Impacts on habitat
Digging for bait or other infaunal
species disturbs the sediment, which is removed
from its original position, overturned and exposed
to air and wave or current action. Transport of
fine sediment and previously buried contaminants
takes place at the sediment surface. Stones and
shell buried in the sediment are exposed (Anderson
and McLusky 1981, Anderson and Myer 1986, Farrell
1998). The effect is not confined to the areas excavated,
but usually extends to an equal area covered by
the excavated spoil. If the displaced mounds of
sediment are subsequently returned to the trenches
by the bait digger (the process of back- or in-filling),
then the effect of disturbance is reduced and recovery
hastened. Recovery of dug areas takes place most
quickly (within three weeks) where holes and trenches
are back filled (McLusky et al. 1983), and
in the most wave-exposed areas. Sheltered sediment
shores exposed only to small amounts of wave action
take longer to recover.
Some of the more detailed studies
on recovery of sediments were carried out in the
Firth of Forth (Anderson and McLusky 1981, McLusky
et al. 1983). These studied the recovery
of areas where bait digging had been simulated.
A series of holes were dug, with the mounds produced
from the spoil left alongside (the method used by
many amateur bait diggers), and some long trenches
excavated and infilled (copying the more experienced
diggers). These were monitored over a period of
30 days, with microtopography, sediments in suspension
and surface sediments being studied. A similar study
(Anderson and Meyer 1986) studied surface and suspended
sediments after clam digging in Maine, USA. Coates
(1983) and Johnson (1984) have also studied the
recovery of bait dug areas in the Menai Strait.
The immediate effect of bait digging
is to change the sediment stratigraphy. In undisturbed
conditions, bioturbation of sediments (primarily
by feeding lugworms) usually produces a layer of
well-mixed sand 10 cm deep, which overlies
a bed of shell or stone. The sediment may be anoxic
at or below this layer, with contaminants often
retained in this anoxic layer. Digging moves the
coarse material and anoxic sediments to the surface,
where they are exposed to the action of waves and
currents and quickly oxidised, releasing pollutants
(see below).
Where no back-filling takes place,
the mounds of spoil are exposed to increased wave
and current erosion and winnowing out of the finer
sediments. The basins collect organic material (drift
seaweed) and fine sediments from suspension. The
result is the formation of a soft, organically enriched
and anoxic layer at the bottom of the basin, which
also holds water permanently. The holes initially
fill in much more swiftly than the mounds erode,
but the latter disappear well before the basins
fill completely. Back-filled trenches recover much
more quickly, but some stones and shell dug up will
still be left on the surface.
Overall recovery rates will depend
on the energy of the site. Thus coarse sandy beaches
with wave action will lose the signs of digging
much more quickly than sheltered sites with poorly
sorted sediments. Storms will speed up the disappearance
of bait dug areas. In the very sheltered conditions
of the Menai Strait, where bait digging results
in the movement of underlying boulder clay to the
surface, Johnson (1984) recorded that some experimental
plots were still visible one year after having been
dug. In contrast, on the more exposed, muddy sand
shore of Red Wharf Bay, Anglesey, unfilled holes
and mounds took from 25 to 30 days to completely
disappear. This is an insufficient period to enable
shores to recover between the peaks of collection
at each low water spring tide. (Bait diggers are
now using pumps in Red Wharf Bay, and the signs
of this activity are lost overnight (Mr Sharp pers.
In addition to these physical effects,
bait digging can cause changes to the chemical content
of sediments. Howell (1985) records that increased
levels of heavy metals were found in surface sediments
and invertebrates following intensive bait digging
in Budle Bay, where 50 diggers were estimated to
turn over about 62.5 t of sediment containing
3 kg of lead and 40 g of cadmium on each
tide. The exposure and subsequent oxidisation of
deep sediments by digging enables these heavy metals,
which are bound to sediment particles in reduced
(anoxic) conditions, to become bioavailable. Cadmium
is also concentrated in the anoxic layers by the
activity of lugworms; their removal therefore exacerbates
this problem.
Bait digging can also cause the
destruction of mussel bed and eelgrass habitats
on sediment areas.
These changes to the intertidal
habitat also affect populations of other intertidal
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