Environmental requirements and physical attributes
This chapter presents an overview of the ecological requirements and physical
attributes for maerl, all of which affect its distribution. Different environmental
factors may influence maerl distribution interactively or synergistically - for example
the interaction between water clarity and the presence of fine sediments. Although few
studies have been made of the environmental requirements of maerl beds in the UK, the
environmental factors leading to the observed distribution patterns of maerl beds in
Europe have previously been discussed by Jacquotte (1962), L. Cabioch (1968), J. Cabioch
(1969, 1970) and Bosence (1976). Bosence (1976) carried out a valuable study of some
environmental aspects of the ecology of maerl in Mannin Bay, County Galway.
Detailed measurements of environmental data are current being made at several European
maerl beds as part of the BIOMAERL programme. These includec omprehensive sampling not
only of the benthic environment of each maerl ground (including bathymetry, macro- and
micro-architecture of the maerl surface, granulometry, calcimetry, organic matter content,
pH and Eh profile), but also of the water column overlying the BIOMAERL study sites
(including measurements of seawater temperature, salinity, Secchi disc transparency,
seston content, current speed as well as chlorophyll and photosynthetically active
radiation on occasion). Edaphic measurements have been collected seasonally over one to
two years. Preliminary results of these studies are in broad agreement with data presented
We suggest that the ecological niche of both Lithothamnion corallioides and Phymatolithon
calcareum is relatively narrow and subject to many controlling environmental factors.
Moderate current and wave action on the one hand, but moderate turbidity and sedimentation
on the other, are antagonistic conditions which help to explain the limited spatial
distribution of these species in shallow coastal temperate waters.
The most significant environmental factors affecting the distribution of maerl are
water movement - both currents and wave action - and the interactive effects of depth and
water quality. On a geographical scale, the distribution of maerl species is strongly
influenced by the temperature regime. Other physical factors, such as water chemistry, are
of relatively minor importance. Maerl beds are found on a very broad range of underlying
Water movement
Light, depth and water clarity