Ecological Roles
Community structure
To date, little work has been carried out explicitly from the point of view of
community structure, although a study is currently underway in Britanny as part of the
BIOMAERL programme. However, considerable relevant information is available from studies
of maerl species and of other organisms.
Many coralline algae produce chemicals which promote the settlement of the larvae of
certain herbivorous invertebrates. The herbivores then graze off the epiphytic, and often
fast-growing, algae which might otherwise overgrow the coralline algae, competing for
light and nutrients. Another strategy for maintaining epiphyte-free surfaces of coralline
algae has recently demonstrated in Japanese representatives of the crustose genus Lithophyllum
(Suzuki et al., 1998). The allelopathic production of chemicals by the crust
directly prevents overgrowth by epiphytes.
The presence of herbivores associated with corallines can generate patchiness in the
survival of dominant seaweeds. In addition to the ecological importance of live maerl
beds, which is described below, dead maerl contributes in two ways. Firstly, dead maerl
supports diverse communities, although these are generally reported to be less rich than
those in live maerl beds (Keegan, 1974). Secondly, maerl is one of the sources of subtidal
and beach-forming calcareous sediments. In Scotland, maerl can form up to 4% of calcareous
sediments (Farrow et al., 1978).
There are numerous features of maerl that contribute to its value as a habitat for
other marine species (Nunn, 1992):
- It provides a surface to which other seaweeds e.g. Plocamium cartilagineum can
attach. Other organisms, e.g. Aplysia punctata and rissoids, then feed on these
- It can be grazed itself by organisms such as Tectura (Acmaea) virginea.
- The algal film and detritus can also be grazed by e.g. Jujubinus montagui.
- It provides attachment sites for animals which in turn are food for others, e.g. Antedon
bifida, hydroids, bryozoans.
- The infauna in maerl beds includes many bivalves, e.g. Mya truncata, Dosinia
- Its loose structure provides shelter, e.g. for small gastropods.
Trophic groups and microhabitats
Bosence (1979) carried out a community analysis of all animals associated with maerl in
Mannin Bay, Galway (see table below), classifying them into vagile (i.e. mobile) epifauna,
sessile epifauna, burrowing infauna and boring infauna, and further indicated their
trophic group (herbivore, carnivore/scavenger, deposit feeder, suspension feeder,
commensal). The maerl bank community was characterized by abundant vagile epifauna.
Gastropods were common in the lattice formed by the maerl, the most abundant species being
the herbivores Bittium reticulatum and Gibbula cineraria. Small decapod
crustaceans such as Porcellana longicornis and Galathea squamifera could
move within the maerl lattice, while larger species formed burrows or swam over the
surface. More recently, Grall & Glémarec (1997) have examined the community structure
of maerl at control and impacted (eutrophicated or harvested) sites in Brittany using
multivariate analysis (see Sensitivity to human activities).
Most abundant fauna in maerl beds in Mannin Bay, Galway, classified by habitat and
trophic group (Bosence, 1979). Includes only species found at a maximum abundance $ 10 per 0.25 m-2.
Species name |
Habitat and trophic
group |
Maximum abundance
(per 0.25 m-2) |
Bittium reticulatum |
Vagile epifauna; herbivore |
270 |
Gibbula cineraria |
Vagile epifauna; herbivore |
93 |
Porcellana longicornis |
Vagile epifauna; carnivore/scavenger |
74 |
Rissoa parva |
Vagile epifauna; herbivore |
40 |
Idotea sp. |
Vagile epifauna; scavenger |
30 |
Tricolia pullus |
Vagile epifauna; herbivore |
Xantho sp. |
Vagile epifauna; carnivore/scavenger |
24 |
Musculus discors |
Sessile epifauna; suspension feeder |
80 |
Golfingia sp. |
Burrowing infauna; deposit feeder
(commensal) |
16 |
Mysella bidentata |
Burrowing infauna; suspension feeder
(commensal) |
40 |
Lucinoma borealis |
Burrowing infauna; suspension feeder |
11 |
Hiatella arctica |
Boring infauna; suspension feeder |
10 |
Both floristic and faunistic studies have focussed on biodiversity aspects of maerl
communities, as discussed in the next chapter. Some of the epifloral species listed in a summary table may be key to the integrity of the maerl bed, either
physically binding the maerl or biologically interacting within the biotope.
