Sewage wastes from recreational
Chichester Harbour sewage pump-out
Useful technical and environmental
guidance for waste management
A range of guidelines and codes of practice have
been prepared by maritime industry, recreation associations,
the Environment Agency and port and harbour authorities
which provide guidance for minimising and avoiding
sewage inputs from boats into marinas, harbours
and coastal areas (RYA 1997; UK CEED & BMIF
1998, Carrick District Council 1997, EA 1996 (Appendix
Port and harbours should encourage all boat users
to use on-shore toilet facilities whenever possible.
To encourage their use, onshore toilet and shower
facilities should be clean, located close to where
the boats are moored and if a charge is deemed to
be necessary for the use of the facilities, it should
be small. Whilst moored within marinas and harbours,
boat owners may be discouraged or, where considered
necessary to reduce adverse environmental impacts,
prohibited from using of vessel toilets. Ports and
harbours may also encourage the provision of public
facilities by local authorities and marina operators.
The disposal of sewage from boats should be discouraged,
or where considered necessary prohibited, where
doing so adversely effects water quality or the
amenity value of local waters. This could be considered
in weakly tidal, sheltered and enclosed waters in
areas where background water quality is good and
local sewage is adequately treated before sea disposal.
Also in crowded anchorage near environmentally sensitive
areas and amenity beaches.
In order to avoid environmental harm, boat users
need to be encouraged to use holding tanks where
fitted and to dispose of sewage in areas as far
as possible from shore in regions of strongest tidal
streams or at onshore pump-out facilities whenever
possible. A few harbours and marinas operating within
marine SACs provide onshore facilities for pumping-out
sewage wastes from recreational boats. The use of
pump-out facilities would be encouraged by giving
careful consideration to their location and accessibility
and the publication of leaflets outlining the location
of the facilities to all users. Consideration should
also be given to the charges made for the use of
pump-out facilities, to ensure that they do not
act as disincentive to their use (see below).
Chichester Harbour sewage pump-out
Chichester Harbour Conservancy
have installed a sewage pump-out facility at their
public jetty at Itchenor. In order to encourage
maximum use of these facilities, they are provided
This has been enabled, in part,
by funding from the Environment Agency, who have
contributed 50% of the total costs. Water quality
is of particular concern in Chichester Harbour and
it is classed as a sensitive area under EC Nitrates
Directive. This approach might be considered in
other marine SACs where water quality and pollution
from sewage discharges are of high concern.
Wessex Water have published an initiative in which
they have undertaken to provide free sewage connections
to marinas installing pump-out facilities. The provision
of adequate pump-out facilities in harbours also
limits the amount of chemicals used in holding tanks
and the portable toilets entering the marine environment.
Harbour users should be discouraged from emptying
chemical toilets into the sea and from overdosing
toilet systems with chemicals and using them when
it is not necessary.
The new boat building Directive requires that all
but the smallest vessels are either equipped with
holding tanks or have facilities for these to be
retrofitted. However, only a small proportion of
leisure craft are likely to have holding tanks within
the next decade. Even those craft that do have holding
tanks, will often not use them to pump waste ashore
because of a number of possible reasons:
- there are insufficient pump-out facilities,
- there is a lack of inclination on the part of
the owners to pay for pump out services when overboard
discharge remains free of charge,
- many craft with holding tanks are waiting for
the International (ISO 228/11) or a European Standard
for pump-out connections to be implemented in
the UK before modifying their vessels, a process
that may take several years, and
- due to the pattern of boat usage, facilities
are likely to be in very high demand as the weekend
comes to an end and queuing for pump-out facilities
will not be popular or practical.
This is supported by the case where pump-out facilities
in one large marina on the south coast were only
used ten times in one year (UK CEED 1993). The circle
needs to be broken. Holding tanks will not become
common until pump out arrangements improve, and
facilities will not be provided until there is sufficient
demand. All harbours and marinas in marine SACs
should provide onshore facilities for pumping-out
sewage wastes where consultation with users identifies
a need and/or where there are real concerns over
the environmental effects of the discharge of untreated
sewage wastes into the marine SAC. The RYA is in
the process of developing a technical guide to provide
help and encouragement to boat owners of existing
old boats to retro-fit holding tanks, which is no
easy task because most spaces on board a small yacht
are already in use.
Useful technical and environmental
guidance for waste management
- Garbage management plans, guidelines for the
preparation of garbage management plans incorporating
a model plan (ICS 1998).
- Guidelines for the control and management of
ships ballast water to minimise the transfer
of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens (IMO
- Guide to Boating and the Environment (BMIF 1997).
- Manual on shore reception facilities (IMO 1995).
- Navigate with Nature, Coastal Waters (UK CEED,
BMIF, DETR, RSPB & Varity Perkins 1998).
- Oil spill contingency plan guidelines for ports,
harbours and oil handling facilities (MCA 1998).
- Pollution Prevention Guidance Note 14: Marinas
and craft (PPG 14) (Environment Agency 1996).
- Port Waste Management Planning How to
do it (DETR 1998).
- Port Waste Management Planning A guide
for marina operators and coastal clubs (BMIF &
RYA 1998).
- Practical Guidelines for Ports on Environmental
Issues. Water Pollution: a concern for Port Authorities
(International Association of Ports and Harbours
- Stemming the tide - Controlling introductions
of non-indigenous species by ships' ballast water
(National Academy Press 1996).
- Tide Lines- Environmental Guidance for Boat
Users (RYA 1997).
- The Prevention of pollution by garbage from
ships (MSA 1995).
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