The study and management of rocky shores within SACs
General implications for management of SACs
In theory, rocky shores are an accessible, easily sampled marine
habitat. Monitoring rocky shore communities is an efficient means of assessing the general
condition of coastal ecosystems. Monitoring changes in the geographical ranges of rocky
shore species would allow an assessment of the ecological consequences of climate change.
There are certain features of individual shores which affect their suitability as
monitoring sites. These are discussed below.
Rapid, efficient sampling of a site depends on ease of access. For obvious reasons,
there will be considerable problems associated with sampling offshore sites such as Papa
Stour and St Kilda and any other sites with no road access. Similarly, steeply sloping
shores and cliffs are not suitable for rapid sampling.
Most ecological studies of rocky shores have focused on free-draining bedrock. The
communities present on this substratum are well understood and clearly defined sampling
methods have been developed. Communities found in microhabitats such as crevices, rock
pools and the underside of boulders are of considerable ecological interest but are less
easily sampled. Monitoring programmes aimed at assessing impacts or the general condition
of ecosystems should concentrate on free-draining bedrock. This will facilitate between
site comparisons. Detailed studies of the ecological characteristics of shores should
include microhabitats.
The value of rocky shore monitoring as a means of assessing the condition of coastal
ecosystems is, obviously, limited by the presence of rocky shores. Monitoring the
distribution of rocky shore species within SACs will allow an assessment of the ecological
effects of climate change. The detail of any resulting data will be limited by the number
and distribution of monitoring sites. South Wight Maritime may prove a useful site for
monitoring the eastern spread of Atlantic species. However, not all species will establish
populations on this unstable shore. Changes in the Northern or Southern limits of species
will be best seen along the West coast. We recommend that any attempt to initiate a
programme to monitor the effects of climate change should integrate additional West Coast
sites with those in SACs. Ideally, these would be situated within easy working distance of
marine research centres.
General implications for management of
Where suitable rocky shores exist within SACs, we suggest that these
are used as a basis for monitoring the condition of coastal ecosystems and assessing the
impact of anthropogenic activities. We also recommend the initiation an integrated
programme to monitor the effects of climate change on the distribution of rocky shore
species. This programme should involve all SACs which adopt rocky shore monitoring and,
possibly, additional West Coast sites. Monitoring of rocky shores can be based on simple
techniques involving in-situ assessment of the abundance of up to 30 species. This work
must be conducted by field workers who understand the sampling scheme and are skilled at
identifying the relevant species. Since rocky shore monitoring clearly has a significant
role to play in the management of SACs, we recommend that training should be made
available on a national basis to ensure that practitioners have these skills and that
practices are standardised.
Rocky shores are susceptible to acute and chronic anthropogenic
impacts. The conservation objectives of SACs can be met if potential impacts are
identified and minimised. The identification of chronic impacts will depend on well
designed surveillance programmes. A particularly important issue is the potential effect
of visitor pressure. We recommend the implementation of programmes which both minimise
this impact and cultivate public goodwill and understanding of conservation issues. On
site education will partially fulfil these needs. However, specific strategies, based on
local research, should be devised to protect popular shores.In general, shores which have
suffered anthropogenic disturbance are best left to recover without any human
intervention. The main exception is that shores soiled with rubbish should be cleared by
hand. It might be possible to achieve this with a volunteer workforce who should be well
briefed to prevent any further disturbance.