Moderately exposed littoral rock



GB distribution

Compiled by: Leigh Jones, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough PE1 IJY, UK.

Derived, in part, from: the UK marine biotope classification (Connor et al. 1997a) and a review undertaken for the UK Marine SACs Project (Hill, Burrows, & Hawkins 1998).


Classification Code Biotope(s)
Europe (EUNIS Nov. 1999) A1.2 Littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action
Wadden Sea - Not listed/present
Britain/Ireland (MNCR BioMar 97.06) MLR Moderately exposed littoral rock (barnacle/fucoid shores)
France (ZNIEFF-MER) Part of IV.6 Fonds Durs: Cailloutis, Galets et Roches


Moderately exposed rocky shores (bedrock, boulders and cobbles) characterised by mosaics of barnacles and fucoids on the mid and upper shore; with fucoids and red seaweed mosaics or dense red seaweed turfs on the lower shore. Where freshwater or sand-scour affects the shore ephemeral green or red seaweeds can dominate. Other shores support communities of mussels and fucoids in the mid to lower shore. Where there is a plentiful supply of suspended sand in the water Sabellaria reefs can develop (see separate habitat review).

GB distribution

(from MNCR database March 1999)












Habitat requirements

Species composition and biodiversity

Ecological relationships

Sensitivity to human activities

Conservation and protection status
