Marine habitats

Some of the habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive are physiographic features, encompassing several habitats (eg. estuaries, large shallow inlets and bays) and others are more discrete habitats (eg. caves). This means there will inevitably be some overlap of the management issues between sites. For example, considerations relating to the 'mudflats and sand flat' category are also likely to be relevant for 'estuaries'.

For the purposes of this report, habitats which are likely to occur as a component of broader habitats are discussed within the same section as their relevant physiographic feature.

The effects of particular fisheries are described in the habitat where that type of fishing is most likely to take place but not exclusively so. Reference is therefore made to other relevant sections to ensure that the necessary links are made. This approach has been taken to minimise duplication of text. The references used are summarised in an Annex.

In assessing the effect of a fishing activity on a habitat, it is important to consider the sensitivity of the specific features of an interest. This is considered in the following chapter. For further information, reports have been produced on the sensitivity and ecological requirements of the following marine features which can be accessed through the features option on the menu.

Table - An overview of the known current commercial fishing activities in possible and candidate special areas of conservation

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