The UKMPA Centre would like to thank the following organisations for their contributions: |
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Steering Group:
The role of Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is to look after the natural heritage, help people to enjoy and value it, and encourage people to use it sustainably. |
The Crown Estate owns around 55% of the foreshore (between mean high and mean low water) and approximately half of the beds of estuarial areas and tidal rivers in the United Kingdom. It also owns the seabed out to the 12 mile territorial limit. |
The Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) works across all sectors of the UK seafood industry to promote good quality, sustainable seafood. |
The Countryside Council for Wales is the United Kingdom Government's wildlife conservation authority for Wales. It acts as a statutory advisory and prosecuting body, and aims to sustain natural beauty and wildlife and provide opportunities for outdoor enjoyment of the Welsh landscape and its inshore waters. |
The 47 Wildlife Trusts act to conserve wildlife and the environment, create and enhance wildlife havens, inspire people about the natural world and foster sustainable living. |
The Marine Biological Association (MBA) also acts as secretariat for the UKMPA Centre Steering Group. |
Natural England works for people, places and nature to conserve and enhance biodiversity, landscapes and wildlife in rural, urban, coastal and marine areas. |
The Joint Nature Conservation Committee is the statutory adviser to Government on UK and international nature conservation. Its work contributes to maintaining and enriching biological diversity, conserving geological features and sustaining natural systems. |
The Maritime Archeology division of English Heritage aims to discover, enhance and make more widely available knowledge about our maritime culture, whether it be in the form of shipwrecks, harbours, coastal defences, fish-traps, iconography or settlements. |
Association of Sea Fisheries Committees of England and Wales |
The Association of Sea Fisheries Committees represents the national interests of the Sea Fisheries Committees and promotes those interests to Government and to stakeholders connected with inshore fisheries management and inshore marine environmental management. |
European Marine Sites | The interests of the European Marine Sites management groups are represented by Blaise Bullimore (Carmarthen Bay & Estuaries European Marine Site) and Tony Child (Thanet Coast Project). | |
The UK MPA Centre is hosted at the Marine Biological Association of the UK and the website is managed by MarLIN. |