Sensitivity to human activities

Activities listed are those which influence, or are likely to influence this habitat and which are assessed in the UK marine SAC project review. The sensitivity rank may require amendment in the light of new information becoming available.

Sensitivity to: Human activity Rank Comments
Siltation Waste: sewage discharge


Silt deposition may occur in the vicinity of sewage outfalls and this can exert a number of detrimental influences on marine benthic algal communities (Fletcher 1996). The sediment can cover all available substrata interfering with the processes of spore attachment. They can smother young germlings and inhibit their growth and development. Combined with water movement sediments can abrasively scour surfaces of settled spores.
Changes in temperature Climate change/global warming


This would affect the biogeographical distribution of kelp according to their temperature tolerances.
Changes in turbidity Extraction: navigational/

maintenance dredging


Dredging results in the suspension of the fine silt and clay fractions of the sediment which is deposited by inshore currents. This will increase turbidity and decrease the amount of penetrating light.
Hydrocarbon contamination Uses: boats/shipping (oil spills)


The mucilaginous slime covering kelps is thought to act as a protective device (O’Brien & Dixon 1974). Laminaria digitata showed reduced photosynthetic rates when emersed in crude oil (Schramm 1972). Laminaria hyperborea however would never come into contact with freshly released crude oil as a result of its continual emersion.
Changes in nutrient levels Waste: sewage discharge Intermediate The increase in levels of macronutrients in European coastal waters results in the excessive growth of ephemeral macroalgal species. Increased turbidity in coastal waters may also occur as a result of prolific phytoplankton growth.
Changes in oxygenation Aquaculture: fin-fish


Plumes of waste could stream over kelp forests leading to anaerobiosis as a result of the oxygen demand of the decomposing material. Detrital rain could also smother the surfaces of plants. Anti-microbial agents could be particularly harmful to kelp biotopes because of the importance of bacteria in detrital cycling.
Removal of target species Collecting: kelp/wrack harvesting High Svendsen (1972) examined kelp beds over periods of up to 3 years after harvesting and found the Laminaria population to be dense after one year. Although he regarded the beds as completely regenerated in terms of biomass only after 3-4 years. Sivertsen (1991) has compared the regrowth of kelp in areas trawled 1-5 years previously with areas freshly trawled and control areas. Large canopy-forming plants were absent until 4 years after harvesting, but the structure of the kelp population was beginning to stabilize with little change in plant density from years 4-5. Harvesting may also affect those species associated with the kelp biotope. Rinde et al., (1992) studied the effects of kelp harvesting on other
      common organisms within the kelp biotope and found
      the forest structure to recover after 3-4 years. Persistent differences from undisturbed forests were however found.
Removal of non-target species Collecting: shellfish (winkles, mussels) Intermediate The removal of predators such as lobsters and crayfish could result in an unchecked urchin population, which could in turn destroy kelp populations in the formation of ‘urchin barrens’.

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