Demersal finfish and shrimp
Demersal finfish and shrimp (pink shrimp Pandalus
montagui and brown shrimp Crangon crangon)
are caught using various designs of beam and otter
trawls. There is a considerable amount of recent
research on the effects of beam trawling on seabed
sediments and associated infauna and epifauna. In
common with other fisheries, the most significant
effects occur when an area is previously unfished77
and, the severity of accumulated fishing effects
depends on the sediment type, conditions at the
site and the scale and intensity of the activity77,
78, 95.
Beam trawling - The gear used by beam trawlers
digs into the seabed leaving tracks and disturbs
the surface sediments. The extent to which the seabed
is affected depends on the type of fishing gear,
the substrate and its physical characteristics46,
67, 77, 78 . On sandy ground the gear may
penetrate 10 mm and on muddy ground 30 mm52,
although there are also reports of tickler chains
digging 60 mm into the sediment.
Changes in benthic community structure are known
to occur following beam trawling but the effects
can be variable58, 77, 78. One study
which examined the effects of three passages of
a trawl over 2 days recorded a significant lowering
of densities of echinoderms such as the common starfish,
Asterias rubens, small sea potatoes, Echinocardium
cordatum, and of polychaete worms such as the
sand mason, Lanice conchilega, (by 40-60
%)1. Decreases in the densities of small
crustaceans and larger tellin shells, Tellina
fabula, and sea potatoes were also recorded
but were not as significant (10-20 %). The impact
appears to be greatest on densities of small individuals,
possibly because larger animals live deeper in the
sediment or have better escape possibilities1.
Some increases in numbers may also occur following
beam trawling as illustrated by the considerable
increase in the polychaete worms, Magelona papillicornis1,
Chaetozone setosa74 and Caulleriella
zetlandia74 in various studies and,
in the latter case only returning to similar numbers
after 18 months with no fishing. For other species,
eg. small brittlestars, Ophiura, and molluscs
(with the exception of T. fabula) there were
no significant direct effects. In contrast, 90%
of the Icelandic cyprine, Arctica islandica,
caught in the trawl were severely damaged1.
The incidence of shell scars on this species has
been used to assess the long-term effects of beam
trawling in the North Sea and shows a striking coincidence
with the increased capacity of the Dutch beam trawling
fleet since 19724.
Differences between effects in areas with different
sediment characteristics are also apparent. In an
area of uniform, stable, flat seabed, the abundance
of 19 of the top 20 most common taxa at the site
was lowered at fished sites2. Fragile
infauna (eg. bivalves, sea cucumbers etc) were particularly
vulnerable to damage or disturbance but the abundance
of sedentary and slow-moving animals was also significantly
lowered. In contrast, there were no detectable differences
in the diversity and abundance of taxa in areas
characterised by mobile sediments and subject to
frequent natural disturbance2. Changes
in such areas may also be masked or insignificant
compared to natural changes66.
Animals damaged by beam trawling rapidly attract
scavengers2,11,22,46, 78. Large numbers
of whelks, Buccinum undatum, (98%) have been
shown to survive beam trawling and they are capable
of exploiting a wide variety of prey, feeding on
damaged and moribund animals in the trawled areas22.
It has been suggested that in areas of intense beam
trawling, damaged animals could make up a considerable
proportion of their diet. Fish such as gurnard,
whiting and dogfish, and the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus
pallidus, are also known to aggregate over beam
trawl tracks to feed11, 69. Recent research
on hermit crabs indicates that scavengers are far
more selective than previously presumed and may
provide a mechanism whereby fishing could change
crustacean scavenger populations65.
Areas which have been intensively trawled for several
years still support profitable fisheries which would
not be possible without ample benthic food. Therefore
it has been suggested that it is not unlikely that
the benthic community in these areas has shifted
towards a dominance of highly productive, opportunistic
species such as polychaetes56, 68, 77.
