Landowners rights
The rights of foreshore owners
with regard to the collection of shoreline species
are complex, and have still not fully been tested
under case law. The natural products
found on the seashore belong to the owner of the
shore, but not the sea fish found there.
The public may exercise common law rights (bait
collection for personal use and collection of sea
fish) over the foreshore without landowners
permission. Exceptions occur where there are ancient
proprietary rights associated with the ownership
of coastal land over, e.g., adjacent shellfisheries
(this most commonly occurs in estuaries or other
inlets) or where fisheries are private as a result
of a pre-Magna Carta grant in England.
Landowners may issue licenses or
permits for individuals to take natural products,
including commercial baitworm digging. This could
encourage landowners to manage bait stocks sustainably
to generate revenue, but their inability to regulate
the activities of potentially large numbers of individuals
collecting for their own use, or to distinguish
effectively between commercial and personal collection
may limit the success of this approach.
It is difficult in practical terms
for many landowners to exert control over the damaging
activities of third parties (those who
are not owners or occupiers) on intertidal SSSIs,
e.g. commercial bait diggers, as legally required
of landowners under Section 28(5) of the Wildlife
and Countryside Act 1981. The Department of the
Environment, Transport and Regions (DETR 1998 b)
suggested some options for tackling this problem,
including enabling conservation agencies a locus
for involvement. These include: creating a specific
offence (deliberately or recklessly causing damage)
with appropriate penalties; using byelaws to prevent
damage; and improving liaison between conservation
agencies and Police Wildlife Liaison Officers. (The
alternative approach is use of a Section 29 Nature
Conservation Order see Budle Bay case study.)
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