Comparisons with other biotopes
Although maerl beds are analagous in many ways to kelp forests and seagrass beds
(BIOMAERL, in press), to our knowledge there have been no overall comparisons of the
diversity of maerl fauna and flora with those in equivalent samples from other biotopes.
However, the algal diversity on maerl in Galway Bay (Maggs, 1983a, 1983b) can be compared
with algal diversity in photophilic algal communities in the Mediterranean (Coppejans,
1980). Similar methods and sample sizes were used in both studies, showing that Galway Bay
maerl flora is as diverse (average of 60 species per 300 cm3 sample at 10 m
depth) as these highly speciose Mediterranean communities (average of 70 species per 400
cm2 sample).
The branching of the maerl thalli provides shelter for small plants and animals, and
the communities in the maerl beds are much richer than those on gravel or shell bottoms of
an equivalent granulometry (J. Cabioch, 1969). Biodiversity in maerl, particularly of the
faunal elements, has rarely been compared with that of other sedimentary substrata and
with rock. Bosence (1979) found that maerl banks had more abundant epifauna and boring
infauna than other sediments in Mannin Bay, such as sand and gravel. However, the overall
species richness in maerl, as judged from his tables of animals found in each substratum
type, was lower than in muddy algal gravel and clean algal gravel, similar to that in fine
sand, but greater than in mud communities. Earlier workers such as L. Cabioch (1968) were
concerned that the maerl 'biocoenosis' (equivalent to biotope complex) might be only a form
of the 'Venus fasciata biocoenosis'. Later multivariate analysis (e.g. O'Connor et al., 1993) showed that maerl faunas
were a distinct assemblage that clustered with other sedimentary faunas.
There are several reports of mobile substrata (i.e. substrata that move at least
occasionally, e.g. stones, shells, maerl) supporting a more diverse algal community than
the adjacent solid substratum (Lieberman et al., 1979; Sears & Wilce, 1975). In
Galway Bay, the diversity of the algal community of maerl beds was very high compared with
that of the surrounding habitat (Maggs, 1983a). The rocky outcrops adjacent to these maerl
beds were subject to heavy grazing pressure by Echinus esculentus and these rocks
supported only 24 algal species per 0.09 m2, of which 13 were epiphytic on the
larger algae. Samples of a similar surface area collected on the nearby maerl beds
contained a year-round average of 46 species (Maggs, 1983a).
Unstable sediments such as shell or maerl banks may act as a reservoir for weakly
competitive algal species, living on the fringes of their distribution range (Waern, 1958,
p. 332). Most studies have been of cobbles or shells. Waern (1958) examined algae growing
on deposits of dead shells off the west coast of Sweden; Kain (1960) briefly described the
algae growing on pebble and gravel bottoms off the Isle of Man; Sears & Wilce (1975)
and Connor (1980) included shell bottoms in their study of algal communities in North
America; Lieberman et al. (1979) reported on the ecology of seasonally devastated
cobble substrata off Ghana.
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