, indicate that it is
not possible to conclude whether there has or has
not been an impact on conservation interests.
Information from assessing nutrients
Indications of intensification of agricultural
land use around some parts of the Fleet led to concern
that this might result in increased nutrient inputs
to the Fleet from surface water run-off and thus
more frequent algal blooms and increased green algal
growth. The work by EA since 1996 on nutrient concentrations
of inputs to the Fleet as well as the Fleet itself
(EA 1998a and 1998b) has indicated that the Fleet
and its freshwater inputs do have high nutrient
concentrations. However, there is no clear evidence
of increases in nitrogen or phosphorus concentrations,
primarily due to a lack of sufficient data on past
water quality to allow identification of trends.
Nutrient concentrations found by John (1995) and
the Environment Agency (EA 1998a) are broadly similar,
with the exception of the very high nitrate concentration
(372 mg/l-N) found by John (1995) on one occasion
in Mill Stream (Abbey Barn). Because of the small
number of measurements, no firm conclusions can
be drawn as to whether nutrient concentrations have
increased since 1995. It is also not clear whether
algal blooms are increasing or decreasing in incidence
or intensity.
However, it is unlikely that there will have been
a major change in the short time since 1995. To
consider trends in relation to changing agricultural
practice we really need to estimate nutrient status
over the last 50-100 years.
Considering the information that is available,
different statements can be made about the eastern
and western parts of the Fleet. There would seem
to be no nutrient enrichment or potential for eutrophication
of the eastern, more marine end of the Fleet. Primary
sources of nutrient inputs to the Fleet do not appear
to include seawater entering the Fleet. There are
very few, or only minor, stream inputs into the
eastern Fleet. Run-off from agricultural land is
likely to result in nitrogen loading to the east
Fleet. However, tidal flushing of this eastern part
of the Fleet occurs regularly. It is likely that
even if nitrates were not flushed out, they would
have little biological effect. This is because the
main inputs are in winter, the period during which
problematic species, such as phytoplankton, are
least able to utilise increased levels of nitrates.
By contrast, however, all the work undertaken during
this study indicates that there is a potential problem
with nutrient enrichment of the western part of
the Fleet, in particular of the Abbotsbury embayment.
The major sources of nutrient inputs occur to the
western part of the Fleet, with the Abbotsbury embayment
receiving diffuse inputs from agriculture, and direct
inputs from three streams, two of which include
treated sewage effluent, as well as being the location
of the swannery. In addition, flushing of this part
of the Fleet by seawater and, particularly during
the summer months, by freshwater is very poor. There
is also a peak in inputs (of phosphorus) during
the summer. As a result of these factors, there
is a high potential for plant and algal species
of concern, such as phytoplankton, to increase in
numbers due to these nutrient inputs. Furthermore,
winter inputs of phosphorous may be indirectly utilised
as a result of poor flushing, incorporation into
the sediment and subsequent uptake by plant and
algal growth during the spring.
It is likely that increases in nutrient inputs
to the western Fleet have caused or will cause increases
in epiphytic algae on seagrasses, green algal mats
and phytoplankton populations. Any such increases
are likely to be detrimental to the health of:
- eelgrass and tasselweed beds by increased epiphyte
and benthic algal growth, and increased water
turbidity restricting light availability to the
- foxtail stonewort (Lamprothamnium papulosum)
due to increased competition from green algae
and direct effects of increases in phosphate concentrations;
- lagoonal invertebrate and fish populations by
increasing the likelihood of harmful anoxic conditions
near the sediment surface and in the water column
overnight due to increased green algal growth,
and by algal blooms in warm conditions either
being directly toxic to invertebrates or fish,
or by reducing oxygen available to them during
post-bloom decay of algal cells.
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