Exposed circalittoral rock



GB Distribution

Compiled by: Leigh Jones, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough PE1 IJY, UK.

Derived, in part, from: the UK marine biotope classification (Connor et al. 1997b) and a review undertaken for the UK Marine SACs Project (Hartnoll 1998).


Classification Code Biotope(s)
Europe (EUNIS Nov. 1999) A3.5 Circalittoral rock very exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams
Wadden Sea - Not present
Britain/Ireland (MNCR BioMar 97.06) ECR Exposed circalittoral rock
France (ZNIEFF-MER) IV.6 Part of Fonds durs : cailloutis, galets et roches.


Circalittoral rocky habitats subject to strong wave action or tidal currents and supporting animal communities which are robust enough to survive in such strong water movement. The fauna is generally low-lying faunal crusts, cushions and turfs but also includes communities of the large soft coral Alcyonium digitatum. Included here are habitats which occur in very strong tidal streams (ECR.BS) in tidal channels (sounds, sealochs) as well as those found on wave exposed coasts (ECR.EFa, ECR.Alc), as there are strong similarities in species composition in some cases.

GB Distribution

(from MNCR database March 1999)












Habitat requirements

Species composition and biodiversity

Ecological relationships

Sensitivity to human activities

Conservation and protection status
