Subtidal brittlestar beds



GB distribution

Compiled by: Leigh Jones, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough PE1 IJY, UK.

Derived, in part, from: the UK marine biotope classification (Connor et al. 1997b) and a review undertaken for the UK Marine SACs Project (Hughes, D.J. 1998).


Classification Code Biotope(s)
Europe (EUNIS Nov. 1999) A3.6/B-MCR.Bri Brittlestar beds on circalittoral rock or mixed substrata
Wadden Sea - -
Britain/Ireland (MNCR BioMar 97.06) MCR.Bri Brittlestar beds
France (ZNIEFF-MER) III.6.1.1 Faciès à Ophiothrix fragilis


Circalittoral rock or mixed substrata dominated by dense beds of brittlestars. Ophiothrix fragilis or Ophiocomina nigra may dominate separately or there may be mixed populations of the two species. More rarely Ophiopholis aculeata may form dense aggregations (MCR.Oph.Oacu). The brittlestars tend to have a smothering effect on the rock, significantly reducing species diversity and biomass when they are very dense. The brittlestars are mobile and so some areas may appear highly grazed (MCR.GzFa) if they previously had brittlestar populations on them.

GB distribution

(from MNCR database in February 1999)












Habitat requirements

Species composition and biodiversity

Ecological relationships

Sensitivity to human activities

Conservation and protection status