Although bare maerl substratum occurs throughout the year, competion for space between
crustose species is high. The chemical and growth rate interactions between crustose algae
in competing for space have been investigated (Fletcher, 1975; Maggs, 1983a) and some
crustose species are known to slough epithelial layers as a means of reducing epiphyte
cover. These mechanisms make for continual shifts in the population of the epiflora and
promote the diversity of the maerl biotope flora. Changes in the environment of the maerl
biotope, particularly any which influenced the interactions of the coralline species,
might affect settlement of the epiflora, changing the species mix, probably reducing the
epifloral diversity and possibly resulting in the dispersion of the maerl bed.
Alternatively, reduction of epiphytism by some species could enhance the growth rate of
maerl due to increased penetration of light to the maerl thalli.
Several species of red and green filamentous algae are common borers into maerl
(Cabioch, 1969), and may contribute to the breakup of maerl thalli. As noted above (under
Reproduction), the most important maerl-forming species, Phymatolithon calcareum,
rarely produces conceptacles. The main way maerl beds of this species build up is through
fragmentation. J. Hall-Spencer (pers. comm.) has noted that it can colonise new areas of
sedimentary substrata by transport of live thalli attached to algae - particularly Laminaria
saccharina and Phycodrys rubens in Scotland. These large algae can transport
maerl over considerable distances after storms.
Keystone and associated species
The various maerl species can be regarded as keystone species within the maerl beds in
which they occur because the community depends on their biological and structural
characteristics. However, the integrity of some forms of maerl bank in turn requires at
least some elements of the rich epiflora associated with it, and interactions with
invertebrate grazers are also very important in keeping open substratum clear for
settlement by algal and animal species. It should be pointed out here that some of the
deeper Scottish maerl beds are floristically poor so that this does not apply to them (J.
Hall-Spencer, pers. comm.).
In general, maerl beds form a fragile and easily disturbed habitat for a rich
assemblage of seaweeds and invertebrates. Under some conditions, they can be relatively
stable communities over long timescales. In Northern Norway, for example, although the
maerl beds have fluctuated with glaciation-related changes in the relative sealevel and
shore position, the oldest layers within the accumulated sediments have been 14C dated to about 6000 years old (Freiwald et al.,
1991). Individual pieces of dead maerl in the Sound of Iona, Scotland, were dated at c.
4000 years old (Farrow, 1983).
Both Jacquotte (1962) and Cabioch (1969) discussed the importance of various prostrate
algae in stabilising the maerl deposits by the formation of stolons and secondary
attachments (see table below). These growths apparently act as an effective means of
vegetative reproduction for these prostrate species, several of which were never observed
with reproductive organs. The morphology of Gelidiella calcicola (as Gelidiella
sp. in Cabioch, 1969), which is largely confined to maerl, seems to have evolved in
response to the maerl habitat. Unlike other gelidiacean algae, it forms no erect axes -
all axes bend down at the tips and reattach to the maerl by specialised peg-like holdfasts
that penetrate into the maerl.
Species of algae reported to stabilise maerl beds
Species name |
Maerl bed location
studied |
Reference |
Gelidium sp. (Rhodophyta) |
Mediterrannean |
Jacquotte, 1962 |
Flabellia petiolata (Chlorophyta) Polysiphonia
setacea (Rhodophyta) |
Mediterranean |
BIOMAERL, in press |
Laminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta) |
Scotland |
J. Hall-Spencer, pers. comm. |
Gelidiella calcicola Brongniartella byssoides
Audouinella floridula
Spermothamnion repens
(all Rhodophyta) |
Brittany and Ireland |
Cabioch, 1969 Maggs & Guiry, 1987a |
In general, the seasonal stabilisation of maerl beds is advantageous, permitting the
summer growth of many larger algae, but clearly, if the structure became permanently bound
together by excessive algal turfs, this could affect the nature of the maerl bed
detrimentally. It may be significant that the alien red alga Polysiphonia setacea, which
stabilises maerl beds in the Mediterranean, is currently increasing greatly in abundance
and may soon affect the majority of Mediterranean maerl beds.
Invertebrates are also important in the structural integrity of maerl. The bivalves Modiolus
modiolus and Limaria hians bind maerl together with their byssal threads. Deep
burrowers and tube dwellers (e.g. Cerianthus, Sabella, Chaetopterus
and Upogebia) can stabilise surface sediments. Crabs (Cancer pagurus) and
starfish (Asterias rubens) dig pitfall traps to catch prey.
