Finfish and scallops
Mobile gears such as trawls may also operate on
or near reefs eg. rock hopping gear, but rocky seabeds
are generally avoided because of the potential damage
to gear. The same applies to scallop dredging although
spring-loaded or "Newhaven
have been designed to cope with these conditions
allowing sandy/gravelly pockets of sediment within
reefs to be fished in this way. Gill netting can
also take place over reefs as well as other habitats.
For ease of reference their effects and those of
trawling are described in sections dealing with
shallow inlets and bays and sandbanks (4.5). The
main discussion about scallop dredging is elsewhere
although there is some consideration of its effects
on reefs below.
The use of rock hopping and spring loaded dredges
allows trawling and scalloping to extend beyond
areas of soft seabed and on to reefs. This is particularly
the case if the rock is relatively soft, making
them vulnerable to structural damage as well as
removal of epifauna, as shown by a study in Lyme
Bay, South Devon12. This study showed
that hydroids, anemones, corals, bryozoans, tunicates
and echinoderms are vulnerable to mobile fishing
Biogenic reefs may also suffer impacts from fishing
activity. There are reports of Sabellaria spinulosa
and oyster beds being severely damaged by trawling
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