Impacts on bait species
Impacts on other
Impacts on habitat
Impacts on other
shore users
Dredging causes the complete removal
of all lugworms in the dredge tracks (Heiligenberg
1987), but dredges usually only operate within a
very large area of intertidal sand flat, and are
likely to leave considerable areas untouched. Beukemas
(1995) study of a 1 km2 area found
that near doubling of annual lugworm mortality rate
occurred, resulting in a gradual and substantial
decline of local lugworm stock from more than twice
the overall mean at the start of the four year digging
Impacts on other
This activity removes a very large
amount of the invertebrate biomass, in comparison
with hand digging. Heiligenberg (1987) examined
the effects of both hand and mechanical digging
in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Hand digging (reviewed
above) caused a significant reduction in many of
the common species, including Scoloplos armiger,
Nereis diversicolor, Heteromastus and, of course,
Arenicola (50% removal). A total of 1.9 g
of other benthic animals were removed for every
1g of Arenicola. Mechanical digging has a
much more serious effect, with complete removal
of Arenicola and up to an 80 or 90% loss
of the Baltic tellin Macoma baltica, Scoloplos
and Heteromastus. Using this method,
for every gram of lugworm taken, 9 to 13.4 g
of other invertebrates are removed from the area.
Beukema (1995) found that recovery of the benthos
took several years, mainly because of the slow re-establishment
of a soft shell clam Mya arenaria population
with a normal size and age structure.
The impact on feeding birds of
the introduction of mechanical bait dredging requires
consideration. Bird disturbance at low water should
not be an important factor, if the dredging barges
are left unattended at this time. On the other hand,
this activity removes a very large amount of the
invertebrate biomass, in comparison with hand digging,
and the habitat damage will reduce the feeding areas
available to shore birds.
Impacts on habitat
Mechanical dredging for lugworm
has a similar effect on the sediment habitat as
that caused by hand digging. Dredging in the Wadden
Sea, where the dredged sediment is strained through
a sieve with water jets, leaves gullies 40 cm
deep and one metre wide, bordered on each side by
a 1.5 metre wide ridge a few cm high (Heiligenberg,
1987). This is similar to, but more severe an effect
than caused by a hand-dug trench with no back filling.
Fines are released, and any contaminants in the
sediments also become available for uptake by marine
organisms. Monitoring of the fauna of dredged sites
in the Netherlands was carried out for six months,
suggesting that the relief of the sediment surface
may have enabled relocation of the dredged areas
throughout this time (the author does not record
the rate of physical recovery of the sediment surface
over that period). Dredged tracks in Essex (pers.
obs, 1989) tend to fill with water and accumulate
seaweed, as seen for bait-dug holes, and previously
buried shell rejected from the sieves is scattered
over the surface. The area of effect can be greater
than occurs during normal levels of bait digging.
Hugget (1992) notes that a dredger
can make three 250 m x 1 m trenches per
tide, and working just once a day could damage at
least ½ hectare of mudflats per week. Working a
5-day week for 30 weeks of the year, a single dredger
might mobilise and redeposit 90,000 tons of sediment
per year.
Impacts on other
beach users
Most likely to be affected if the
dredge tracks interfere with recreational activities,
commercial fisheries, or archaeological sites.
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