Relevant studies of parameters other than nutrients
Grimwood & Dixon (1997) reported on metal concentrations
found by the Environment Agency in the water column,
sediments and biota in 27 Sensitive Marine Areas
(SMAs) in England, one of which was for Portland
Harbour and the Fleet. Only data for water column
concentrations of certain metals from two sites
in Portland Harbour were available, relating to
samples taken in 1994, >95
and >96. The limited data showed no increasing
nor decreasing trend in metal concentrations at
either site. Values given (in µg l-1)
were mostly within the following ranges: zinc (1.1-6.6),
copper (<0.5-1.6), nickel (0.3-6.5), and arsenic
(<1-<2.5). No data was available for lead,
chromium, vanadium, boron and iron. A risk assessment
exercise indicated that for Portland and the Fleet,
isolated concentrations of zinc occurred at levels
exceeding the Environmental Quality Standard (EQS)
of 5 µg l-1, and so could present
potential risk of ecotoxicological effects to exposed
organisms in the short term. However, in the long
term, results indicated that levels of zinc were
not at concentrations likely to pose significant
risks to ecosystem structure and function, and limitations
on the zinc EQS were highlighted in the report.
Parr et al (1998) reported on turbidity
in English and Welsh waters, however, data were
only available for sites at some distance to seawards
of the Fleet. These results indicated that marine
waters off Chesil Beach were in the highest category
for light transmission (75-100%) in summer 1995,
and the second highest (50-75%) in winter >95; and the lowest category for presence
of chlorophyll a (0-1 µg l-1)
in both summer and winter 1995.
Figure - Distribution of tracer released to mimic
inputs from the Abbotsbury swannery after 10 tidal
cycles (C12 from Westwater, Falconer and Lin 1999)
Figure - Distribution of tracer released to mimic
stream inputs after 10 tidal cycles (C20 from Westwater,
Falconer and Lin 1999)
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