Nursery areas
Suggestions have been made that maerl beds may be important nursery areas for
commercially valuable molluscs and crustaceans. However, maerl has been little-studied as
a habitat for the juvenile stages of demersal and pelagic fish species. Divers visiting
maerl beds or collecting samples for maerl studies have commented on the large numbers of
small individuals of many species that can be seen, and certainly the open structure of a
maerl bed would provide a secure habitat for juveniles as well as a wide range of flora
and fauna as food for them.
The nursery interpretation of maerl biotopes is rather controversial (e.g. in
south-west Ireland no nursery activity was observed during maerl bed surveys; S. de Grave,
pers. comm.) but there is some good evidence that maerl beds are nurseries for at least a
few species. In Co. Clare, maerl deposits are known to act as nursery grounds for the
black sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Juvenile urchins can be obtained for
aquaculture purposes by dredging small quantities of maerl and removing the urchins using
benzocaine (Minchin, 1997). In these maerl beds, densities of more than 1600 individuals
per square metre of surface area (down through the depth of the maerl) have been counted
(Keegan, 1974). In France, juvenile scallops have been collected experimentally from spat
collectors placed over maerl (Thouzeau, 1991). Similarly, the presence and abundance of
scallop spat in benthic samples from the west of Scotland (Sound of Raasay) was apparently
correlated with the presence of maerl (D. McKay, pers. comm.).
Flora/fauna interactions
Spatial competition
Spatial competition between flora and fauna was not generally noted as a major factor
of population structure control (Hily et al., 1992) in the maerl beds of the rade
de Brest. However, at a few locations the abundance of large suspension feeders (e.g. the
ascidian Phallusia mamillata) was such that they occupied more than half the
available surface area. In sites such as these it was noted that opportunistic algae were
best adapted to compete for space. Bosence (1979) described competition for space between
encrusting algae and animals in Mannin Bay. Bryozoans and foraminiferans were overgrown by
coralline algae, whereas Halichondria, Anemonia sulcata and serpulids
overgrew the living maerl.
The presence of both generalist and specialist herbivores is essential for the health
of maerl beds. Generalist herbivores graze off epiphytic algae which might otherwise shade
the coralline algae. There is constant erosion of the surface of the maerl by sea urchins
and specialist grazers such as the small limpet Tectura virginea. Around the UK, T.
virginea, which also feeds on shell-boring algae (Farrow & Clokie, 1979), is one
of the main grazers on maerl. Very large populations may be found and it is likely that
these small limpets settle selectively on coralline algae, as has been shown for Haliotis
species (abalone) by Morse & Morse (1984). The surface of the maerl is kept clear of
microalgae and algal sporelings by the feeding activities of Tectura, so that bare
substratum is always available. The radula action also wears away the surface layers of
maerl thalli creating a clear and more easily penetrable surface for settlement of algal
Population densities of Sphaerechinus granularis of 2-3 m-2 were
found to affect the algal cover, on small temporal and spatial scales, on maerl beds in
the rade de Brest (Hily et al., 1992) but on a larger scale and longer time span,
it was suggested that the grazing pressure was not of an intensity to modify the species
composition of the assemblage. Maggs (1983a), however, reported that the high diversity of
algae on maerl in Galway Bay (50-80 species of epiphytic algae per sample depending on
sample size (300 cm3 or 1500 cm3)) might be due in part to the
reduced grazing pressure relative to hard substrata. The microtopography of the maerl
itself provides some protection from grazers in that the interlocking, branched shapes
restrict access to larger grazing species.
Boring polychaetes and sponges probably affect production rates and may be involved in
maerl fragmentation. The most conspicuous borer into live algae is the polychaete Polydora,
which is thought to bore both mechanically and by chemical activity (Bosence, 1979).
Changes to the substratum
One of the principal substrata in several maerl biotopes is mollusc shells, present
usually as shell gravel, but also as variable quantities of intact shells. Intact shells
are favoured by large species of algae, such as young kelps. In the rade de Brest, the
population dynamics, particularly the mortality rates, of the shelled molluscan species in
the maerl beds had an indirect effect on the algal population (Hily et al., 1992).
The dead shells formed a major substratum for the algae, but as the attached biomass
increased, the shell/algal assembly became more buoyant and susceptible to transport by
tide and wave currents, thus moving the shell support shoreward and removing the attached
species of algae from the population of the maerl bed.
Next Section