At the same time the effects of bottom trawling
have been described as the marine equivalent to
forest clearcutting acting as a major threat to
biological diversity and economic sustainability76.
Otter trawling - With otter trawls the passage
of the trawl doors mounds sediment as well as creating
a scour furrow94. There may be no alteration
of the surface roughness in a relatively uniform,
stable, flat area, whereas it can be lowered in
an area characterised by sand waves and ripples2,74.
The sediment structure may also change because the
physical disturbance can resuspend sediment, nutrients,
and contaminants with implications for nutrient
cycling in bottom trawled areas70, and
relocate stones and boulders which provide different
micro-habitats in areas of predominantly soft sediment45.
New surfaces for settlement will be created by the
exposure of shell and gravel although at the same
time epibenthos on surfaces which were overturned
by the action of the trawl will be smothered2.
As well as fine material being suspended and washed
away from the surface layers, there are reports
of the seabed surface appearing to have altered
from coarse grained sand or gravel to one with fine
sand and coarse silt which has collected in the
trawl marks24. The effects may be long
term and there have been definitive changes of the
substrate and habitat complexity with implications
for the benthic communities9,24,76as
well as potential effects on recruitment to harvestable
fish stocks71. In other cases no changes
in particle size distribution have been reported2.
Tracks from otter trawls may still be visible in
muddy sediments in sheltered areas after 18 months78
and trawl door displace bivalves in the scour path94.Otter
trawling can result in a considerable by-catch8
as can shrimp fisheries90, 91 and beam
trawling. Analysis of by-catch data from the Netherlands
beam trawl fisheries between 1965-1983 suggests
that such fisheries had a considerable impact on
the abundance of several by-catch species72.
While the by-catch may include species of commercial
value, eg. crabs and scallops, much will be discarded.
The mortality of affected species shows considerable
variation - around 10 % in starfish to 90 % in the
Icelandic cyprinid, Arctica islandica after
a single passage of a trawl. Reefs formed by the
polychaete Sabellaria spinulosa; beds of
the eel grass, Zostera marina, and native
oyster, Ostrea edulis, beds are also known
to have been severely damaged by trawling and may
be replaced by deposit feeding polychaetes which
may influence the recovery of suspension feeding
species8,9,13,68. The intense disturbance
from repeated trawling may select for more tolerant
species, communities becoming dominated by juvenile
stages, mobile species and rapid colonists8,
68. It can also lead to significant decreases
in habitat heterogeneity68 although in
more current swept areas, natural inter-annual changes
in sediment grain size may be more pronounced than
those caused by experimental trawling69.
Gill nets - Bottom set gill nets are used to catch
demersal fin fish and can result in the incidental
catch of marine mammals and birds as well as other
marine life (see sections 5.1, 5.2 and 6.1). They
also have the potential to continue fishing after
being lost or discarded, an effect which has been
described as "ghost fishing".
A study into the effects of ghost nets reported
catches of large number of elasmobranchs, crustaceans
and fish53. Initially more fish were
caught than crustaceans but the situation reversed
by day 20. The greatest catches of crustaceans came
more than a month after initial deployment of the
nets. All the crustaceans caught are known to scavenge
carrion. Other species such as the common starfish,
Asterias rubens, and the brittle star, Ophiothrix
fragilis, also aggregated to feed on animals
in the nets.
The study showed that environmental conditions
and the type of habitat on which the nets were lost
were the main factors in affecting how long the
net maintained a catching capability53.
Nets lost in shallow water during spring and summer
months when storms are infrequent could be active
for up to 6 months, whereas, nets lost in winter
storms are likely to have a limited life. Nets lost
on fine ground may only last a few weeks in reasonably
good weather. Nets lost on reefs, very rocky ground
or wrecks may have a longer period of activity as
their meshes can snag on features and be held open.
Limited observations on the fate of nets lost in
deep water, where the effects of storm events will
be less, indicate a continued fishing capability
even after 1 year80.
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