The UK Marine SACs Project website was a vehicle for communicating and distributing the learning, knowledge and outputs from the UK Marine SACs Project to its wider audience. Since the project was completed in 2001, this website has been closed and all its documents and background information can now be accessed through the UKMPA Centre.

Management schemes

Principles of a Management Scheme Document

Management schemes provide the basis for the implementation of the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive in the marine environment. This section describes the principles upon which the approach to developing management schemes has been based. These principles derive from information on current coastal management strategies from around the world combined with the aims of the Directives, Government policy and accepted management planning practice for land-based SACs and SPAs.

Principles of a Management Scheme Document

  • A management scheme document should:
    1. satisfy the aims of the Directive;
    2. reflect the reasons for site designation; and
    3. be based upon the conservation objectives.
  • The production of a management scheme document should assist the relevant authorities in reviewing the management of the European marine site. Although existing powers and management arrangements will be used, wherever possible, the document existing powers and management arrangements will be used, the document will also highlight any adjustments or changes to the current management of the site that may be required to ensure the achievement of the conservation objectives.
  • The process of developing a management scheme should focus on the conservation features for which the site has been proposed or designated. The management scheme document should outline the range of activities that may have implications for the maintenance of the important features of the European marine site. Management scheme documents should be as short, concise and relevant as possible.
  • The management scheme will need to be regularly reviewed and revised to reflect the best available scientific information. This will include relevant monitoring information relating to activities and uses, conservation features and their interactions.
  • The voluntary principle and willing participation of everyone concerned are important to the success of any management scheme. Therefore, the need for and reasons behind, any management measures must be clearly explained and accepted. The management document may refer to the mechanisms for decision-making in relation to future developments or changes in use. These should be agreed between the relevant authorities as part of the ongoing site management process.

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